Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

That cure box is genius man! Fantastic seeing the MacGyver approach. Cannabis makes us so creative sometimes...

Can't wait to hear how these buds cure with the fridge method as it's high on my bucket list for future grows.

Have you been checking trichomes on the calyxes or only the leaves? Couldn't see any calyxes in the recent photos, that's why I ask..typically amber starts on sugar leaves and moves inwards toward the buds.
Oh wow. Woke up super stoned over this morning lol! Happy late Sunday morning from Aotearoa!


The site went down for me just as I tried like your post after mine! Seems fine this morning...must have been some Friday night maintenance.

Yeah, I think it was only a minute or two! Don't know if it was related to the sluggishness I was experiencing prior to.

That cure box is genius man! Fantastic seeing the MacGyver approach. Cannabis makes us so creative sometimes...

Can't wait to hear how these buds cure with the fridge method as it's high on my bucket list for future grows.

Thanks Abstrakt!! This will actually just be for the drying part in the fridge - the curing will be done in the conventional way with a glass jar and at room temperature! :Namaste:

I know some people in the Low&Slow thread have tried fridge curing too though.

Have you been checking trichomes on the calyxes or only the leaves? Couldn't see any calyxes in the recent photos, that's why I ask..typically amber starts on sugar leaves and moves inwards toward the buds.

Lol yes you are so right - I've thought about this too. But the plant is such a freak! I can't easily see the calyxes themselves. Just a whole bunch of pistils and sugar leaves.

Desert, day 40 since first stigma, day 49 since flip

From this off-angle you can see some of the funky foxtailing on the "frontmost" buds. They have been only 1-2cm away from the LEDs for weeks. They are not getting burnt or bleached, which can be credited to the LEDs.

In any case, not ideal, but I will be training the next plant differently in this box, and hope to avoid this issue entirely.

More and more pistils are turning reddish-brown now.




Some of the lower/smaller buds may have more visible calyxes. I'll have a closer look tonight!
These are some of the sexiest buds!! The bud to the right is starting to get that amber tint...How do I know? Put orange filter on your phone and look through it...

Can't fathom how these are so fucking hairy. Man I have to feel bad for you come trim time hahaha do you give it a haircut or leave shaggy rogers
Love that last pic!
it's like a pistil monster
Can't fathom how these are so fucking hairy.
She’s a hirsute one :yummy:

She's a monster! :eek:

Not gonna lie y'all it looks like some pics of PGR buds I've seen online LOL! :laugh:

What's Canna put in their nutes?? :morenutes:

Man I have to feel bad for you come trim time hahaha do you give it a haircut or leave shaggy rogers

I'll probably leave the stigma on. :yummy: Maybe I'll trim one bud just to see what it looks like without!

Put orange filter on your phone and look through it...

Whoa! Thank you I'll be trying that later :cool:

what smell does it have?

A light tropical fruit smell, mostly like mango. The plant has had barely any smell the entire grow! That was partly why I was worried about its potency, and why I was so stoked/relieved when I finally got to sample some. It's some nice stuff.

Those trained stems at the bottom are super cool to gaze at, makes me space out...Honestly I go nuts during this part of the grow when it seems so close yet so far away... :Rasta:

How tall is this gal?

Have the pistils started changing or still white? I can tell to an extent...but not entirely...that amber tint I spoke of the other night could have been to various factors. And it was actually called a blue light filter on my phone that seemed to make the 'tint' more prevalent. It honestly might not even be different...just an illusion :rofl:

But the right bud seems way more amber with the filter...


What kind of high are you ultimately going for?
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