Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Started in soil then tried coco with good results until the fungus gnats. Perlite has been my go to since. No buggers easy peasy.

Cheers man good to have you back!

Thankfully the soil/mix situation is under control, and everything seems to be going well for now.

I definitely want to try out some kind of soilless iteration at some point.

Are you going to start a grow soon?

So I ordered a Dynavap M because I want to see what the kids are up to these days.

My pipe has gotten disgusting and the smoke so foul-tasting that I made a hasty retreat to the PAX. While the PAX doesn't give me the kind of hit I want, it has made me appreciate the flavour profile much more.

I hope that with the Dynavap I will get both a decent-sized hit and the good flavour.

AVB + Decarbed bud

Relatedly, I've started adding some of the AVB to my decarbed weed in my infusions. It definitely seems to add a calming effect. I used to have some mild anxiety on the come up after ingestion, but since adding some AVB I feel this has gone away. And overall the buzz is more relaxing. Perhaps due to some of the other cannabinoids left behind in the AVB?

Seeds en route

In seed news, my tracked order was dispatched today. I will be nervously hitting refresh on the tracking page multiple times a day, I'm sure!

It joins an earlier order of mine, so now I have two lots of seeds in the air, literally and figuratively.

Learning about strains

I've started reading and watching more content about cannabis strains and breeding. It's fascinating. I still don't really know which strains are more "old school" and which are part of the newest generations. If anyone has any good resources - videos or write-ups or podcasts or whatever - about the history of strains, please share!
Well seeds arrived yesterday :D
Glad yours are finally in route. I found out that Detroit has a horrible post office in addition to being the murder capital. Still 12 days is far better then the 14 to 21 day wait of ordering from the UK. So in the end I will keep going to seed cellar until my state gets some seed banks. They got pretty good selection and fair prices. The autos are getting rather stinky for sure and I may say screw it to the little bottom buds and go for 1 big main cola. Maybe sparing 1 or 2 lower sites.
As far as strains I personally know skunk is 1 of the oldest out there. Also sativa dom strains tend to grow 1 Main bud site while indica have several main sites at the top of each branch then a bunch of smaller sites. Indica is less affect by mold issues due to this. Also back in the day most mersh if you were smoking back in the 90s was indica because the are hardier and require less care. Illegal grows were always indica plants plated outside in the woods. Visited sparingly. Then chopped and dried right in the woods. Some would be vac sealed for the trip to their destination. Creating good old brick weed. Also way back I remember strains weren't as many. You had mersh that could be good or brown with a million seeds. Kind bud which was actually just the top buds of an indica plant. Dro usually no name involved. Then mids between good mersh and dro. Sometimes you could find skunk or white widow back then. Slowly it grew and in early 2000s blueberry, bubblegum, northern lights were all around. Now it's take your pic. More money but better then grabbing a quarter and finding out its headache weed. Smoke a joint feel nothing then get a headache. I know many 1st sea of green grows started with lowryder considered one of if not the 1st auto. Other then that you can spend months years even researching strains and origins. Leafly and seedfinder are both good sites to check out for that. Now it's just crazy. 5 years ago when I last grew there were way less strains and way less fems. Autos were new and unproven. Now it's crazy so much cross breeding by so many breeders


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Slowly it grew and in early 2000s blueberry, bubblegum, northern lights were all around. Now it's take your pic. More money but better then grabbing a quarter and finding out its headache weed. Smoke a joint feel nothing then get a headache. I know many 1st sea of green grows started with lowryder considered one of if not the 1st auto. Other then that you can spend months years even researching strains and origins. Leafly and seedfinder are both good sites to check out for that. Now it's just crazy. 5 years ago when I last grew there were way less strains and way less fems. Autos were new and unproven. Now it's crazy so much cross breeding by so many breeders

Hi Carl, it's great you got your seeds. Here in NZ it's the land of beggars can't be choosers in that regard, we're just delighted to get a resend arrive after months of failed deliveries!

For most of my toking life I have had no knowledge of strains, they've simply been either fantastic, mediocre or poor. And possibly a lot of the poor stuff may have seemed that way because people didn't always know about optimal harvesting times.

I'm spending a lot of time browsing the seed bank sites and looking at strain reviews trying to best narrow down a selection that would be ideal for me. Ideally I'd like several strains of different qualities, one that knocks my socks off and even provides an astral travel high for evenings when I have no other commitments, one for daytime, which I currently have a not bad home bred Widow/Gorgonzola cross but I wonder what a 'proper' bred daytime strain would be like. And after reading a lot of positive posts on medical strains I think getting a good CBD strain would be handy too, not sure on a high CBD low THC strain like Candida, or a high 1:1. Of course that's only 3 categories, it'd be nice to go further and have some sub categories too. :ganjamon:

The puzzle I have, is what are the best? Should I be looking at older known strains like AK47, Jack Herer, Bubblegum etc etc, those strains that made their names 2 decades ago, or have those older benchmark strains now been superseded by some of the many newer modern hybrids which haven't yet become as well known?
Well seeds arrived yesterday :D
Glad yours are finally in route. I found out that Detroit has a horrible post office in addition to being the murder capital. Still 12 days is far better then the 14 to 21 day wait of ordering from the UK. So in the end I will keep going to seed cellar until my state gets some seed banks. They got pretty good selection and fair prices. The autos are getting rather stinky for sure and I may say screw it to the little bottom buds and go for 1 big main cola. Maybe sparing 1 or 2 lower sites.
As far as strains I personally know skunk is 1 of the oldest out there. Also sativa dom strains tend to grow 1 Main bud site while indica have several main sites at the top of each branch then a bunch of smaller sites. Indica is less affect by mold issues due to this. Also back in the day most mersh if you were smoking back in the 90s was indica because the are hardier and require less care. Illegal grows were always indica plants plated outside in the woods. Visited sparingly. Then chopped and dried right in the woods. Some would be vac sealed for the trip to their destination. Creating good old brick weed. Also way back I remember strains weren't as many. You had mersh that could be good or brown with a million seeds. Kind bud which was actually just the top buds of an indica plant. Dro usually no name involved. Then mids between good mersh and dro. Sometimes you could find skunk or white widow back then. Slowly it grew and in early 2000s blueberry, bubblegum, northern lights were all around. Now it's take your pic. More money but better then grabbing a quarter and finding out its headache weed. Smoke a joint feel nothing then get a headache. I know many 1st sea of green grows started with lowryder considered one of if not the 1st auto. Other then that you can spend months years even researching strains and origins. Leafly and seedfinder are both good sites to check out for that. Now it's just crazy. 5 years ago when I last grew there were way less strains and way less fems. Autos were new and unproven. Now it's crazy so much cross breeding by so many breeders

Woohooooo! Seeds! Glad they showed up for ya!

Also love your stories about what it was like back in the day.

Yeah, I just learnt quite a lot about the history of modern cannabis (in the western world). From the early sativas to the revolutionary introduction of the indica. Now there’s concern about the small genetic pool and the lack of diversity there.

I’m keen to try the newest gelato-cookie-cake-dos, mango-sherbert-fizz-banana-watchamacallits, as well as some of the classics. The more “formative” cultivars: Skunk, Haze, Chemdawg, OG Kush, Northern Lights etc.

And not to mention the landraces!
Hi Carl, it's great you got your seeds. Here in NZ it's the land of beggars can't be choosers in that regard, we're just delighted to get a resend arrive after months of failed deliveries!

For most of my toking life I have had no knowledge of strains, they've simply been either fantastic, mediocre or poor. And possibly a lot of the poor stuff may have seemed that way because people didn't always know about optimal harvesting times.

I'm spending a lot of time browsing the seed bank sites and looking at strain reviews trying to best narrow down a selection that would be ideal for me. Ideally I'd like several strains of different qualities, one that knocks my socks off and even provides an astral travel high for evenings when I have no other commitments, one for daytime, which I currently have a not bad home bred Widow/Gorgonzola cross but I wonder what a 'proper' bred daytime strain would be like. And after reading a lot of positive posts on medical strains I think getting a good CBD strain would be handy too, not sure on a high CBD low THC strain like Candida, or a high 1:1.

The puzzle I have, is what are the best? Should I be looking at older known strains like AK47, Jack Herer, Bubblegum etc etc, those strains that made their names 2 decades ago, or have those older benchmark strains now been superseded by some of the many newer modern hybrids which haven't yet become as well known?

Haha very topical Stunger!

I loved the 420mag piece on "Origins of the species". Really nicely written history and one of the best summaries I found on the development of modern cannabis.

Then there's "Landrace Genetics 101" which is also cool.

I'm also interested in having "daytime" and "nighttime" cultivars. The former calls to mind "sativa" while the latter "indica", but I'm sure it's not as neat or simple as that!
So I ordered a Dynavap M
Super jelly. Did you go to Greenstone Dispensary for that?
I’ve had my eye on one of their models for a while. You can put a coil in the tip for rosin, too which is a feature I like.
34 years tomorrow! :circle-of-love:
Happy anniversary to the Blu two!! :theband: well done!
Super jelly. Did you go to Greenstone Dispensary for that?
I’ve had my eye on one of their models for a while. You can put a coil in the tip for rosin, too which is a feature I like.

Happy anniversary to the Blu two!! :theband: well done!

Morena DD! Yup it's coming from Greenstone. Will write a little report once I've tried it! Hopefully will arrive tomorrow.

Maybe one day I'll get to try some rosin! :eek:

Thanks so much Donkey! That’s really kind!

I love this place! :love:


Hey Felipe congratulations from me too! I reckon if you're a good grower you're probably a good tender of a relationship too eh?

It likely follows - nurturing is in my nature - got it from my Mom, I guess. Thanks very much, syenite! :Namaste:

Haha very topical Stunger!

I loved the 420mag piece on "Origins of the species". Really nicely written history and one of the best summaries I found on the development of modern cannabis.

Then there's "Landrace Genetics 101" which is also cool.

I'm also interested in having "daytime" and "nighttime" cultivars. The former calls to mind "sativa" while the latter "indica", but I'm sure it's not as neat or simple as that!

Thanks for the link to the Origins article! I missed that.
@Stunger @Bionic Chronic NZ I'm impressed with the Dynavap. Just had my first few hits off it. The first couple I was a bit clumsy with the torch, and had most of the heat go to the top of the cap. (The cap is what covers the herb/bowl and regulates the heat from the torch flame.) So I was mostly heating up the space above the herb.

This blasted me with terpenes. The herb I have is very bright and citrusy, and I got the full force of that in these hits. Clean through the teeth. I aimed the torch at the lower part of the cap for the next couple of hits, and had a much thicker, denser hit. Much less of a flavour profile (probably because I already got all the terpenes), and much more vapour.

I'm ripped now. I'd say a good hit with this device is comparable to that of a combustion single-hitter, but with the flavour of a good vape. Exactly what I wanted really. Also seems to be way more efficient than my PAX.

Having to turn the tiny thing over and over with your fingers while the torch heats it up is the only annoying thing I've experienced with it so far. The design is clever, and understated. It's completely analog. The cap makes an audible "click" once it's hot enough, and again once it's cooled down.

Thanks syenite, that's an excellent result for you and encouraging for the rest of us. Dynavap seems to have grown quite a following of people passionate about it so it's good to read you're of the same mind. Did you get the full kit with the wooden box dodah and spare o-rings etc?
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