Nice replacement sprout up and growing! How nice your feline friend still comes back to visit! How far away is her new home? She likes your energy!
Thanks Otter 😃
Poopsie (for that is the unfortunate name of this feline) is still living in limbo. The woman upstairs has not made any progress with returning Poopsie to her proper family. The boyfriend I am told is back on his meds and she is walking on eggshells around him with the cat. In the meanwhile, I adore dear Poopsie and find her a most wonderful occasional companion. It'll break my heart when she does go but I am enjoying the love while it's available lol 💔

Huh...I woulda gone with angry!
Her catliness peering down her nose at us people. That's actually a fond expression :laugh:
Highya Carmen,

What a pretty kitty! Looks peaceful. Seedlings are looking good also, lol. Glad you're back! Happy Smokin'
Bode forgive me, I thought I had answered you........... AND
she’s looking at you like, about time - where the heck have you been!
Budnoob, you too...... sorry!

...What I sed to Shed about her having a "fond expression" 😊

You two can read 'Cat"! Shed I'm not so sure about :laugh:
Welcome home Carmen. Looks like your plants didn't miss a beat in your absence!

And a belated Happy Birthday to you. Same time next year! :Rasta:
Happy late birthday @Carmen Ray and @StoneOtter
Thank you Jiggi! 🥳
I'm sure you're correct as I have no affection for cats personally. Big dogs FTW!
She has stolen my heart. I tend to be a large dog fan myself 🐕
Welcome home Carmen. Looks like your plants didn't miss a beat in your absence!

And a belated Happy Birthday to you. Same time next year! :Rasta:
Thank you GDB! 🍾

Here are the plants pushing out their fourth nodes

and the new baby

Thanks Otter 😃
Poopsie (for that is the unfortunate name of this feline) is still living in limbo. The woman upstairs has not made any progress with returning Poopsie to her proper family. The boyfriend I am told is back on his meds and she is walking on eggshells around him with the cat. In the meanwhile, I adore dear Poopsie and find her a most wonderful occasional companion. It'll break my heart when she does go but I am enjoying the love while it's available lol 💔

Her catliness peering down her nose at us people. That's actually a fond expression :laugh:
Haha! That's what my wife calls me when she refers to me being "my mother's Poopsie". Never a good thing! I can see it being a fairly good kitty name all poopsie whoopsie and all.
Hey Carmen!:high-five: Hope you are having a great day. Just love your not-your Poopsie. Was tempted to put on a pic of my tortie kitty, but nah… this is for Poopsie and your girls to shine. And shine they are! Your girls are looking wonderful and healthy! Growth is great. Soon I see you will be topping them… they are teasing you now!:peace: &:hug:
Haha! That's what my wife calls me when she refers to me being "my mother's Poopsie". Never a good thing! I can see it being a fairly good kitty name all poopsie whoopsie and all.
"Mother's Poopsie." Ewww and Ouch!

Stone, your wife is good! 😁
Plants are coming along really nicely now Carmen! :bravo:
Thank you Tassie!
Haha! That's what my wife calls me when she refers to me being "my mother's Poopsie". Never a good thing! I can see it being a fairly good kitty name all poopsie whoopsie and all.
Omg I'm not sure about this LOL! Yes, mother's poopsie can't possibly be good for the ego :laugh: Maybe that's also why "Poopsie" has that expression on her face in the pic!
Hey Carmen!:high-five: Hope you are having a great day. Just love your not-your Poopsie. Was tempted to put on a pic of my tortie kitty, but nah… this is for Poopsie and your girls to shine. And shine they are! Your girls are looking wonderful and healthy! Growth is great. Soon I see you will be topping them… they are teasing you now!:peace: &:hug:
Oh Granny now you have to share!
"Momma's Poopsie." Ewww and Ouch!

Stone, your wife is good! 😁
Oh Granny now you have to share!

Oh my, you twisted my arm! Ok, ok, ok! My plants are still getting their go on… so I keep reading and learning. This is our Miss Cally. Has to be two pics tho, one of her as a baby kitty and one recent.


She is a very loving but picky, cautious of loud noises and lots of ppl making noise, and is a skilled hunter who shows no mercy! She loves to go outside every day (multiple times) and if you let her come to you, she will give you lovies. Our youngest grandchildren just happen to be noisy and they chase her so she just gives them the stink eye and runs for cover! Haha :rofl:

it’s a hard thing to love a kitty and then give them away. Seems to me that she has a happy life as is. Sometimes they pick you as their friend and don’t really give you a choice about it! Me thinks Poopsie has made some choices without asking you for permission! Haha:rofl:

:hug:Granny Hugs!:hug: To you and Poopsie!
Oh my, you twisted my arm! Ok, ok, ok! My plants are still getting their go on… so I keep reading and learning. This is our Miss Cally. Has to be two pics tho, one of her as a baby kitty and one recent.


She is a very loving but picky, cautious of loud noises and lots of ppl making noise, and is a skilled hunter who shows no mercy! She loves to go outside every day (multiple times) and if you let her come to you, she will give you lovies. Our youngest grandchildren just happen to be noisy and they chase her so she just gives them the stink eye and runs for cover! Haha :rofl:

it’s a hard thing to love a kitty and then give them away. Seems to me that she has a happy life as is. Sometimes they pick you as their friend and don’t really give you a choice about it! Me thinks Poopsie has made some choices without asking you for permission! Haha:rofl:

:hug:Granny Hugs!:hug: To you and Poopsie!
Beautiful Cat! 😍

I ❤️ the facial marking!
Highya Carmen, Granny, guys,

Very cute kitten pic! They always are. She looks very comfortable now! Daffy will come into my lap a lot now. Before, not so much. She's a love, too. I don't mean to go off topic in your journal, but I like cats if they like me. Happy Smokin'

P.S. Daffy just caught a mouse. Now, playtime for her.
Morning cat lovin' cannabis friends :)

One of the things I love her for! :circle-of-love:
Oh my, you twisted my arm! Ok, ok, ok! My plants are still getting their go on… so I keep reading and learning. This is our Miss Cally. Has to be two pics tho, one of her as a baby kitty and one recent.


She is a very loving but picky, cautious of loud noises and lots of ppl making noise, and is a skilled hunter who shows no mercy! She loves to go outside every day (multiple times) and if you let her come to you, she will give you lovies. Our youngest grandchildren just happen to be noisy and they chase her so she just gives them the stink eye and runs for cover! Haha :rofl:

it’s a hard thing to love a kitty and then give them away. Seems to me that she has a happy life as is. Sometimes they pick you as their friend and don’t really give you a choice about it! Me thinks Poopsie has made some choices without asking you for permission! Haha:rofl:

:hug:Granny Hugs!:hug: To you and Poopsie!
What a cutie!
No, Poopsie is a stolen cat and the thief has a boyfriend who no longer wants her around. She is going to have to find a solution to her problem. The right thing would be to return her to her original family. She is chipped.
Beautiful Cat! 😍

I ❤️ the facial marking!
Highya Carmen, Granny, guys,

Very cute kitten pic! They always are. She looks very comfortable now! Daffy will come into my lap a lot now. Before, not so much. She's a love, too. I don't mean to go off topic in your journal, but I like cats if they like me. Happy Smokin'

P.S. Daffy just caught a mouse. Now, playtime for her.
I love the affection, the killing not so much 😅
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