Flash Does 2x Monster Profit Smart 5Gal Coco

Be interesting to see how that works
It s hard to describe I know it may sound wrong but I ve been seeing it for a while now. Sometimes I get so bushy plants that are craving for some trimmings! Outdoor they don't grow that dense. They tend to get longer with longer internodal distance. Anyway just how i see things in my garden and how I think it may work.
Day 32 to 34

Green Crack Auto day 37 update

2 days ago I noticed some leaves on the top had started to retract and curl on themselves. I had also noticed the tips had started yellowing a few day before. So I thought those signs could be signs of bloom. Today I saw the first pistils so yes bloom is on! So I decided to make a big defo like I m used to do at beginning of flip. That time will be the first one I didn't remove more than 4 leaves during veg. I think it promotes branching too much so may increase chances of smaller buds. Will see!

Green crack auto day 48 before defo to day 49 after defo


I m focusing on the bigger one currently. I ve been moving the other plants from indoor to outdoor. Quick shot of the outdoor ones :

The bigger one maybe amnesia XXL auto. She's started flowering outdoor while day are getting longer so I guess it was a free amnesia XXL auto seed. For the moment she s been pretty happy outdoor with only 7 hours max of direct sunlight. I ll see if she manages to produce something cool (I don't have the space indoor for her)
Green crack auto day 54


She had suffered from nute burn. I had been using 1/8 of recommanded dosage of everything and always had ppm under 500 but it seems she doesn't need much at all. Plus sometimes I was watering twice a day till runoff so maybe she couldn't handle all the nutes. So I started watering with 1/16 of recommanded dosage 5 days ago and also plucked the unhealthy leaves daily

I don't know if I mess this grow but I m very unhappy with both plants. I thought drying the big girl with daily RH monitoring would lead to wonders. As you can see she could oxydate way more chlorophyll than the lil girl. However taste is like brown paperbags and smoke is weirdly spicy like not very pleasant to throat. The lil girl tastes more like weed but with a too flowery smell. There is a tropical taste which is there but not enjoyable because of the green flory taste and smell. That s why I m growing only green cracks plus one unknown free seed which may be amnesia XXL auto. I don't want to feel disappointed by an unknown strain anymore. People who have followed my journals know I never hesitate to blame myself before blaming plants. But in that case I don't get it. I don't see how I could have dried and cure a plant better than what I did for the big girl.
What's the RH at when drying? I only use the slo 'n dry method and it takes about the same time in the fridge at 45%, about 2 weeks. Everything you did sounds right. Are you burping the jars during the cure? It's important you do that as well.

Thanks for your input brother. As you could see in the posts below I had put pics and explained how I dried. RH when drying the lil girl was around 50%. Regarding the big girl I don't understand. But maybe it s cause I ve got used to smoking bad dried weed I don't know. Today I tested the lil girl and it seems I just didn't wait long enough as taste today is great. I doubt the big girl will evolve in taste but time will tell! I did burp everyday for 3 weeks
My outdoor Amnesia auto XXL drinks 5L everyday! I water twice a day and need to go to a bit more than 5L to get a bit of runoff each time. I guess the weather plays a big role and maybe she wouldn't have drunk that much inside. I m happy to see her in perfect health eating 5L
Some plants are naturally just light feeders. The tacoing, do you think that was from overfeeding as well? Seems upper leaves only, so I was thinking the lights might be stressing her out. I'd probably go with straight pH water with calmag next feed as it looks to be a def of mag as well.
Some plants are naturally just light feeders. The tacoing, do you think that was from overfeeding as well? Seems upper leaves only, so I was thinking the lights might be stressing her out. I'd probably go with straight pH water with calmag next feed as it looks to be a def of mag as well.

Thanks for helping brother. I think like you that she may have been light stressed. That is why I raised the lights up yesterday. Being hit by 700k lux during 19 hours (I ve been on 19/5 for 2 weeks) may be too much. It may works on 12/12 but I guess it s too much for longer lights on periods
I ll do call mag + straight water as you advise. I had already been watering with straight water for 3 days but maybe it s not enough and the grow medium is still saturated with too much nuts. Yesterday I could check the runoff of my outdoor plants and could see that the amnesia with 1100pm of runoff was too its maximum before being burn. In fact, I could see are dark her green was turning to day by day. I ll follow your advice during a couple of days thank you again
I ve just remembered what happened. The plant was doing great since I decided to add tnc mycorrmax on top of the coco then water. I may have put too much so the roots got hurt.
Nice catch! I always tell people when a plant takes a drastic change from one day to the next or within a few days, go back and try and remember what has changed. Many times we forget what we do, or not think that may have been an issue.
I should have given you the same advice from the beginning.
Excellent catch flash!
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