First Journal, Bag Seeds

Daily pics
The little one is coming around finally
Happy to find another bag seed grower. Looks like you’re off to a great start! I wouldnt sweat the height, or lack there of. She’ll start really getting bigger once some of those tops produce fan leaves. Lookin forward to watching these grow :popcorn:
I just had one going that turned out to b a male, that’s the only thing I don’t like about bag seeds, lol but can’t beat the price :Rasta:
Hopefully you caught it early enough before too much time was wasted. We just had a hermie scare in our bagseed monster but appear to be in the clear. Definitely cant beat the price! Good seeds have gotten so damn expensive.
Expensive and a pain in the ass to pay for usually, except on the sites u have to get 5 packs of each strain, I’m just little time, I can’t b spending hundreds on seeds lol yet anyway, the place I just got some from u can get single seeds but can’t use credit card from US
Thank u, I’m hoping at least one female lol I have those two going and a seed in some water

As you were saying before about how expensive seeds are, that’s how I started taking clones.

I don’t have the best luck with the female to male ratio, I only use regular seeds.

Is a great way to save cash and ensure your using fem plants from the start.
The “girls”hopefully, r looking good this morning, the runt is actually making moves, and my older is looking quite perky, considering I cut off half her limbs last night
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