Fudo Myoo's Organic, LED Homegrown Journal

Strawberry Cough is fav! Yours looks awesome!
Thanks Otter! So I did a little research on Strawberry Cough. Apparently you can’t get a real good one from seed. That the best /original can only be through a clone. That clone has been circulating between Detroit, Colorado etc…Anything from seed has never lived up. As you would have it, the Clone Conservatory is in those places.
Anyway, I’ve only communicated through text msg with them and never bothered to ask if this was the “one”. Thought I’d let be a surprise. If it’s killer then we know we got.
Day 2 of flower

Seed viability test:
My process is extremely technical so pay attention.
1. Twist fat joint from hermied stock.
2. Toss found needs evenly over any found patch of dirt.
3. Smoke joint.
4. Forget. :ganjamon:


I hit em all with mosquito dunks, cal-mag and recharge. I watered the sips through the top for the gnats.

Candy Gelato

Sour Diesel

Strawberry Cough


Thanks Otter! So I did a little research on Strawberry Cough. Apparently you can’t get a real good one from seed. That the best /original can only be through a clone. That clone has been circulating between Detroit, Colorado etc…Anything from seed has never lived up. As you would have it, the Clone Conservatory is in those places.
Anyway, I’ve only communicated through text msg with them and never bothered to ask if this was the “one”. Thought I’d let be a surprise. If it’s killer then we know we got.
Stranger things have happened!
Brood's coming along real nicely Fudo!
They look happy but is the inspector happy? Then we'll know for sure.
Unfortunately the inspector is taking a medical retirement. She has carpal issues in her legs. Getting her tested for immunological issues. Not uncommon in her breed. Bad luck.
Day 5 of flower

The sips were almost empty. They’re really starting to chug along now. Observations. This will be my last time growing big plants without sips. Along with the other advantages, being able to keep a mosquito dunk in the reservoir is money. If you’re using organic soil with manure, it’s a no brainer. The traps aren’t nearly as full as the bags. I’m also not seeing any deficiencies so yay.

Candy Gelato

Sour Diesel

Strawberry Cough

They get real happy after they drink. Sounds familiar. :laugh:
Day 7 of flower

Water day. I top dressed with 1 cup of Geoflora Bloom per pot and top watered it in with 1.25 gallons of mosquito dunk water. The sips got an additional 3/4 gallons in the tanks.
I’m still struggling to keep the bugs at bay. Definitely not as many as last time but still quite a few. I’ll start using the mosquito water on every watering till they’re gone.



Easy to tell which ones the indica now.
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