Fudo Myoo's Organic, LED Homegrown Journal

You have them looking really good!😍👊

They have that soft lush look they get right before they start praying hard. They look like they are about to explode. Nice job on the recovery😎
Thanks! I’ve noticed they pray harder depending on the time of day.
Day 13 of flower

Good Morning. Lots going on. I went on a short vaca for Labor Day and came home to bone dry plants and full traps.
I’m changing my method of attack to a half gallon of mosquito drench everyday and some bug spray. The Sour Diesel has leaf miners. I’m relatively new to bugs so I didn’t know what I was looking at. I’m spraying Spinosad and Neem on affected leaves alternating between them careful to avoid the flower. I also soaked all the lower leaves and flowers that I intend on pruning anyway. I sprayed all the plants soil and pots.
So far the girls look great and I’m not seeing any of the tell tale signs of root damage, yet. Keeping my fingers crossed.



Sour Diesel soaked in Spinosad. I turned the front light off and shoved her in the corner.


Couple of hours later.
Day 15 of flower

The Spinosad seems to be doing its job and the fabric pots are under control for now, the traps on the soil were pretty clean. The sips on the other hand, have a ton of gnats all of a sudden.

I drenched all the soil with a gallon of mosquito drench and put out new traps. I’m top watering the sips more than I’d like but I can’t really avoid it right now.


Is there a reason not to use the mosquito-bits water every watering for a few weeks using the @Carcass method of letting the bits live in the water full time and just adding more water to the bit-bucket?

Here is his method:

It only takes about 1/8 of a dunk to treat 5 gallons of water (or 2 grams of the Bits)
Let the water sit for 24 hours after adding the dunk, so the good bacteria can populate the water, then just water as usual
Just keep re-adding water to the 5 gallon container as you use it-1 treatment is good for 3 weeks or so
Use the treated water every time you water the plants.
It'll take a week or so, but soon, you'll be gnatless!
Is there a reason not to use the mosquito-bits water every watering for a few weeks using the @Carcass method of letting the bits live in the water full time and just adding more water to the bit-bucket?

Here is his method:

It only takes about 1/8 of a dunk to treat 5 gallons of water (or 2 grams of the Bits)
Let the water sit for 24 hours after adding the dunk, so the good bacteria can populate the water, then just water as usual
Just keep re-adding water to the 5 gallon container as you use it-1 treatment is good for 3 weeks or so
Use the treated water every time you water the plants.
It'll take a week or so, but soon, you'll be gnatless!
Yeah that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing for the past week. I was using a five gallon bucket with air stones. But I’d sometimes forget to do it, so now I’m just throwing the dunks in the 20 gallon Ro garbage can. I think having more surface water should help too…
Day 17 of flower

The Strawberry Coughs needed some stakes. Hammered them again with Spinosad where needed and mosquito drench.


Sour Diesel

Candy Gelato

Have a nice day! :)
Day 19 of flower

The girls all got their 2nd 1cup top dressing of Geoflora Bloom. Other than the bugs they look great.
I started the defoliation with the Candy Gelato. She’s short and stoat and It was hard to get in there to clean her up. I left any bud that I could see from the top. I’ll finish up the others in the next couple of days.

Candy Gelato



The rest are going to need more stakes. They’re starting to lean with the weight.
Day 21 of flower

Finished up the trimming on the other 3 plants. I took it easy on Sour Diesel, she’s looking a little stressed.

Sour Diesel


Strawberry Cough


Have a nice day. :)
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