Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Hiya syenite! I’ll take a stab at this. I’ve heard of it, and I’m sure that there’s some effect. Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t know, but I do know that a lot of good herb has been grown with the snap of a timer. I think there’s better things to focus on.
Hiya syenite! I’ll take a stab at this. I’ve heard of it, and I’m sure that there’s some effect. Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t knw, but I do know that a lot of good herb has been grown with the snap of a timer. I think there’s better things to focus on.

Haha thanks Felipe! That's what I assumed too. I thought it possible that EVERYONE had a sunrise/sunset function on their lights and that I somehow didn't know about it. Good to know that's not the case.
Here’s my awkward teenager ready for prom, complete with terrible haircut and orthodontic headgear.

Translation: pruned the fan leaves along the branches to expose the secondary growth sites to lights! Apart from the ones on the lowest branches, you can barely see the secondary growth. I was careful not to prune them along with the fan leaves.


Still a little skinny. Hoping the branches thicken up as the roots develop in the new pot!
@Mr. Krip did a journal with the KIND XL1000 which used the sunrise/sunset feature. I'm not sure what the end results were though.
Random question: does anyone know how important it is to "simulate" a sunrise/sunset via gradual dimming/brightening of the LEDs before and after dark?

I'd not really heard of this before, and don't know if it's folklore/unfounded?
Not really sure it may help if it a suffering from light stress. Instead of suddenly light then suddenly dark being eased in to the light. Be a lot of work I imagine well not a lot but extra. I imagine it would need to be done manually. Unless you had multiple lights with multiple timers so the lights go in and off staggered. It overall helping growth of an already healthy plant I don't see a benefit. The point of indoors is as much light as possible. I still stand by nothing replaces the sun. I honestly moved the 2 in flower back outside because the 1 I left outside had way more pistols and crystals. 1 I moved back out ended up having some leaves brown cause of it for some reason but is recovering. Seeds are on the way should be in on Monday the latest. Will germ 2 and hold on to the rest. Then add 2 or 3 of the rest to the tent slowly. Let them adjust to new lighting.
Not really sure it may help if it a suffering from light stress. Instead of suddenly light then suddenly dark being eased in to the light. Be a lot of work I imagine well not a lot but extra. I imagine it would need to be done manually. Unless you had multiple lights with multiple timers so the lights go in and off staggered. It overall helping growth of an already healthy plant I don't see a benefit. The point of indoors is as much light as possible. I still stand by nothing replaces the sun. I honestly moved the 2 in flower back outside because the 1 I left outside had way more pistols and crystals. 1 I moved back out ended up having some leaves brown cause of it for some reason but is recovering. Seeds are on the way should be in on Monday the latest. Will germ 2 and hold on to the rest. Then add 2 or 3 of the rest to the tent slowly. Let them adjust to new lighting.

Yeah, nothing beats the sun my friend!

It feels wrong to me at times that I'm growing plants indoors and not taking advantage of all that energy from the sun.

One day I would love to have the indoor grow at least partially supplemented by solar power. One day...

Hope those seeds arrive my friend!!

So I ordered a Dynavap M because I want to see what the kids are up to these days.

My pipe has gotten disgusting and the smoke so foul-tasting that I made a hasty retreat to the PAX. While the PAX doesn't give me the kind of hit I want, it has made me appreciate the flavour profile much more.

I hope that with the Dynavap I will get both a decent-sized hit and the good flavour.

AVB + Decarbed bud

Relatedly, I've started adding some of the AVB to my decarbed weed in my infusions. It definitely seems to add a calming effect. I used to have some mild anxiety on the come up after ingestion, but since adding some AVB I feel this has gone away. And overall the buzz is more relaxing. Perhaps due to some of the other cannabinoids left behind in the AVB?

Seeds en route

In seed news, my tracked order was dispatched today. I will be nervously hitting refresh on the tracking page multiple times a day, I'm sure!

It joins an earlier order of mine, so now I have two lots of seeds in the air, literally and figuratively.

Learning about strains

I've started reading and watching more content about cannabis strains and breeding. It's fascinating. I still don't really know which strains are more "old school" and which are part of the newest generations. If anyone has any good resources - videos or write-ups or podcasts or whatever - about the history of strains, please share!
I've started reading and watching more content about cannabis strains and breeding. It's fascinating. I still don't really know which strains are more "old school" and which are part of the newest generations. If anyone has any good resources - videos or write-ups or podcasts or whatever - about the history of strains, please share!
I'm with you on that one. It's easy to disappear down a whole heap of different rabbit holes when eyeballing all the strains out there. :slide:
Lazy Bloody Lazy Sunday

Hi fam! Not too much going on here.

Desert looks happy and chugs along. Secondary growth starting to appear all down the central column.

All her nodes are stacking tight af. I'm also giving what I think is the limit for light intensity in my cabinet for veg, about 30000 lux or 570.82 umol/s/m2. I don't see any point in increasing the intensity before flowering.




I'm shifting her light schedule to run over the course of the night, rather than in the day. I know this is common practice, but when starting I wanted to be able to keep an eye on it all day. My GF has also resented having the dehumidifier on all night as it's bloody noisy! And her houseplants are all humidity-loving. So being able to take advantage of the lights at night to reduce humidity and increase temperature in the box will be a win-win. Also in terms of energy efficiency.

Strain Cultivar thoughts

I learnt that there's a kind of "indica bias" amongst the popular cultivars today. Which makes sense. If both my orders come through, I will have a fairly even split of sativa-leaning and indica-leaning seeds, and I look forward to trying to perceive the differences in the flowers' effects/flavours/smells.
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