GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Hello growers.

I've been having so much fun reading other folks' threads today that I nearly forgot about my own!

You guys and gals rock! :love: If it wasn't for this wonderful 420 site I'd probably just be sitting here smoking weed all day. Oh, wait....

Disregard that last statement.

If it wasn't for this wonderful 420 site I'd probably just be sitting here smoking weed all day and doing nothing else.:ganjamon:

On with the update!

I had the ladies out for watering today and took (I'm sorry to say) some very mediocre solo pics. This damn camera I have has never worked properly on Thursdays. A major engineering flaw, IMO.

It's day 64+18 for all and I've been telling the big girls on the daily how impressed I am with their stretch but YOU CAN STOP NOW and devote your energies elsewhere. Looking at them today, I think they may have gotten the message, but I'm not yet certain.

@Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG
GOG 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

Grand Daddy Black
GDB 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

WSE MC-fed C Banana. Much more manageable now that her tops have be cropped.
MC-CB 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

WSE GeoFlora-fed C Banana
GF-CB II 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

I'm happy to have her has the "runt" of this grow. She's 2 feet tall from the soil to the top while her tentmates are all 4 feet plus an inch or two. But she has spunk! And she has started to make flowers! Also those two lowers that I left on have made their way to the top (almost) and with the penetration of the @Mars Hydro TS3000 going forward, I believe will produce some decent buds. (Though, it's not like they had a long way to go the get to the top.)
GF-CB 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

And here's the group:
Tent 6-3-21 D64 + 18.jpg

Lastly, I've now got some spare in-line fans. The two 6 inchers I ordered came today!

When I went to switch them out with the old ones I discovered that some doofus has pulled the plug on the "dead" exhaust fan. So that same doofus plugged it back in and it's working fine. So I'll just hang on to the new ones for him, for now.

I know some of you may be asking, "Why didn't you check the plug when you noticed the fan was off?

To you, all I can say is please don't ask me those kind of questions! :laughtwo:

Thanks for stopping by. As always, I'm feeling something about a lot of you here. And it's a good feeling!

This damn camera I have has never worked properly on Thursdays.
Does that mean it won't work for Otter on Wednesdays? :hmmmm:
how impressed I am with their stretch
OMG those plants have gone crazy in flower! Good thing you have the headroom.
And here's the group:
They are all stunning GDB! #greengoals

And you get to hang on to that KCrowded KCrown for now... :slide:
So I'll just hang on to the new ones for him, for now
Good for you not punishing the guy for his mistakes. :high-five:
And it's a good feeling!
Does that mean it won't work for Otter on Wednesdays? :hmmmm:
I couldn't decide whether to use the "laugh" or "thank you" emoji in response to your response. But the statement above won out!

But thank you, too. :)
You can be thankful it was the inline and not a light that was unplugged. Just think of the $$$ you saved.
Good Saturday morning laugh! :laughtwo:

Have a great weekend, Nev!
Hello growers!

Views From the Tops

Just a few quick pics of the tops of the plants in day 64 + 20. Both of the @Weed Seeds Express C Bananas have begun to produce flowers, with the @GeoFlora Nutrients-fed one (front) leading the way!
CBs budding 6-5-21 D64 + 20.jpg

The WSE Godfather OG (rear) and the GDB are not far behind.
GOG & GDB almost budding 6-5-21 D64 + 20.jpg

And my latest addition to the arsenal of creepy crawlers(and fiers) deterrents, Bug Shields for the outside of my inline intake fans. (I probably should have had these long ago!)
Bug shields.jpg

Happy growing!

Nice tops! Are you getting ready to do the post-stretch thinning?
On the CBs, yes, I plan to thin out a little. But I'm torn. I want to see how the @Mars Hydro can penetrate so I'm going to leave some low stuff on them, as well.

On the others, I will as soon as they stop going up. I'm still not convinced that they have!
can you explain this to a newbie?
Sure! Many folks who grow photoperiod plants will do a thinning of the lowers before they flip (usually a week or so), and then another cleanup after stretch is over. That is usually estimated at 21 days, but it's really dependent on the plant (as GDB just mentioned above).

There are lots of different ways to do those two prunings, but the basic theory is that the before-flip thinning will force the plant to push all the new growth to the top, and the after-flip thinning will take off any branches that won't reach the canopy. Those buds won't get as big and would take resources from the plant, so removing them allows the plant to focus on the top flowers.
can you explain this to a newbie?
I'll go in and look for low growing stems that are not going to reach the canopy and get rid of them. There shouldn't be many of those because many of them were removed earlier in veg. I also pinch off any of the little tiny growth that's trying to start along the stems. There shouldn't be many of them either. And I might take off a few large fan leaves if things seem too crowded or there are some obvious light-blockers that can't be bent out of the way. But usually, I leave all the good fan leaves alone.

It's an effort to get the plant to concentrate all of its energy on the flowers that will be at the top.

Hope that helps! :Rasta:
Good morning growers.

I'd like to share some thoughts this morning. But first let me tee up tent pic from this morning as background for my ramblings to come.
Tent II 6-6-21 D64 + 21.jpg

Lesson #1: Pay more attention to the seller's height estimates.

I got thrown for a loop by the stretch on these plants when @Weed Seeds Express had already documented that both the C Banana and the Godfather OG could grow to 4 feet tall or more inside. After a 64-day veg period, mine did the "more." And that CB that is back right has had her tops cropped yet remains the tallest of the bunch, with only 10 inches of clearance between her highest point and the light. With another 40+ days to go, that's too close for comfort for me. Raising the light would be a PITA and would require @Carcass-like ingenuity that's a bit beyond my reach. So I'll have to do something to the plant while dealing with very limited open spaces and at a time when I really don't want to be messing with her.

Lesson #2: On my next grow, remember to adhere to Lesson #1.

I learned another lesson today, but I haven't named or numbered it yet.

The @GeoFlora Nutrients-fed C Banana was due her next top-feed of Bloom today. I've really tried to stay on top of the GF plant with scientific precision. I weighed all my decisions, executed them when I thought appropriate and closely observed the results. It must have put too much stress on the old Benz Diesel (my brain) because today it sputtered and led me to top-feed with Geoflora Veg instead of Bloom. And I didn't even realize it until I was all done and placing the "green" bag back to where I keep it, next to the "red" bag that I should have used. Doh!

Oddly, I'm not that concerned about this mistake. Others are using GeoFlora this way on purpose (foregoing the Bloom and just going with Veg) and seem to be doing really well. If anyone wants more info about why this is being done ask @InTheShed or @Carcass. I'll be damned if I can explain it. :laughtwo:

So on her next top-feed on the 18th (I'm using 12-day intervals instead of the recommended 14) I'll just go back to Bloom with my usual scientific precision.

BTW, the last 3 waterings of the GF-CB have included 10ml of Terpinator. I forgot to include that information when started doing it. Oh wait, to be more "precise", the last 3 waterings of all of these plants have included 10ml of Terpinator.

GDB, Phd.

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