First Journal, Bag Seeds

Yeah I added a tower fan a few days ago, I’m gonna leave the door open a bit to keep temps down, and I’m glad ur here, the more the merrier, and I can use all the help I can get
That tower fan will make a difference for sure, it will help strengthen the stems up and add needed airflow for the plants. But what I was referring to was an inflow and outflow fan. Are you in a tent right now or in the room? Sorry I’m just catching up, it looked like you were in a room to begin with but now in a tent?.. And I don’t mind helping at all where I can! I’ll throw the advice out there, it’s up to you to decide if you want to take that advice and apply it. I grow in DWC as well so can probably help out here. :)
I also raised the light more, to what I think is to far, I’m just trying to get a little stretch, it’s so short, and that’s the closet they r in, like wtf,3”!!!
1004ppm is very high for that plants stage of life. What is your base waters Ppm before adding anything? When I used GH trio I start with 1/4- 1/2 of their recommended dosage and work my way up from there. I do this because every strain is different, even the same strains different phenotypes can all have unique feeding requirements. Starting lower will allow you to gauge your plants status and decide if it needs more nutrients or not. As for the hydro guard, normally I would say add it every bucket change but your situation being unique with the high water temp I suggest adding it more regularly, say every 3 days at least, just to stay on top of it. Ideally you want your res temp to be 68 degrees so at 80 your going to being battling this but as long as you stay on top of it you should be fine... so as far as the tip burn, what I would do is a fresh water change, and dial back the nutes just a little. If you were doing full strength, you could go to half or 3/4 the recommended dose.. honestly man in my opinion, I wouldn’t worry about the plant growing short, I would put the light back to where it was. Personally I like my node spacing close, the closer the nodes the more dense and fat your nugs will be, those nodes will stretch apart when you switch to 12-12 so for now try to keep those nodes stacking close just the way they are. I see nothing wrong with the height of the plants.
Question for you, is that smaller plant at 1000 ppm as well?
This is a closet, I just built a tent to start a second grow space , that’s what was probably confusing, lol I put all Cindy of pictures on this journal
Ohh ok, if you were in a tent I was going to suggest inflow and outflow fans. Since your in a room, unless you can modify said room to install a fan that sucks in fresh air from outside the room (ideal), I think leaving the door open is probably your best bet because you need to get fresh air in there... a small little portable AC unit would help you immensely. What’s the ambient temp and RH of the room? Again don’t worry about that plant growing short right now, I’ve had plenty of plants start exactly like that and they turn into monsters.
The smaller one is about 800 ppm, I’ll do a water change and dial it back some, I’ll lower the lights some also lol I like dense buds lol I have central air in my apartment and I keep it at about 70, so with the door open it stays around 72 in there, the rh was low so I how a humidifier and keep it set at 60%, with the door open and the air pumps outside the closet the water temp should stabilize around 70
The smaller one is about 800 ppm, I’ll do a water change and dial it back some, I’ll lower the lights some also lol I like dense buds lol I have central air in my apartment and I keep it at about 70, so with the door open it stays around 72 in there, the rh was low so I how a humidifier and keep it set at 60%, with the door open and the air pumps outside the closet the water temp should stabilize around 70
Sounds good my man:thumb: Your on the right track now, just keep it up and monitor those babies. I’ll be following along:popcorn:
Awesome, thanks for the help, so I just did a partial water change, and replace with PHed water, got the ppm to 800 on the bigger girl and 600 for the runt, and added hydro guard, before I checked ppm of course
Awesome, thanks for the help, so I just did a partial water change, and replace with PHed water, got the ppm to 800 on the bigger girl and 600 for the runt, and added hydro guard, before I checked ppm of course
No problem man, and ok I’m not sure how the partial change will do you, I usually just dump and start a fresh one so I know exactly what bites are in the bucket... but I’m paranoid with my plants health. Lol Probably be fine though, just keep an eye out and monitor your plants.
Keep your light lowered to the correct distance. You dont want to raise it to cause them to stretch. You will get lanky plants. They will grow and stretch plenty enough in the next few weeks and once you switch to 12/12. Yes 1000 is to high for that stage. What stage are you in on your GH nutes? If you are looking at the stage 2 early growth where it says 1050-1350 dont go by that. Half all of the numbers you see until you get at least 3 - 4 weeks in. You should be running only about 500-600 max PPM for your plants at this stage. Both of them.
I'd have to agree with @BubblinBuds and @HunterNitro that water seems a bit "hot" on the nutes. If you're using the GH chart cut everything in half at least.

We've got a plant halfway through its 5th week of flower and just hit 1000ppm last night and got a tiny bit of tip burn from it by this morning. Keep an eye on those leaves and if the tips start to burn dilute that stuff down significantly. You're always better off too low than too high. Once you burn the leaves, they're burnt and will need to be replaced.
Hydroguard has very little PPM. You can add that stuff pretty much anytime you want. I added it every few days in DWC. Its just beneficiary bacteria.

Always add all your nutrients / water and then pH it. No need to pH water before adding. You may find yourself having to double adjust pH when doing this. At least in my experience.
After reading the most recent posts I'm wondering how the closet is going to work in 12/12. You'll need to keep the humidity down (which can be tough when the plants get really big). Good ventilation goes a long way to reduce the humidity but you may need a dehumidifier as well. Unfortunately that creates a lot more heat which also needs to be ventilated. The door open is a solution right now, but you sure you'll be able to have 12 hour cycles of complete darkness without any outside lights?

Sorry, don't want to worry you, there's just a few things you might want to think through and prepare for now before you're well into 12/12 with water dripping down your walls :)
I still plan on doing a full water change on Saturday but if I notice it getting worse I’ll just do it today, I’m at like 19 days since germination, so I’m on the week 3 dosing, is that correct? When do u guys consider the seedling phase to start, as soon as it pops out?
The rh was hovering around 35-40 before I got the humidifier so I’m hoping it won’t go up much over 55-60 during flower, if it does I have a dehumidifier, and it’s the closet in a spare bedroom and I blacked out the window so light hopefully won’t b a problem, hopefully
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