GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Hello growers.

Nothing to report here (and that's a good thing). The ladies are just chugging along building buds. It's day 64+43 for the trio. They're all holding at 5.5g of MegaCrop and I lowered the Terpinator from 10ml to 5ml. I haven't seen any more bronzing leaves. I also started giving them 8ml of SNS 209 because I'm paranoid about you know what. (I don't what to call them by name.)

A pic from yesterday:
Tent II 6-27-21 D64+42.jpg

I did find this single twisted leaf on my Grand Daddy Purple:
Twisted GDB 6-27-21.JPG

I had a good chuckle when I saw this because it reminded me of the time @MrSauga had this astonishing Pinkman Goo growing. It was perfect in every way accept for this one little leaf out of hundreds that had a small bruise on it and he focused in on that one leaf!

To show my admiration for Mr.S and his attention to detail, I'm officially naming my little twisted leaf
a SaugaBlemish! :laughtwo:

Hello @Grand Daddy Black hope you are having a great day.
Just a thought looking at that leaf.
The only time I've had a leaf roll up like that there was an insect hiding inside.:Namaste:
Justin Case. HeHe.
Ladies are looking terrific as usual.
Keep up the great work.
The only time I've had a leaf roll up like that there was an insect hiding inside.
I was thinking the same thing. I just had one on my tomato plant.

I think that he should burn it with fire!!!
After reading Bill's post, I snapped the bug blanket off!

Bugs treat my plants like Airbnbs.
Hello growers.

Last night was another smoky 4th. Fireworks that shoot into the sky are illegal here but that's almost all that people shoot off. Big ones too. It's like the entire city is one huge fireworks display. I usually find some high ground that affords me a panoramic view of the city because it's really a spectacle. This year I just sat on my front porch and enjoyed the shows my neighbors put on.

So the trio is on day 49 post-flip and their buds are starting to firm up nicely. The still have oodles of white pistils though. They're all holding at 5.5g of MC, 8ml (per gallon) of SNS 209 and 4ml of Terpinator. When I water them today I'm going to give them a shot of liquid mycos.
Tent 7-5-21 D64+49.jpg

And the @GeoFlora Nutrients-fed C Banana that has been exiled to the 5x5 tent due to spider mites is suffering from a bit of neglect and laziness on my part. She starting sagging all over the place and rather than stake up her branches I just tied the whole plant together. Not good I know, but as I said I just got lazy. Still she's progressing nicely and her buds are getting really firm (seemingly there firmer than the girls upstairs).

She too is on day 49 post-flip.

Some of those brown spots you see on the leaves are places where I found groups of spider mites on the undersides of leaves and squished them. After you do that the leaves turn brown where their blood was smeared.
GF-CB Day64+49.jpg

Hello growers.

Thankfully, nothing to report here! The ladies are doing what they do and the @Mars Hydro light is doing it thing as well.

It's day 53 post-flip. Some branches are flopping. I had to stake up the Grand Daddy Black already. Other than that, they're on cruise control on 5.5g of MC.
Tent 7-9-21 Day 64+53.jpg

Thanks for looking in!

Thanks Shed.

Does that mean I no longer hold the crowded tent "crown." I'm happy to give it up to HH's Kush paradise because it was really uncomfortable on my over-sized head. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I took 2 of the ladies out tonight just to check them out from a different perspective and I'm sure glad I did!

The @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG was spread out like crazy. I hadn't peeked this from looking at her in the tent amongst the other plants but she looked like this:
GOG Day64+55.JPG

I had no idea this was her shape. I think the other plants and the wall of the tent were kinda' holding up those flopping branches.

I cleaned up her bottom and staked her up so she'll stop leaning on her tentmates.

Here's one of her buds:
GOG bud 7-11-21 D64+55.JPG

The MC-fed WSE C Banana is a beast inside and out of the tent:
MC-CB D64+55.JPG

Here's one of her buds.
MC-CB 7-11-21 D64-55.JPG

After wrestling with these two, my Lazy meter started beeping so the Grand Daddy Black did not get taken out for a solo pic. Sorry 'bout that. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

I took 2 of the ladies out tonight just to check them out from a different perspective and I'm sure glad I did!

The @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG was spread out like crazy. I hadn't peeked this from looking at her in the tent amongst the other plants but she looked like this:
GOG Day64+55.JPG

I had no idea this was her shape. I think the other plants and the wall of the tent were kinda' holding up those flopping branches.

I cleaned up her bottom and staked her up so she'll stop leaning on her tentmates.

Here's one of her buds:
GOG bud 7-11-21 D64+55.JPG

The MC-fed WSE C Banana is a beast inside and out of the tent:
MC-CB D64+55.JPG

Here's one of her buds.
MC-CB 7-11-21 D64-55.JPG

After wrestling with these two, my Lazy meter started beeping so the Grand Daddy Black did not get taken out for a solo pic. Sorry 'bout that. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Holy moly, what a monster!! :thumb:
Hello growers.

I took 2 of the ladies out tonight just to check them out from a different perspective and I'm sure glad I did!

The @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG was spread out like crazy. I hadn't peeked this from looking at her in the tent amongst the other plants but she looked like this:
GOG Day64+55.JPG

I had no idea this was her shape. I think the other plants and the wall of the tent were kinda' holding up those flopping branches.

I cleaned up her bottom and staked her up so she'll stop leaning on her tentmates.

Here's one of her buds:
GOG bud 7-11-21 D64+55.JPG

The MC-fed WSE C Banana is a beast inside and out of the tent:
MC-CB D64+55.JPG

Here's one of her buds.
MC-CB 7-11-21 D64-55.JPG

After wrestling with these two, my Lazy meter started beeping so the Grand Daddy Black did not get taken out for a solo pic. Sorry 'bout that. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Hey Granddaddy, that godfather OG needs a bra bless her! Shes a beauty.
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