GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Hello growers.

I'm supposed to be out working in the yard but the allure of 420 has me glued to the laptop.

Just a quick tent pic today. It's day 64 + 12 for the group today and still no real flowering going on. But I love the way the GeoFlora-fed C Banana (front right) stands proud in there with the big girls. She has no idea how short she is! :Rasta:
Tent 5-28-21 D64+ 12.JPG

Hello growers.

I'm supposed to be out working in the yard but the allure of 420 has me glued to the laptop.

Just a quick tent pic today. It's day 64 + 12 for the group today and still no real flowering going on. But I love the way the GeoFlora-fed C Banana (front right) stands proud in there with the big girls. She has no idea how short she is! :Rasta:
Tent 5-28-21 D64+ 12.JPG

Absolutely perfect. :goodjob:
Hello growers.

Just a quick tent pic tonight. It's day 64 + 15 for the group and things were getting out of hand.

The MC-fed @Weed Seeds Express C Banana was stretching up too much and was about to make things difficult. I had to bend some of her tops to try and tame her. By doing that I was able to take the GOG and GDB off of their elevator and get everything kind of even again. (Of course, no adjustment was required to shorty, the GF-fed C Banana.)

The MC-CB is back right in the pic.
Tent 5-31-21 D64 + 15.jpg

Thanks for looking in!

Hello growers.

Another nothing-burger update for you today.

It's day 64 + 16 for the group today without any real change.

The three MC-fed plants got a light feed today (2 liters) at 5g of MC. The GF-fed C Banana got 600 ml of Recharge and 700 ml of plain water. She's due for her next top-feed of GF Bloom in 5 days.

The MC-CB didn't seem to mind getting bent yesterday. The bent branch tops are coming back up while the branches are being restrained by the GBDClips, leaving the canopy sort of even.


The GF-fed C Banana seems to be the only plant interested in actually starting to make flowers.

I think the MegaCrop plants are telling me that they're ready (and have been ready) for 5.5g. Today each got 1L of 5g and 1L of 5.5g. From now forward they'll get 5.5g and hopefully that's where they will finish.

A tent pic:

Thanks for looking in!

Good morning growers.

I got an alert on my phone this morning letting me know that the humidity in the tent was up to 70%. It usually ranges between 45 to 50%.

When I checked things out I found a swollen tent and the culprit turned out to be a dead exhaust fan. I've ordered two new ones and hopefully they'll get here by tomorrow.

The dead fan lasted about 3 years of virtually non-stop running at a cost of $25, so not so bad. Both the intake and exhaust fans were bought at the same time so I decided to replace them both.

For now, I'm leaving the side access to the tent open.

Pretty good
If I'm Captain Understatement then @Mars Hydro is my Lieutenant. :laugh:

Garden looks great mate. Going to look even better in a few weeks:yummy:

Handy you got that alert. If that happens in my tent I won't know until the smell starts creeping down the stairs. I've thought about keeping a backup fan in storage for such a situation. Just need to get around to actually buying one.
If I'm Captain Understatement then @Mars Hydro is my Lieutenant. :laugh:

Garden looks great mate. Going to look even better in a few weeks:yummy:

Handy you got that alert. If that happens in my tent I won't know until the smell starts creeping down the stairs. I've thought about keeping a backup fan in storage for such a situation. Just need to get around to actually buying one.
Thanks, Vet.

I'm really into having spare parts on hand but I don't have any spare fans either. Yet when it comes to pipe-cleaners, solo cups, skewers and rocks, I'm stocked for the foreseeable future. :Rasta:
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