Happy Sunday RR! I am busy listening to a groovy jam only remix of Grateful Dead music (Idk is that considered sacrilege or is it cool, a remix?). I was outside in the sun with an IPA called Kings Blockhouse, chillin'. I am high in MAC #1 auto. So delicious and very uplifting. I'm watching butterflies and bees and chillaxing to this:

Greteful Dead is always cool ant way you enjoy it! :circle-of-love:
Greteful Dead is always cool ant way you enjoy it! :circle-of-love:
Their not the best at what they do......Their the only ones that do what they do. And yea Stone I couldn't agree more. Have a great day everyone.
Weekly Update: Weed 8 / Week 5

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Good morning,

First off let me tell you that I dropped the ball on the Cream Mandarin auto! As an experiment I raised the light intensity very high because @Jon suggested that the "praying" angle of the leaves indicated to him that the plant wanted more light. I know that the "praying" is caused by turgidity, but I thought that perhaps the light did play a role too. Anyway, when I measured 1300 par I knew I was taking a risk. Unbeknownst to me, when I rotated the plant, it measured 1420 ppfd :eek:

How I discovered this is that I posted some leaf photos to the Gee Spot thread and Gee immediately asked me if my light was too high and RH low! My readings were 1420 ppfd and the RH settled at 42 %. I immediately moved the light further away from the plant to the suggested 30 cm / 11 inch distance at 1000 ppfd.

For the sake of learning a lesson here, I'll post the leaf photos.

The day before I discovered the light damage, I gave the plant a liter of fish ferts and microbes and the day of the discovery I did my weekly top dressing and added a low dose calmag solution to aid the plant in its recovery. The magnesium was @Gee64's suggestion. Light damage depletes magnesium.

Here is the plant today.

The two outdoor Somangos are loving Nature and the glorious sunshine. They should produce some good strong weed as they endure The Cape Doctor.

This is the Cape Doctor!

Happy Tuesday and have an awesome week!
Yes horses for courses fer sure :) It is an "organophile" thing to be interested in the microbes that are released from the seed when it sprouts! We can become a lil ocd about organics. Azi is taking organics a step further by sourcing as much as possible of the inputs for his soil from his own back yard. There's some fascinating experimentation taking place in the organics threads!
Hey Carmen, hope you don't mind me lurking. Thanks for the explanation, I was trying to figure out what the concern was with the intermediate step (paper towel) but you explained it. I have never considered that there are microbes in the seed waiting to be activated/released and how they might benefit the seedling. More research to do, I love this site!
I must just say that when Jon suggested more light, the plant was getting under 1000 ppfd. I raised it to his suggested 1000, and then I dropped the ball and failed to notice stretch that brought ppfd up to 1300. Since the plant wasn't showing stress at the time, I didn't think to keep measuring. Big mistake.
Hey Carmen, hope you don't mind me lurking. Thanks for the explanation, I was trying to figure out what the concern was with the intermediate step (paper towel) but you explained it. I have never considered that there are microbes in the seed waiting to be activated/released and how they might benefit the seedling. More research to do, I love this site!
Hey 024 thank you for looking in and I love this community too ❤️
I've had quite a few look like the over lit one Carmen. Thanks for illuminating us with that information!
Yes, totally dropped the ball I did.
The sprouts are looking great! They should be good for a 4 day vacancy, you'll be surprised at how much they'll grow in your absence.

Also these cats are fantastic! I can't help but share my tent sentinel or emoji cat as Gee refers to him as.
pest control! :)
Awww soooo pretty 😍 ✨💖
Thank you Tassie. I have a bit of a concern regarding the Somango auto. I fear she may have been pollinated. I'm wondering why the pistils are turning. Pollination seems most unlikely because of the time of year. Unless someone put a male outside after it flowered.
Thank you Tassie. I have a bit of a concern regarding the Somango auto. I fear she may have been pollinated. I'm wondering why the pistils are turning. Pollination seems most unlikely because of the time of year. Unless someone put a male outside after it flowered.
You're welcome gurrrll!!
Well shit, that's no damn good. You're right, it's not really the right time of year for you, do you have many neighbours that grow 🤔
Could we see some close up pics where she's turning? Might be able to give an educated guess 🤣
At the very worst, she might be a hermie 🤔
First proper glitter pic - Cream Mandarin auto

Frostylicious ⛄☃️ ⛄
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