GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Hey @Grand Daddy Black!

As I didn’t receive ( or expect ) an invite, I thought I’d repay the gesture & crash the party! :laugh: It may take me a while but I shall do my best to catch up!

What I can see your garden looks fantabulously amazeballs!
One :love:
Hey, Sticky. All crashers are welcome! :Rasta:
:bravo: wall to wall awesomeness. They look great GDB. Will make for some great photos when they're all frosty. :yummy:
Thanks, Vet. I'm pumped.

They've got me counting down (way too early). :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Before I get to the more distressing part of my update, here's a tent pic of the ladies on Day64+30.
Tent 6-15-21 D64+30.jpg

The plants look content, but I've gotta' say, I'm somewhat of a wreck!

I spent another mostly sleepless night tossing and turning and listening to Mrs.GDB saw wood. Finally, at about 5:30 this morning I give up and get up. I go into the plant room and the FRIGGIN grow light is on at 5:45am! What the hell!!!:lot-o-toke:

The timer is set for the light to be off from 8pm to 8am. I saw it go out last night at the proper time, so why is it on now? This is the second time this has happened during this grow (that I know of). The last time it occurred I switched out the timer, though ultimately I was unable to find anything wrong with the one I took out. That occurrence, all by itself, bothers me to this day. But now to have it happen again is truly maddening. It's driving me nuts!

At least this time I have a theory about what may have happened.

Last night we got severe thunderstorms, with heavy rain and very high winds. Perhaps there was either a power outage or a power spike that caused the digital timer to go off. And maybe when the power went back to normal the time came back on and turned on the light.

I know that may sound like wishful thinking, but what am I to do? I have no other reasonable cause to look at.

Anyway, I went to bed last night around 1am and the light was off then. (That gives me little comfort though. It could have come on at 1:15am for all I know.)

For lack of a better word, Shit!

I hope my ladies are not turning into Metrosexuals.

Perhaps there was either a power outage or a power spike
That was my very first thought when I started reading. I’m not sure how to combat power outages at a reasonable cost.
That's well annoying.
Does your digital timer have an internal battery to keep time if there's a power outage. I thought most did, if I pull my timer out of the socket it still displays the time.
If it does, then if a storm put the light out, the timer wouldn't turn it back on at the wrong time.
That's strange.
Only other thing is to run through the timer settings installed to make sure it's repeating the same programme every day.
That's well annoying.
Does your digital timer have an internal battery to keep time if there's a power outage. I thought most did, if I pull my timer out of the socket it still displays the time.
If it does, then if a storm put the light out, the timer wouldn't turn it back on at the wrong time.
That's strange.
Only other thing is to run through the timer settings installed to make sure it's repeating the same programme every day.
It does have an internal battery and, yes, it should work as you say. I just can't think of anything else it might be. It can be programmed with up to 8 different on/off cycles but only one has been activated and that's the 8am to 8pm on.

I'm flummoxed!
I'm going to ask an obvious question: You didn't mix up your AM's and PM's did you?

I had a digital timer when I first started growing indoors- I used it for a couple of days, and it screwed up (didn't turn the lights on), so I tossed it and went to the 99cent store and bought 3 mechanical ones (2 spares/$4.00 each) but the first one is still working fine, after running pretty much constantly for over 2 years...
I do look at it every day, just to make sure I didn't sleep through a power failure or something.
I just don't trust the digital ones.... but that comes with the territory when you're an old fart like me... ;)
I'm going to ask an obvious question: You didn't mix up your AM's and PM's did you?

I had a digital timer when I first started growing indoors- I used it for a couple of days, and it screwed up (didn't turn the lights on), so I tossed it and went to the 99cent store and bought 3 mechanical ones (2 spares/$4.00 each) but the first one is still working fine, after running pretty much constantly for over 2 years...
I do look at it every day, just to make sure I didn't sleep through a power failure or something.
I just don't trust the digital ones.... but that comes with the territory when you're an old fart like me... ;)
@Carcass, I was just sitting here thinking the hell with all of this undue stress.

I have digital timers in my other 2 tents and neither has ever given me issues (that I know of).

For the remainder of this grow, the light will be plugged directly into an outlet and I'll use the damn on/off switch to control it at 8am and 8pm.

That way I'll know for sure that if I go in there on an "off" hour and it's on I need to contact a realtor! I ain't trying to live with Casper.
If the lights are of then a good UPS that will keep the digital timers up.Of cause wont power your light but thats not what your lookig for. Also i use TP link home plugs on my lights dont have the issue with power outs but when i have they come back on to the last know settings and hit my home network even if the internet is out i can control at home and see if its on or of.Hope thats of some help
Hello growers.

I'm itching to post something, anything.

It's day 64+28 for the group. No even canopy for this grow, not even close! :Rasta:
And, these ladies won't relent. Every time I think I've got things settled in something stretches back up!
Tent 6-13-21 D64 + 28.jpg

So I went after some more of the tops today to try and tame things down. I'm about ready to cry uncle and just let them go.
Tent post bend 6-13-21 D64+28.jpg

The GDB looks like she will stack nicely.
GDB 6-13-21 D64 + 28.JPG

And I really like the look of the leaves on the MC-fed C Banana.
MC-CB D64+28.jpg

That's all I've got. Hope everyone's weekend has been safe and enjoyable.

Thanks for looking in.

This is easily my favourite time in a grow. Those hairs give me life!
Good morning growers.

I've yet to see any ill-effects from the grow light debacle. Fingers crossed!
Tent 6-16-21 D64+31.jpg

Tent II 6-16-21 D64+31.jpg

God damn GDB. Freaking jungle in there.

Are you pulling the the front plants out to water the back ones? Why’s your plan for watering when everything is full of buds/precarious to move?
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