G.G. Clone Topped Before 10 Days Old

This Gorilla Glue has great branching. She just starting to get new diggs. I topped it one more time. Wohoo.

Roots - Glorious Roots! Beautiful white fluffy healthy roots everywhere!!! Awesome Bill! :bravo:

@MarshallB Bill introduced me to those blocks too. And i absolutely love them! I've got a monster cropped clone in them at the moment, documenting it in this journal if you want to check it out. But here she is a quick snap - she is loving the Eazy Blocks

Thanks again @Bill284 - I'm going to use these forever! :laughtwo:
Roots - Glorious Roots! Beautiful white fluffy healthy roots everywhere!!! Awesome Bill! :bravo:

@MarshallB Bill introduced me to those blocks too. And i absolutely love them! I've got a monster cropped clone in them at the moment, documenting it in this journal if you want to check it out. But here she is a quick snap - she is loving the Eazy Blocks

Thanks again @Bill284 - I'm going to use these forever! :laughtwo:
A single cloning dome can easily grow 20 healthy plants a month. All you need is a decent mom. I'll check that thread.
I'm so happy they work for you. :thumb:
2 days usually have roots sticking out. Then straight into coco.
12 days you have a full crop. They make them grow rapidly its awesome.

Roots - Glorious Roots! Beautiful white fluffy healthy roots everywhere!!! Awesome Bill! :bravo:

@MarshallB Bill introduced me to those blocks too. And i absolutely love them! I've got a monster cropped clone in them at the moment, documenting it in this journal if you want to check it out. But here she is a quick snap - she is loving the Eazy Blocks

Thanks again @Bill284 - I'm going to use these forever! :laughtwo:
There are two ways you can grow the roots.
If you leave water in bottom of cloner roots go straight down usually.
If you keep it dry roots will come outs sides and bottom. Usually.
So I try not to let them sit in water. But some just grow roots everywhere like crazy. If I don't like how one is growing ill yank it and reuse the cube no issues.

It’s hard to get a natural pic in veg room. Can’t just open a window.
I’ve got 10 ready to go up to the show. It was hard to choose, but it should be another solid grow.
BB. JH. GG.and I might just throw one of the new Gelatos in for a taster. See how she grows and what she needs. Any way VEG room.

She is in one of those plastic air pots. I recommend them to everyone. So easy to up pot and great for roots. Seed from Holland somewhere. I’ll check my log. Birthday was 8/24.

Howdy doo. Sorry for pulling up an old post. It's just a query on those air pots. Does the water come flooding out of the holes when you water them?
What about roots? Do they not poke out from time to time.

Anyhoo.. Impressed just after 2 pages. Nice work :thumb:
Howdy doo. Sorry for pulling up an old post. It's just a query on those air pots. Does the water come flooding out of the holes when you water them?
What about roots? Do they not poke out from time to time.

Anyhoo.. Impressed just after 2 pages. Nice work :thumb:
Thanks @Squiggle . I have read people having problems with leakage, but the way I fill the pot i rarely have a problem. If you go back a couple pages i show how I fill them so you don't have issues.
Between this cloning system I luckily found, and those air pots you can pump our girls like crazy. Never had any issues with roots poking out. They seem to reach the air hole and split and go around, its very interesting to see. I'll see if I can find an old one to get a decent pic of.
Happy growing my friend.
I'm not sure but I might throw this little Gelato into flower next round.
I know its small but I want to see how she does, and I hear its great to smoke.
Variety is the spice of life.

I'll see she is only a couple days old.
Veg room today. Crowded af. Now these Gelatos want out of the clone room so they can play too. Feck I don't know where, as usual I need to get the big ones out asap. But the tent has quite a few days left. So nobody can move anywhere till their ready.

I'll see she is only a couple days old.
Veg room today. Crowded af. Now these Gelatos want out of the clone room so they can play too. Feck I don't know where, as usual I need to get the big ones out asap. But the tent has quite a few days left. So nobody can move anywhere till their ready.

Definitely a jungle going on there . Looks fabulous and healthy though. :thumb:
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