Five Strains In 33"x33" - 600W HPS - Organic Soil Mix - 7 Gal Pots - Water Only?

Sorry guys! I was out of comission for a bit. I had to get a new router.

Ever been to edgefield for a concert?
I've been there several times but the only concert was Chris Isaac. W've also heard plenty of music out on the lawn by the Little Red Shed, the Loading Dock, and the distillery. A pint of Hammerhead for me - or one of their fresh-squeezed Greyhounds...

Hope things are getting better over there for ya buddy:byebye:

Mornin Major....just cruising thru....hows the bug battle goin pal? Cheers eh!
The battle is going as well as can be expected. The leaves took a bit of a hit with the second spray of Azatrol, but all in all, not bad!

All right Major. I was just swinging through to assure myself that your cheering squad of homeboys was on the job.
:rofl: The 420 gang never lets us down. :high-five:

:welcome: vertical! :thanks:

Man - I've got a LOT of catching up to do.
I'll be popping seeds any day now. Cheers, all!
More microbreweries per capita than anywhere else in the country... and proud of it! :cheesygrinsmiley:

We are truly blessed: great beers and legal herb!
great beers and legal herb!

So many ways I want to respond here.... ranging mostly in the "Damn You!!!" department.... then I remember and I realize that I have no traction in this truck pull. Damn it!

The only remaining card in my hand.... Crawfish. Don't get me wrong... I loves me some Mudbugs..... but I'm starting to wonder if they're really worth it.
Pita: I got 11.8 g dry of small airy buds from the Lady that went through Hell plus 5 g of sugar leaf trim. She had no other leaves after her mite treatments and was only 18" tall x 24" wide at harvest. The buds aren't pretty, but the grandkids say it smells good and will be good smoke when fully cured.

If I can get that kind of yield from a beat-up old lady, you should be able to win the war and bring your ladies to harvest.

Here are some beauty shots of the other survivors, one just put under 12/12, and the other 1 month into flower. These are 30" x 30" and clean. I hope these inspire you to keep up the good fight.



Mornin glad to hear your bug probs. are on the way out! Awesome news indeed!:thumb: Have you pruned off the upper shade leaves yet Major? Get right in there and thin out the middle of the'll open things up for them a bit. They will fill in the space you create by doing that but it gives them some more light and room , plus lets some light down to those lower buds so they can mature half decently for ya! Cheers pal...have an awesome Wed. my brotha!:high-five:
If you read up on azadirachtin, Major, you'll see that it degrades rapidly in light. 100 hours after spraying there is literally none left. Spray shortly before lights out every three days. It isn't effective against the eggs, so as you can imagine, the little blighters that hatch three days after an application encounter very little of the death juice and suck away undeterred. Whack them until you've broken the cycle.
If you read up on azadirachtin, Major, you'll see that it degrades rapidly in light. 100 hours after spraying there is literally none left. Spray shortly before lights out every three days. It isn't effective against the eggs, so as you can imagine, the little blighters that hatch three days after an application encounter very little of the death juice and suck away undeterred. Whack them until you've broken the cycle.

:thanks: will do
I'm trying to get an update in this weekend but things are a little crazy around here with company in town for T-Day. For now, I just wanted to say, "THANKS AGAIN!" to all the members here on :420: It doesn't matter if you voted for me, or not. You all ROCK! Have an awesome holiday season.

Nice harvest there, and you did not even have to trim it:thumb:
Hope you and yours have a great holiday

Oh and Duggan, that is not true, you should of heard Major Pita talking to those spider mites. Not one nice thing was said. I did not hear the whole conversation but I did hear him yelling "DIE you lil SOB's"
Major...what a haul brotha!:surf: Have ya made any butter yet? Those are nice machines, can't wait to get enough mat'l. to use mine again. You deserved the MOTM title....gotta tell the time i've known you, i can't say i've heard you speak negatively about any one or anything....have a nice night with Mrs. Pita and your people! Cheers eh.

Sweet! You deserve it Major! Nice buds they sent you too!:high-five:

Awesome major congrats and have fun with your new toys.....,:high-five:

Nice harvest there, and you did not even have to trim it:thumb:
Hope you and yours have a great holiday

Oh and Duggan, that is not true, you should of heard Major Pita talking to those spider mites. Not one nice thing was said. I did not hear the whole conversation but I did hear him yelling "DIE you lil SOB's"

Thanks a lot guys!
I wish I had a little more time to get my journal update done and stay up to date on all the goings on here. Have a great Sunday!
I'm trying to get an update in this weekend but things are a little crazy around here with company in town for T-Day. For now, I just wanted to say, "THANKS AGAIN!" to all the members here on :420: It doesn't matter if you voted for me, or not. You all ROCK! Have an awesome holiday season.

Newest member of the MBC,.....(magical butter club) WTG Major, you had my vote.
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