Four Fine Fall Phillies

Lol, I loved it.
Just nervous when I was about to enter stage (no super big events, just a few hundred in audience) but as soon as I started.. All fun and enjoyed entertaining.
Good morning Bode, @Van Stank says he adds it to his. Maybe he'll let us know what he uses. Reading the other day a little on it and I found the humic and fulvic acids differ depending on the source. I swear I noticed remarkable growth since I added it.
Haha my support staff. Everyone on look in the mirror. That's my staff. Such fine folk, and good looking too! I'm a lucky man. Enjoy spring conditions today.
I only add the Humic Acid....I think I add Fulvic acid when I mix up my soil mixtures. I generally add in a tablespoon of Humic Acid (liquid form) every other watering. Its about the only thing I use from a bottle. I haven't really done any controlled comparisons to measure any differences but it seems to be helping since I started using it.
Lol, I loved it.
Just nervous when I was about to enter stage (no super big events, just a few hundred in audience) but as soon as I started.. All fun and enjoyed entertaining.
I only add the Humic Acid....I think I add Fulvic acid when I mix up my soil mixtures. I generally add in a tablespoon of Humic Acid (liquid form) every other watering. Its about the only thing I use from a bottle. I haven't really done any controlled comparisons to measure any differences but it seems to be helping since I started using it.
The stuff I used makes them grow so fast it takes two nodes for the color to catch up. Like N isn't fast moving enough to keep up. I'm not sure it should be used all the time. Well one in particular moreso.
Things are moving along well on the new tent project. I put it on a piece of r7 sub floor to keep the cold from them. Good idea @Van Stank one piece fits the 2 x 4 frame exactly. I made a skirt to keep it centered and built it up on top. Sunday the light comes. I'm working on an external extraction I'll show you when it's closer to finished.

I'm still having trouble with the strawberry cough. What appears to be a lack in calcium could be misleading. Here's a pic of the original problem to help. It is getting worse. Not the whole plant but some of the whole meaning it's everywhere but not all the leaves.
I have the Cannabis Encyclopedia by Cervantes and found interesting a section on Phosphorus . I'm getting ahead of things. Let me start with what I've done since I posted the pic above.

First feed, I increased The Biothrive Grow to 75% for the next watering. Included in the feed was 15ml calmag, .6 m; Mammoth P, 8ml Humates, 3ml fish shit. She grew seemingly well but for very yellow new growth. No noticeable decline.

Second feed, I fed 20ml 100% Biothrive Grow, 20 ml calmag. I stopped all other additions now. I see more symptom leaves moving higher on the plant. Still growing pretty good in my eyes barring the very light new growth and the spots in the pic.

More Calcium doesn't seem to be the answer so I went to search more and found Cervantes notes. Phosphorus Excess can be "Confused with: A deficiency of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, or Calcium . If his answer is correct, then he states to "raise the PH" so P will be harder to access than Calcium.

I'm a little lost. Second, if I do this, what would the raised ph be? 6.8? First, am I on the right track? She's not dying today but she's sick on her third day in flower. She's going to be thirsty later today and Cervantes also mentions P is difficult to flush out and he didn't recommend it.

Any thoughts please?

Edit: There's 3 others in the tent with no symptoms like this. All different.
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