GDB: A Sponsored Grow

With a name like Doktor Doom, It should it make short work of those little bastards...
That's the same ingredient that's in Mrs.C's rose spray, and it kills everything that moves....
I know, that name is a real draw. They can't even spell but I hope they know how to make a bug killer! :Rasta:
Hey @
Hello again growers.

This will be another of those posts that will be hard to write without using profanity, but I'm going to give it my best fucking shot.

After seeing the light burn(?) this morning I decided to give the GF-CB a closer examination. And I found that my mortal enemies have resurfaced.
The Borg on GF-CB 6-19-21.JPG

What is it about this old house and spider mites!!! :lot-o-toke:

I even managed to spot one of the little bastards and squish it, confirming the diagnosis.

I didn't see the spots on very many leaves, and I ripped off the ones where I saw them. But that gives me no comfort.

After seeing this, I did about 2 minutes of soul-searching about my obligations to my sponsors vs. the overall success of this grow.

And so with apologies to @Weed Seeds Express and @Mars Hydro, I'm removing this plant from the tent. She'll be finished in the 5x5 along with the mite-infested Strawberry Banana Grape clone. This move is unrelated to your great genetics or your great grow light but just about trying to minimize damage.

These plants are packed in pretty tight, and I know that the chance that none of the others have mites on them is remote. Still, I feel better taking the GF-CB out of there.

BTW, I also found these few leaves on the Grand Daddy Black, which sits to the left of the GF-CB. These are the only ones like this I could find on the plant and they too looked like light burn to me. The GDB is getting 5.5g of MC and 10ml of Terpinator but no calmag. However, the seed of doubt that @Carcass planted in the old Benz Diesel earlier now has me wondering if that's what it really is. (And thank you for doing that, @Carcass. Sincerely)

That's it.

Shit, I think that went pretty well. Barely any cursing at all!

Hey @Grand Daddy Black, I think you did fucking well my man :bravo:
But apart from the mite issue, that garden looks lush, very very nice :cool:
Belated (your time) happy Father's day GDB! Sorry to hear about your leaf and mite issues, and excellent job withholding the obscenities, all things considered.
I also found these few leaves on the Grand Daddy Black, which sits to the left of the GF-CB. These are the only ones like this I could find on the plant and they too looked like light burn to me. The GDB is getting 5.5g of MC and 10ml of Terpinator but no calmag.
Any chance your are burning them with too much potassium? 5.5 + 10ml is a lot of potassium.
I've got a new weapon in the arsenal and I believe every little bit helps!
I would steer clear of anything with Pyrethrins for cannabis. It's not approved for commercial grows in many states and as I recall converts to bad stuff when burned.

I'd stick with the Safers insect-killing soap/rinse routine every three days for three weeks if you want them gone.
as I recall converts to bad stuff when burned.
Can't find where I read that, but I found this:
"pyrethrins likely break down into two safer chemicals when heated [than myclobutanil] without burning: chrysanthemic acid and a rethrolone. This breakdown may be reduced in the oily solution of a concentrate. When smoked it is not clear how pyrethrins will decompose and how dangerous these chemicals will be."

From here:

Even if it's safer I don't think I want to be inhaling "chrysanthemic acid and a rethrolone"!

Just my cautious two cents...
It does have an internal battery and, yes, it should work as you say. I just can't think of anything else it might be. It can be programmed with up to 8 different on/off cycles but only one has been activated and that's the 8am to 8pm on.

I'm flummoxed!

how old are your timers ? change the back up batteries.

was having issues with mine. it was cleared up with a change of batteries. didn't even think of them cause they never really got used when we noticed. but yeah, they were done. about time another change actually. glad you prodded me..

Belated (your time) happy Father's day GDB! Sorry to hear about your leaf and mite issues, and excellent job withholding the obscenities, all things considered.

second both the father's day and mite comment
Any chance your are burning them with too much potassium? 5.5 + 10ml is a lot of potassium.

and that's what i was rolling towards as well. maybe slowly weaving. i've had a few bowls.
was actually thinking too much phos at first, but shed's right on the potassium load. rust look on leaves is on the way to a crispy over load.

super agree on pyrethrin banishment as well

i'm stumped on mites in flower. that dr doom stuff looks like something i've seen though.
that's the only endorsement on offer at the moment :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello growers.

The tent looks different with only 3 plants instead of 4.

It's day 64+36 for the trio.
Tent 6-21-21 D64+36.jpg

The buds are coming along nicely. Here is one from the WSE Godfather OG;
GOG bud 6-21-21 D64+36.JPG

I am going to take the advice of @InTheShed and either cut back or eliminate the Terpinator. Though I've only seen the bronzing of two leaves on a single plant, I don't want to see more. If Terpinator and excess K may be the cause as Shed proposed, then poof!

Also, thanks to the Shedster, I spent this morning reading numerous articles (too many) about Pyrethrins. I came away unconvinced that it is dangerous especially if used in moderation and well before harvest.

It kills bugs on contact and dissipates fairly quickly under UV light and heat.

It seems that if you only have to use it once to handle the bugs it will be long gone by the time one harvests a plant. Not only that, but having read about the dangerously high levels of verified "unsafe" pesticides found in many medical dispensary products, of which I've smoked aplenty over the years, I figure I should be sick or dead already. :lot-o-toke:
Well, I'm not dead and "sick" is a relative term.

Mostly I'm certain that none of us will make it out of this game alive, and when your time is's up.

Hello growers and Happy Hump Day!

Just a few quick pic tents today on day 64+38 for the group. They're just chugging along doing what they do.
Tent 6-23-21 D64+38.JPG

Tent II 6-23-21 D64+38.JPG

What I have learned from this grow is that I don't really care for tall plants. They are difficult to move around. I've had too many close calls trying the get these in and out. Those 4 gallons pots I'm using are tall, silo-shaped things and because the plants are so top-heavy, great care must be taken in lifting them by the pot handles or they will tilt right over while you're holding them.

I'm not complaining but it has not been easy. :Rasta:

Hello growers and Happy Hump Day!

Just a few quick pic tents today on day 64+38 for the group. They're just chugging along doing what they do.
Tent 6-23-21 D64+38.JPG

Tent II 6-23-21 D64+38.JPG

What I have learned from this grow is that I don't really care for tall plants. They are difficult to move around. I've had too many close calls trying the get these in and out. Those 4 gallons pots I'm using are tall, silo-shaped things and because the plants are so top-heavy, great care must be taken in lifting them by the pot handles or they will tilt right over while you're holding them.

I'm not complaining but it has not been easy. :Rasta:

Where are the nice short sativas? Are there any?
What they do is look amazing, if tall. :)

So what are you figuring to do different going forward? Fewer plants trained flat/wide? Flip sooner? Different pots?
I always train my plants flat and wide. You can't see that? :laughtwo:

Flip sooner, definitely.

Oh yeah, different pots. I think those silo-shaped 4 gallons I've been using might even promote upward growth.

Or, maybe I'll just switch to growing all DDAs.
and because the plants are so top-heavy, great care must be taken in lifting them by the pot handles or they will tilt right over while you're holding them.
Just put a cinderblock in the bottom of the pot to act as a counterweight...the heavier, the better.
Problem solved... :high-five:
Just put a cinderblock in the bottom of the pot to act as a counterweight...the heavier, the better.
Problem solved... :high-five:
I don't know why I didn't think of that @Carcass.

Thanks for nothing! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I've been having so much fun reading other folks' threads today that I nearly forgot about my own!

You guys and gals rock! :love: If it wasn't for this wonderful 420 site I'd probably just be sitting here smoking weed all day. Oh, wait....

Disregard that last statement.

If it wasn't for this wonderful 420 site I'd probably just be sitting here smoking weed all day and doing nothing else.:ganjamon:

On with the update!

I had the ladies out for watering today and took (I'm sorry to say) some very mediocre solo pics. This damn camera I have has never worked properly on Thursdays. A major engineering flaw, IMO.

It's day 64+18 for all and I've been telling the big girls on the daily how impressed I am with their stretch but YOU CAN STOP NOW and devote your energies elsewhere. Looking at them today, I think they may have gotten the message, but I'm not yet certain.

@Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG
GOG 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

Grand Daddy Black
GDB 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

WSE MC-fed C Banana. Much more manageable now that her tops have be cropped.
MC-CB 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

WSE GeoFlora-fed C Banana
GF-CB II 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

I'm happy to have her has the "runt" of this grow. She's 2 feet tall from the soil to the top while her tentmates are all 4 feet plus an inch or two. But she has spunk! And she has started to make flowers! Also those two lowers that I left on have made their way to the top (almost) and with the penetration of the @Mars Hydro TS3000 going forward, I believe will produce some decent buds. (Though, it's not like they had a long way to go the get to the top.)
GF-CB 6-3-21 D64 + 18.JPG

And here's the group:
Tent 6-3-21 D64 + 18.jpg

Lastly, I've now got some spare in-line fans. The two 6 inchers I ordered came today!

When I went to switch them out with the old ones I discovered that some doofus has pulled the plug on the "dead" exhaust fan. So that same doofus plugged it back in and it's working fine. So I'll just hang on to the new ones for him, for now.

I know some of you may be asking, "Why didn't you check the plug when you noticed the fan was off?

To you, all I can say is please don't ask me those kind of questions! :laughtwo:

Thanks for stopping by. As always, I'm feeling something about a lot of you here. And it's a good feeling!

Ima catching up and so glad I am cause reading this was great! Plants look very nice and runts have a way of making appearances in their own ways! Happy smoking!
Hello grow friends.

Just some bud pics today on post-flip day 39. They pretty much all look the same to me.

@Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG
GOG 6-24-21 D64+39.JPG

@Weed Seeds Express C Banana
MC-CB 6-24-21 D64+39.JPG

Grand Daddy Black
GDB 6-24-21 D64+39.JPG

And exiled but not forsaken, the @GeoFlora Nutrients-fed C Banana. I found a few little creepy crawlers on her yesterday and squished them. But I couldn't find many!
GF-CB 6-23-21 D64+38.JPG

That's all for today.

Thanks for stopping by.

@Grand Daddy Black

Those are some lovely bud pictures! Are you using a camera or a phone?
Is that a trick question, Pat? :laughtwo:

Just messin' with ya'. I used my camera(phone) for these. But sometimes I use a digital camera that's not a phone. :Rasta:
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