First time grower

yes i did a slurry test on all 10
Good, your plants look nice, come to the right soil ph and they'll be in hog heaven! You're going at it a little different by mixing foxfarm and coco and I think the ph issue is the result. You already troubleshot your own issue I'm pretty sure.

They will get big. You can control that. I switch light to 12/12 when they get to 1/3 height of the tent. After that they will grow like crazy for 3 weeks(the stretch) and may double in height normally. Some can triple but those are odd.
Plants looking good and the watering set-up is looking just as good.

water, at 77 i try to keep manual labor at a mininum LOL
Ya, I can relate and going on 74 it is getting harder to lift and carry pots filled with soil.

foxfarm soil mixed with coco, 50/50 mix,
Like the others this caught my attention. Fox Farm is the name of the company and they have several different soil mixes. The two popular ones are Happy Frog and Ocean Forest. The important difference is the Happy Frog uses a lighter fertilizer mix making that soil better for seedlings, cuttings and younger plants. The Ocean Forest has a higher level of fertilizer and is often preferred for more mature plants.

Adding the coco changes the fertilizer levels and reduces the amounts of compost that will be able to provide nutrients later on. If the grower remembers this and is able to notice the changes in the plants they can then compensate. In your case it should be as easy as adjusting the fertilizers going into the water system.

If you want to use this same sort of soil mix later on and need more think about getting some of the Fox Farm's "Coco Loco". This is their own soil & coco blend with enough fertilizers already added for a good start off for the plants. They have also added enough lime to adjust the soil pH putting around 6.3 to 6.9 if I am remembering right so it is closer to a neutral level.
Plants looking good and the watering set-up is looking just as good.

Ya, I can relate and going on 74 it is getting harder to lift and carry pots filled with soil.

Like the others this caught my attention. Fox Farm is the name of the company and they have several different soil mixes. The two popular ones are Happy Frog and Ocean Forest. The important difference is the Happy Frog uses a lighter fertilizer mix making that soil better for seedlings, cuttings and younger plants. The Ocean Forest has a higher level of fertilizer and is often preferred for more mature plants.

Adding the coco changes the fertilizer levels and reduces the amounts of compost that will be able to provide nutrients later on. If the grower remembers this and is able to notice the changes in the plants they can then compensate. In your case it should be as easy as adjusting the fertilizers going into the water system.

If you want to use this same sort of soil mix later on and need more think about getting some of the Fox Farm's "Coco Loco". This is their own soil & coco blend with enough fertilizers already added for a good start off for the plants. They have also added enough lime to adjust the soil pH putting around 6.3 to 6.9 if I am remembering right so it is closer to a neutral level.
sorry for not answering sooner, been a little busy in my basement, i topped all my plants, two days ago and trimmed off some lower leaves, finally got my dehumidifier and finally got it working, 2 days of emails back and forth between support, i can shut off my exhaust fan and add co2 now, finally, hoping the added co2 helps, 43 days into the grow, wondering when i should go to flowering stage, plants are anywhere from 12 inches to 20 inches tall, i still have about 30 inches of room between the canopy and the lights. any suggestions ? my flood table is 48 inches by 96 inches with 10 plants in 5 gallon fabric buckets so i have enough room to accommodate the added foot print as the plants grow. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks george, P.s. THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP ON THE SOIL ,
i can shut off my exhaust fan and add co2 now, finally, hoping the added co2 helps,
CO2 is only going to help if you get your temps up.

plants are anywhere from 12 inches to 20 inches tall,
Your plants will typically at least double after you flip them so the 20 inchers are probably too tall already. Can you bend them over to reduce the height? You light should have come with instructions, one of which is how much distance you should leave between it and the top of your plants.
CO2 is only going to help if you get your temps up.

Your plants will typically at least double after you flip them so the 20 inchers are probably too tall already. Can you bend them over to reduce the height? You light should have come with instructions, one of which is how much distance you should leave between it and the top of your plants.
lights are 24 inches from top of plant, and i can raise them maybe another 8 to 10 inches, my grow tent is 80 inches high, temp is running around 80 degrees in the tent with 76 actually temp on the leaves measured with infrared temp meter and humidity is running 68 %
new pictures
the five plants on the left are sour ape and the five on the right are purple lime mist, brought from pacific seeds, i have no clue as to why the ones on the right are so puny, all plants were given the same treatment, all plants are photoperiod, feminized , i guess the purple lime mist just DON'T LIKE ME ROTFL
It’s just the strain :Namaste:
Nothing you did wrong.
Some strains are short and thick.
Some are tall and stretchy.
Looks great, nice setup.
That bench is lovely but will probably need removed for extra height eventually.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It’s just the strain :Namaste:
Nothing you did wrong.
Some strains are short and thick.
Some are tall and stretchy.
Looks great, nice setup.
That bench is lovely but will probably need removed for extra height eventually.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
thats my flood table for my runoff water, its only 11 inches in height, i was going to buy one but they wanted $300 and up , built this bad baby for under $100, thanks for the compliments, what a job setting it up in my basement only space big enough was 10x10 and tent is 8x8, rest of basement has furnace , water heater , washer and dryer and several block support walls, lucky i got smaller in my old age, space between tent and basement walls is 11 inches, have to crab walk sideways to get to the controller and wires and cables
hi everybody, been busy in my basement, my plants are 44 days old and i topped them 4 days ago. im thinking about going to the next stage (flowering) and would like some input, thanks






Nice ladies and buddy 👍 what kind of info did you need? Just on weather to flip them? If that was my teint I would re arrange them so not all the bigger ladies are together and maybe go another week.. will you be doing any training on them or be putting a net up?

Your set up is quite similar to mine.. and I have a couple of questions if you don't mind me asking.
When your feed pipes go into your soil is it just a single hose or do you have some sort of ring or drippers in there?
Do you feed from some sort of resovoir with a pump?
when feeding your ladies what do you put in your nutrient mix and in what order?
Underneath your bench is there some kind of catch tray? Or what happens with your plants run off water?

Sorry for all the questions just trying to fully understand your system.
Nice ladies and buddy 👍 what kind of info did you need? Just on weather to flip them? If that was my teint I would re arrange them so not all the bigger ladies are together and maybe go another week.. will you be doing any training on them or be putting a net up?

Your set up is quite similar to mine.. and I have a couple of questions if you don't mind me asking.
When your feed pipes go into your soil is it just a single hose or do you have some sort of ring or drippers in there?
Do you feed from some sort of resovoir with a pump?
when feeding your ladies what do you put in your nutrient mix and in what order?
Underneath your bench is there some kind of catch tray? Or what happens with your plants run off water?

Sorry for all the questions just trying to fully understand your system.
hi, no problem on the questions, LOL. being a 1st time grower i welcome them, just on whether to flip them didnt want to wait or flip too early. no idea about training or putting up a net. water feed pipes just laying on top of plants halfway between plant and edge of bucket. when i water i just run pump for maybe 10 to 15 minutes long enough to empty 5 gallon bucket and until water runs out bottom, if it dosent i add more using a big cup. ive been putting nutrients in the water every other watering, usually watering every 3 or 4 days, when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil is dry. i use vivosun nutrients part a base and part b base, mixed at 9 ml per gallon of water according to instructions, adjusted ph to 6.5, yes i have a catch tray under bench to catch runoff and have been measuring ph and ec so i have some idea what the plants are doing and i dump runoff down floor drain. if you have read my introduction you know i have all the meters and i check daily for moisture content and ec levels, both at the top of bucket and also three inches from bottom of bucket, i also check leaf tempature with a infared meter , what else, let me think, oh, the piece of white foam you see in pictures is temp probe, and the wire with the black thing is co2 sensor, ive been keeping the temp of tent somewhere between 75 to 80 degrees and humidity between 60 to 62-65 % , running 18 hrs on and 6 hrs off on lights, if ive fogotton anything let me know, thanks george
Bigger plants mean bigger roots and therefore bigger fruits (flowers) so many growers like to get the plants as big as possible before flip. They mostly train their plants a bit to keep them lower to max out the time they can keep them in veg before flipping the light schedule to 12/12 which will cause them to switch to flower mode.

The basic formula, knowing that the plants will at least double in height after flip, is to measure the total height of your grow space and then subtract the distance from the bottom of your lights to the top of your tent, subtract the minimum distance your light manufacturer suggests between lights and canopy top, and subtract the height of your pots.

That gives you the maximum plant height available and you'd flip when the the plant takes up 1/3 to 1/2 of that height to account for the stretch of the plant after flip.
hi, no problem on the questions, LOL. being a 1st time grower i welcome them, just on whether to flip them didnt want to wait or flip too early. no idea about training or putting up a net. water feed pipes just laying on top of plants halfway between plant and edge of bucket. when i water i just run pump for maybe 10 to 15 minutes long enough to empty 5 gallon bucket and until water runs out bottom, if it dosent i add more using a big cup. ive been putting nutrients in the water every other watering, usually watering every 3 or 4 days, when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil is dry. i use vivosun nutrients part a base and part b base, mixed at 9 ml per gallon of water according to instructions, adjusted ph to 6.5, yes i have a catch tray under bench to catch runoff and have been measuring ph and ec so i have some idea what the plants are doing and i dump runoff down floor drain. if you have read my introduction you know i have all the meters and i check daily for moisture content and ec levels, both at the top of bucket and also three inches from bottom of bucket, i also check leaf tempature with a infared meter , what else, let me think, oh, the piece of white foam you see in pictures is temp probe, and the wire with the black thing is co2 sensor, ive been keeping the temp of tent somewhere between 75 to 80 degrees and humidity between 60 to 62-65 % , running 18 hrs on and 6 hrs off on lights, if ive fogotton anything let me know, thanks george
Cheers bud just getting the picture, it's very important that the feed line covers the majority of the pot. If waters only entering the pot from one side of the pot it can cause all kinds of problems.

If your not using and calmag but you have a 50/50 mix with Coco and your using RO water and your under LED lights at minimum I would be adding calmag to my water first before any nutrients.

When your feeding with just water if it's pure 0ppm water i wouldn't recommend it I would still add the calmag in first.

As you have some soil mixed in I'll pass on the watering frequency for now. In veg we can get away with a few things but In flower the ladies will become demanding and will let you know pretty quickly.
Cheers bud just getting the picture, it's very important that the feed line covers the majority of the pot. If waters only entering the pot from one side of the pot it can cause all kinds of problems.

If your not using and calmag but you have a 50/50 mix with Coco and your using RO water and your under LED lights at minimum I would be adding calmag to my water first before any nutrients.

When your feeding with just water if it's pure 0ppm water i wouldn't recommend it I would still add the calmag in first.

As you have some soil mixed in I'll pass on the watering frequency for now. In veg we can get away with a few things but In flower the ladies will become demanding and will let you know pretty quickly.
hi, i just looked and theres 20 different kinds of cal-mag, which one in particler are you refering to?
Your vivosun nutrients will have all the nutrients your plants need bud but only a small amount of calcium & magnesium (C&M) which is fine in soil but in Coco the Coco will steal some before your plants get it.. also when using RO water it will Grab nutrients as it's pure 0ppm so adding C&M buffers it so all the nutrients you add get to the plants. Lastly LED lights make plants more demanding of calcium especially in flower so another reason you'll need to add more.

So keep using your nutrients you have but give it a little extra C&M to make sure a sufficient amount gets to the plants.

As for there being 20 different types. Id recommend one lower in nitrogen. I use terra aquatica GHE calcium magnesium myself and used to use Shogun calmag before which is good stuff too 👍
Your vivosun nutrients will have all the nutrients your plants need bud but only a small amount of calcium & magnesium (C&M) which is fine in soil but in Coco the Coco will steal some before your plants get it.. also when using RO water it will Grab nutrients as it's pure 0ppm so adding C&M buffers it so all the nutrients you add get to the plants. Lastly LED lights make plants more demanding of calcium especially in flower so another reason you'll need to add more.

So keep using your nutrients you have but give it a little extra C&M to make sure a sufficient amount gets to the plants.

As for there being 20 different types. Id recommend one lower in nitrogen. I use terra aquatica GHE calcium magnesium myself and used to use Shogun calmag before which is good stuff too 👍
hi, just wanted to show off my plants and get some feedback. changed lighting schedule to flowering 5 days ago 12 on 12 off, i had move plants around to get the right ppfd (right now at 450 ) for both sides, had to lower left side light to get same light intensity. humidity 55% , temp a little high at 82 degrees, ec roughly .23 to .35, soil ph still low at 5.4 , runoff water at .75 ec,, ph of runoff is 6.2,, thanks george







Looking good bud 👍 82F sounds beautiful 😍 I get higher then that in flower.. what's your goal PPFD?
I can see your feed pipe properly now that would be perfect with a little T piece in it and fix your current problem.
What conductivity pen are you using? Or what EC pen? Are you sure it's not measuring in CF? Either way your run off measurement being three times your feed is alarm bells to me and if I'm right it's all down to that feed pipe you have.
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