Flash Does 2x Monster Profit Smart 5Gal Coco

Here is the grow medium used :

It already has trichoderma in it. I think my ppm pen is weak. Or maybe if the plant always constantly receive good amounts of lights it needs less nuts. Since two weeks I have been feeding with only 5ml for 20L of advanced nutrients veg program. At that state of development I should be using 2ml/L of everything. But I ve just been using 1/8 of this recommended dosage and the plant looks perfect in terms of leaves aspect and colors. When I measure it gives me less than 400ppm and the leaves are getting darker and darker so for real it seems to be more than enough! I ll stick to that 1/8 and see how it goes
Hiya flash!
Great words a few posts back. I feel the same way as I never got involved in any forums prior to this one. I actually didn't want to get involved at all here until I started to read threads from the regulars. It was then I realized that it's actually a great place to discuss and learn.
To this day I am glad I stuck around. I still learn daily since people are always sharing their knowledge, and the positive vibes you get are simply priceless.
I'm glad to be part of your grows and I look forward to your future endeavours!
Nice time lapse

Thanks Penny this plant will tell me a lot regarding my future grows. I love green crack and decided to grow it for the next grows till I get a lot. I also love the fact autos don't bother about light schedules. It has made my life way easier since i started those autos. So this grow will show me if I can start a new auto growing path. I have a small grow space so if they can get big enough without being too easily stressed they will be perfect for my space and way of growing. I m impatient to see how big she ends!
Remember the 2 Brooklyn Sunrise I had the 10 gallon Geo Pot. Over a pound from 2 autos.

I'm going write now to look at this Brooklyn grow! True! I had forgotten it s gonna be interesting having another look at it with more knowledge! Thanks!
Not a super long journal either.

I ve been looking since my last reply. Very interesting but very long for me haha. I've just found a pic of yours at day 35 and they looked big. I m looking for day 28. Would have loved a kind of little pics history. I need to do that at the end of my future grows
Hey Flash :ganjamon: Nice job on the defol and pruning of the big girl she should respond well. Looks like a perfect topping on the unknown seed, she’s a healthy plant and looks great :bravo: loving the time lapses. What camera do you leave in the grow?
Hey Flash :ganjamon: Nice job on the defol and pruning of the big girl she should respond well. Looks like a perfect topping on the unknown seed, she’s a healthy plant and looks great :bravo: loving the time lapses. What camera do you leave in the grow?

It s the best for the money IMO Yi camera home 1080p. You have a phone app that allows to set everything up, take pics etc... So what I do is just take a pic everyday then use ezgif.com gif maker to make the time-lapse. I m a former computing science engineer son of computing science engineer so I ve been in the geek stuff since I was young haha. I ve always loved seeing plants time-lapse especially to see how fast can plant grow and recover. It s really a good tool to tell like the previous one if she s taken the trimming actions well or not for example. At first the camera goal was to allow me to see the temps and RH while I m not home. I can water and monitor my plants even if I m not home thanks to wifi outlet as well. That time I didn't place the thermometer in the direction of the cam cause I work from home now so can monitor everything everyday (I know it s a chance)

My rez is 25L. I ve been mixing 5ml of each expect the bacterias as I had already put mycormaxx. So I ve been using less than 1/8. My ppm is at 350ppm when everything is mixed. And the big girl looks darker and darker. I even find it maybe have a bit too much N. So the AN nuts are very strong IMO or this strain is not a big eater. I ve checked my ppm and it seems very ok.
Green Crack Auto :

- day 30 to 31 for the big girl before and 24 hours after trimming
- day 14 to 15 for the small girls

Loads of growth in one day :bravo::morenutes:love that time lapse, keep me coming! :nomo:
When I used AN a lot of strains only got 1/4 strength, it is a very strong nutrient mix.

Currently 1/8 seems good and maybe a bit too much as I find the leaves darker and darker. I don't think I ll have to upper the dose as there are even more more additives nuts in flowering which will make ppm raise.

Loads of growth in one day :bravo::morenutes:love that time lapse, keep me coming! :nomo:

Yeah she started to be droppy. Not because of watering or else but cause she had too many leaves. I really believe plants grow faster than usual in coco which is hydro and maybe they grow more leaves than necessary indoor. A couple of hours after she had recovered and now the leaves are pointing towards the lights like I love! I didn't remove too many fans as I realized defoliation promotes lower sites growth and that time I would like to have less small colas. I ll keep and eye close on her. I like the way she s growing and I hope she will grow a bit more before showing first pistils
Remember a plant will show droopy leaves before lights out and they perk up early in lights on. It has to do with their sleep cycle.

Thanks for reminding Penny. In my case and from my experience when they are small and too bushy it s like there is a state where they say "ok I have enough light I don't have to fight for it". Then you do a little defo and couple of hours later fans are pointing towards the lights again. I should have taken better angle pics. But it s not the first time I see this. She was so bushy I think she thanked me for the added light and better air flow. It s like with the smaller ones. As you can see the fans are going up looking for light. There will be a state soon where they will have so many fans that they don't have to point towards the lights
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