Fudo Myoo's Organic, LED Homegrown Journal

Day 23 of flower

Still fighting the bugs and I think Sour Diesel stalled out. It’s a little too early for a color change so I’m thinking I overdid it with the Spinosad. Haven’t seen but one live miner though. Anyway, gave them all some Cal-mag in case of deficiency if that’s the issue but I doubt it.
Otherwise they look healthy.

Sour Diesel

Candy Gelato

Strawberry Cough


Have a nice day. :)
It’s a little too early for a color change so I’m thinking I overdid it with the Spinosad. Haven’t seen but one live miner though. Anyway, gave them all some Cal-mag in case of deficiency if that’s the issue but I doubt it.
Yeah, that's more of a P deficiency than Ca, but P can be caused by low temperatures as well which makes it hard for the plant to process it. So, still a plant deficiency, but not necessarily a soil deficiency so in that case adding P to your soil wouldn't necessarily help.

So, first question is, have you had cool temps in your grow space recently?
Yeah, that's more of a P deficiency than Ca, but P can be caused by low temperatures as well which makes it hard for the plant to process it. So, still a plant deficiency, but not necessarily a soil deficiency so in that case adding P to your soil wouldn't necessarily help.

So, first question is, have you had cool temps in your grow space recently?
Thanks. No not really cold per se. But pretty big swings, from 84F to 67F when coldest. Maybe causing not to take in K? Not enough Geo Bloom? Or bugs?
Day 24 of flower

It seems I’m chasing the bugs from pot to pot. Some days they’re more concentrated in spots than others. I’m not seeing any dead ones on the floor so that’s good. I have a pretty good spider population too, one in each corner. They catch quite a few.

I gave C.G a little boost up into the light, I should have done this a while ago. I also took off another 10 or so fans off the top. Buds are gettin chubby.

Candy Gelato
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