GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Hello growers.

It turns out that the predictions were correct. This mornings tent reveal: the @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG decided to stretch up, up. So I was back at bending them today instead of tomorrow as @Carcass had predicted. But Shed's forecast as a couple of days was point on.

I moved the GOG front left in the pic. (day 64 + 24)
Tent 6-9-21 D64 + 24.jpg

About my GeoFlora plant. The misfeed of Veg for Bloom the other day had me concerned so now I'm giving her (0-0-0) CalMag @ 2ml per gallon.

Hello growers.

Nothing much to report here. I'm still having a problem with these plants inching up towards the light. It's 26 days post-flip and I thought they would have stopped by now. I turned the @Mars Hydro TS3000 down to about 80%.
Tent 6-11-21 DY 64 + 26.jpg

I turned the @Mars Hydro TS3000 down to about 80%.
My 1st time with led‘s so my learning curve is still pretty steep here.
I’ve been running at 100% since the pistols started good and have left it there. Why have you dropped to 80%? What do you see that I’m missing?
My 1st time with led‘s so my learning curve is still pretty steep here.
I’ve been running at 100% since the pistols started good and have left it there. Why have you dropped to 80%? What do you see that I’m missing?
Thanks, Nev.

I see a lux reading for certain portions of these plants that's sitting right above 80K. I'm trying to keep at slightly below 80K.
I see a lux reading for certain portions of these plants that's sitting right above 80K. I'm trying to keep at slightly below 80K.
I was freaking when mine was hitting 52k
I try to keep mine in the high 50’s very low 60’s K. Am I leaving a lot of meat on the bone here? Are your lights at max height so the only adjustment is the dimmer? Being a 1st time led user that had me just a bit worried.
Your plants always look so fine maybe it’s time for me to step them up on light power.
I try to keep mine in the high 50’s very low 60’s K. Am I leaving a lot of meat on the bone here? Are your lights at max height so the only adjustment is the dimmer? Being a 1st time led user that had me just a bit worried.
Your plants always look so fine maybe it’s time for me to step them up on light power.
Yes my light is as high as I can get it without some major shenanigans, so the dimmer is my only means of control at this point.

This is my first full (start to finish) grow with the @Mars Hydro light so I too am in unchartered waters. I try to depend on the LUX meter to keep them within a certain range. But ultimately the plants are my guide. If they react well to lots of intense light then they get lots of intense light.

My previous auto flower grow was finished under this light and I never had to turn it up past 80%. The plants told me that! :Rasta:
Good Saturday, GDB!
Hey- if you just want to slow upward growth a little bit, you can do the needlenose pliers thing (stem squish)
but don't bend the branch over- just leave it where it is- the squish will slow the upward growth for 2 days or so while the stem repairs itself- with any luck, the stretch might be over by then...
That's what I do to keep things fairly even- not perfect, but better than it would be without the squish. :)
Good Saturday, GDB!
Hey- if you just want to slow upward growth a little bit, you can do the needlenose pliers thing (stem squish)
but don't bend the branch over- just leave it where it is- the squish will slow the upward growth for 2 days or so while the stem repairs itself- with any luck, the stretch might be over by then...
That's what I do to keep things fairly even- not perfect, but better than it would be without the squish. :)
Thanks, Mr. C!

I love the word, "squish."

Does a knuckle form where you squish them?

And can I squish them with my teeth instead?
I love the word, "squish."
Right? that, and "smoosh" are a few of my favorites... :)
Does a knuckle form where you squish them?
Yes, a knuckle does form, but it's not as pronounced as when you bend them over.... that spot on the stem will just get a little thicker than it was before the squish...
And can I squish them with my teeth instead?
Sure you can! .....But we're gonna need pics of that process....;)
Hello grow mob!

I spent the first part of this morning watching "The Best of Foghorn Leghorn." And I say, I say I'm still chuckling. He was/is my fav Warner By Bros. character. :Rasta:

Anyway, it's day 64 + 10 for the group. I have yet to see any buds starting, just pre-flower stuff going on. All the MegaCrop girls are sitting at 5g per gallon and there is nothing unusual going on with the GeoFlora plant after her second topping of Bloom nutrients. I still plan to start her on Terpinator as soon as I see some buds developing.

Here's a few solo pics of the @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG. By my humble standards, she's a big'un and I'm excited to see how she ends up.
GOG 5-26-21 D64 + 10.JPG


Here is the group. And I know longer suspect mind tricks, it is getting crowded in there!
Tent 5-26-21 D64 + 10.JPG

What’s your take on Terpinator? What do you feel it does? I bought some and the bottle reads like “You can use it from start to finish”!
What’s your take on Terpinator? What do you feel it does? I bought some and the bottle reads like “You can use it from start to finish”!
I'll be perfectly honest @DeeBoy. I don't have a take on the Terpinator. I don't know for a fact that it improves my grows and if it does, I not sure in what way. I've never done any kind of comparative grow between one that got it and one that didn't to see if the plants showed any differences.

What I do know is that it doesn't hurt my plants! I guess I'm of the mindset that what doesn't kill them only makes them stronger.

I have no problem admitting that some of what I do, without any real reason, is due to being influenced by what other 420 members do, especially if their results blow me away!

And this is the longest "I don't know" answer I've ever posted. :laughtwo:

Hopefully someone with more insight into its actual benefits will chime in!
I'll be perfectly honest @DeeBoy. I don't have a take on the Terpinator. I don't know for a fact that it improves my grows and if it does, I not sure in what way. I've never done any kind of comparative grow between one that got it and one that didn't to see if the plants showed any differences.

What I do know is that it doesn't hurt my plants! I guess I'm of the mindset that what doesn't kill them only makes them stronger.

I have no problem admitting that some of what I do, without any real reason, is due to being influenced by what other 420 members do, especially if their results blow me away!

And this is the longest "I don't know" answer I've ever posted. :laughtwo:

Hopefully someone with more insight into its actual benefits will chime in!
That’s cool. I was talking to a guy at the hydroponics store and he said he used it in the last few weeks of flower and it enhanced the smell and flavor. More dank. I’m interested in any opinions.
Hello growers.

I'm itching to post something, anything.

It's day 64+28 for the group. No even canopy for this grow, not even close! :Rasta:
And, these ladies won't relent. Every time I think I've got things settled in something stretches back up!
Tent 6-13-21 D64 + 28.jpg

So I went after some more of the tops today to try and tame things down. I'm about ready to cry uncle and just let them go.
Tent post bend 6-13-21 D64+28.jpg

The GDB looks like she will stack nicely.
GDB 6-13-21 D64 + 28.JPG

And I really like the look of the leaves on the MC-fed C Banana.
MC-CB D64+28.jpg

That's all I've got. Hope everyone's weekend has been safe and enjoyable.

Thanks for looking in.

Hey @Grand Daddy Black!

As I didn’t receive ( or expect ) an invite, I thought I’d repay the gesture & crash the party! :laugh: It may take me a while but I shall do my best to catch up!

What I can see your garden looks fantabulously amazeballs!
One :love:
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