hey Carmen! :high-five:

Your girls look super super healthy! :thumb::yahoo::slide:

I loved your wick system while you were gone and it looks like they did too! You inspired me to try wicking pots when I uppot mine. :thanks:

:hug:Granny Hugs & Love!:hug:
BTW I'll be caring for my daughter's cat this week coming as they travel! That's downstairs. My other daughter dropped off her bird for me to care for yesterday up here as she visits Iceland for 2 weeks! A dove named Walter. He's pretty cool too!
Watching over a cat and a bird at the same time.... What could go wrong🤣🤣🤣🤣

Happy Sunday,
Here are the plants today. The Cream Mandarin auto has produced some pistils and the fourth node is not up yet. I will wait and watch before deciding whether or not to top. The first Somango auto is also in process of making the fourth node. The new Somango auto is looking strong.
Have a great day!
These two not only look happy and healthy, they both have great side branching started already🥰😍👊.

If they were photo's I would sooo be counting the days to cut those clone branches!🤣
I'm with Gee! That Somango is setting up for a stunning run ! Happy Sunday Carmen!
And this is why you need a two story house! That and to reach the top of your plants. :)
Ny dream is to have a rooftop platform or tower of some sort to hang out on above tree canopy! Everything's different up there! There would be weed growing!
Watching over a cat and a bird at the same time.... What could go wrong🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not as dangerous as juggling running chainsaws but we'll have to keep good borders.
These two not only look happy and healthy, they both have great side branching started already🥰😍👊.

If they were photo's I would sooo be counting the days to cut those clone branches!🤣
Thanks Gee 🥰👊
I'm with Gee! That Somango is setting up for a stunning run ! Happy Sunday Carmen!
Happy Sunday Otter and thank you 😃
Ny dream is to have a rooftop platform or tower of some sort to hang out on above tree canopy! Everything's different up there! There would be weed growing!
That sounds so cool, like a treehouse type thing!
Not as dangerous as juggling running chainsaws but we'll have to keep good borders.
hehehehe 🐈‍⬛🕊️
From little things, bigger things!

—Grow-ers, not show-ers
I hope so, Shed!

These plants are looking good and green but they are taking a while to produce a fourth node. The Cream Mandarin seems to have kicked into a higher gear and the Somango is a tad behind from birth. I may not have an opportunity to top them as they are transitioning into flower. I am due a weekly update tomorrow so I'll hold off with measurements for now.

Thanks for the company folks, and happy Monday to you!
Highya Carmen,

Seedlings are looking vigorous and very happy. Very nice at this stage of the grow! Happy Smokin'
I hope so, Shed!

These plants are looking good and green but they are taking a while to produce a fourth node. The Cream Mandarin seems to have kicked into a higher gear and the Somango is a tad behind from birth. I may not have an opportunity to top them as they are transitioning into flower. I am due a weekly update tomorrow so I'll hold off with measurements for now.

Thanks for the company folks, and happy Monday to you!

Hey Carmen:high-five: Your girls look lovely, healthy, and so nicely shimmering green! Outstanding.
Highya Carmen,

Seedlings are looking vigorous and very happy. Very nice at this stage of the grow! Happy Smokin'
Thank you Bode. They certainly are healthy and happy. They are both transitioning to flower at the fourth node. The Cream Mandarin is starting to stretch.
Already they have a nice shine I like to see!
Thanks Otter. I am very happy with my reconditioned soil. I'm about to top dress with EWC and Elemental Blend.
Hey Carmen:high-five: Your girls look lovely, healthy, and so nicely shimmering green! Outstanding.
Thank you Granny! 😃 :passitleft:
Week 4 Update:

Screenshot (125).png

Good morning friends,

I have moved the Somango auto outside. It has remained very small and I don't want to keep small unproductive plants under lights. I will move the new one into it's place in good time. Here the Somango auto now is in a partly shady spot in the outside garden.


I top dressed the flowering plants this morning with EWC and Elemental Blend. Then I watered that in with fish water and microbes, and gave the baby a spritz. I turned the light up to 75 %. Now they are good to go! I won't top either of the flowering plants now and so they will grow out naturally.

Thanks for following and have a great Tuesday! :circle-of-love:
Week 4 Update:

Screenshot (125).png

Good morning friends,

I have moved the Somango auto outside. It has remained very small and I don't want to keep small unproductive plants under lights. I will move the new one into it's place in good time. Here the Somango auto now is in a partly shady spot in the outside garden.


I top dressed the flowering plants this morning with EWC and Elemental Blend. Then I watered that in with fish water and microbes, and gave the baby a spritz. I turned the light up to 75 %. Now they are good to go! I won't top either of the flowering plants now and so they will grow out naturally.

Thanks for following and have a great Tuesday! :circle-of-love:
Hey Carmen! :ciao:
Plants seem to be doing well, looks like you're all over it, keep up the good work 👏
:hug:Hey Carmen! :high-five: May I ask what your foliage spritz recipe is? Your girls look like they are loving it! I love looking at how healthy they are! Mine are just a couple weeks behind yours, but when I previously grew I did very little for nutrients. This time I’m trying to learn as much as I can. I have taken notes from your grow. Is your foliage spray mix fish hydrolysate and microbes still? If so, do you have specific amounts or ratios for mixing? Thank you in advance!:thanks:
:hug:Hey Carmen! :high-five: May I ask what your foliage spritz recipe is? Your girls look like they are loving it! I love looking at how healthy they are! Mine are just a couple weeks behind yours, but when I previously grew I did very little for nutrients. This time I’m trying to learn as much as I can. I have taken notes from your grow. Is your foliage spray mix fish hydrolysate and microbes still? If so, do you have specific amounts or ratios for mixing? Thank you in advance!:thanks:
Hey Granny, thank you so much for the plant love.
The green colour is coming from the soil. I am not actually spraying the foliage. I spray the top layer of soil to keep it from going hydrophobic. I am using a reconditioned living organic soil. I followed Gee's advice in my last grow and alternated between kelp water and fish water. This early in the game I am not watering them as such, as the moisture in the prepared soil is sufficient to carry them for quite some time. This is when I spray the surface and I include microbe solution just to give the soil a microbe boost.
I hang out in the Gee Spot and that's where I do a lot of my learning about organics. You should check it out there :high-five::passitleft:
Hey Granny, thank you so much for the plant love.
The green colour is coming from the soil. I am not actually spraying the foliage. I spray the top layer of soil to keep it from going hydrophobic. I am using a reconditioned living organic soil. I followed Gee's advice in my last grow and alternated between kelp water and fish water. This early in the game I am not watering them as such, as the moisture in the prepared soil is sufficient to carry them for quite some time. This is when I spray the surface and I include microbe solution just to give the soil a microbe boost.
I hang out in the Gee Spot and that's where I do a lot of my learning about organics. You should check it out there :high-five::passitleft:
:high-five: Thanks! Im gonna go watch and learn at the gee spot for a bit. It amazes me how much superb knowledge there is here at 420. Sometimes, ya just need a friend sharing their secrets!
Thanks Carmen! :hug::passitleft:
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