First Grow: Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

Greetings! After all the research I've done (and a lot of it on this site), I thought I'd create a grow journal as I've gotten much info out of others' experiences.

I'm currently growing two autoflower strains from 420:
Blueberry (advertised specs: 15/85 indica dominant, ~14%THC, ~32" tall, 55 days)
AK-47 (advertised specs: 50/50 sativa/indica, ~20%THC, ~25" tall, 56 days)

I've got 2 blueberry on the go and one AK-47. One blueberry has a 10-day head start.

They were sprouted in water and placed in Jiffy Pots when the tap root was visible. After 4-6 days (the AK was slower) under a 60 watt incandescent at around 80º F, they sprouted and were planted outside.

Soil: 70% Dr Earth Pot of Gold, 30% Perlite
Pots: Two 7 Gal Smart Pots, one 7 Gal plastic pot
Fox Farm Grow Big 6-4-4
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom 2-8-4

My tap water runs pretty alkaline (around 7.6 pH) and when left standing it rises to 8.4. So I've been using pH Down to get the water in the 6.4-6.6 pH range.

Here are some pics of the early days:
Blueberry #1 @ 18 days

AK-47 @ 14 days (with the "Finding Nemo" flipper leaf!)

Blueberry 2 @ 13 days

Soil okay cool never grown in it. Started out in pro mix hp as where I started to learn from. Love it hate watering everyday .

Might next year go to docs high brix kit in soil. as I've been told it's feed and come back 3-5 days later to feed again. Depending on how much it rains I guess.
Soil okay cool never grown in it. Started out in pro mix hp as where I started to learn from. Love it hate watering everyday .

Might next year go to docs high brix kit in soil. as I've been told it's feed and come back 3-5 days later to feed again. Depending on how much it rains I guess.

Well it sure doesn't rain here in southern California this time of year! I can't imagine having to water every day, there's too much other stuff that needs to get done to be measuring nutes and pHing water and PPM testing every damn day. The mornings I do water I'm usually late for work!

After I'm done with my first few grows I'll take a look at other outdoor mediums, but for now I'll stick with the Dr Earths Pot of Gold. Only next time I'll add more perlite as I would like it to dry out faster than it does now.
Very nice man. Google hash dry ice. Most grocery stores have it.

Just had a chance to watch that video. Sure does look a lot easier than stirring ice water for 20 minutes! Have to check Ralph's and see if they carry dry ice. Not sure I'm going to have enough trim to make it worthwhile on these three plants, but I'll just save what I get in the freezer until I do.
This morning's update:

Blueberry 1 was still soaking wet after the flush from yesterday, but the other two were thirsty. With my new PPM stick I could see how much was going in.

AK-47 got 1tsp/gal of TigerBloom, 3/4tsp/gal Open Sesame, and 3ml Cal/Mag+. PPM was ~700 including the water at ~100. So 600PPM in added stuff.

Blueberry 2 got the same, but with 1/2tsp GrowBig to throw some more nitrogen into the mix as it was looking a bit yellow generally besides the fast-fading fans. Total there was ~850PPM (750PPM in added stuff).

That's a similar number to the first flush water from Blue1 yesterday. What do I do with these PPM numbers? Are they not absorbing what I'm giving them? Is there a chart of what PPM should be for an auto?
This morning's update:

Blueberry 1 was still soaking wet after the flush from yesterday, but the other two were thirsty. With my new PPM stick I could see how much was going in.

AK-47 got 1tsp/gal of TigerBloom, 3/4tsp/gal Open Sesame, and 3ml Cal/Mag+. PPM was ~700 including the water at ~100. So 600PPM in added stuff.

Blueberry 2 got the same, but with 1/2tsp GrowBig to throw some more nitrogen into the mix as it was looking a bit yellow generally besides the fast-fading fans. Total there was ~850PPM (750PPM in added stuff).

That's a similar number to the first flush water from Blue1 yesterday. What do I do with these PPM numbers? Are they not absorbing what I'm giving them? Is there a chart of what PPM should be for an auto?

Usually 100-200 on veg is cool and then by say 3 wk flower maybe under 600-700 I'm going to say. But then again penny had his in Aeroponics ebb and flow up to 1200 ppm I believe but had to back off. Do not tom sure man that's some one better educated on subject then I. Sorry not much s help
Usually 100-200 on veg is cool and then by say 3 wk flower maybe under 600-700 I'm going to say. But then again penny had his in Aeroponics ebb and flow up to 1200 ppm I believe but had to back off. Do not tom sure man that's some one better educated on subject then I. Sorry not much s help

Thanks! Then I'll consider ~750 PPM a reasonable-if-high number for late flower in soil. Just curious, once you start adding nutes, do the numbers go down as the plant uses the nutrients you add or do they just keep going up until/unless you flush?

Since I don't have too many subscribers on here, your help is greatly appreciated, most-educated or not!:thumb:
Just wanted to leave this here for my future reference (and anyone else who stumbles along here by accident bc they typed "pr0n" in search box...
med-man method - feeding chart ppm/ec | The AutoFlower Network - AFN
From Med-man on the autoflower site:
clones / seeds -
week 1 - 140ppm / 0.2 ec
week 2 - 210ppm / 0.3 ec

At this point go feed feed flush. Feed feed flush etc

week 1 - 350ppm / 0.5 ec
week 2 - 420ppm / 0.7 ec
week 3 - 550-650 ppm / 0.8-0.9ec

bloom - transition
week 1 - 700ppm / 1.0 ec
week 2 - 800ppm / 1.1 ec

full bloom
weeks 3 - 5 (or more) - 800-900ppm / 1.2-1.3 ec

ripening (shock flushing)
15 days before flushing - 400-500ppm / 0.6-0.7 ec

15 days before harvest - 0-200ppm / 0.0-0.3 ec

shock ripening
at least 72 hours of pitch black and ice water. dehus on constant

less is more guys. pounding plants with ppms will stunt growth, stunt yield, lower quality, resin production, and send signals out to pests like pythium, powdery mildew and bud rot plus all the bugs you can name to come and finish them off. its how nature works. thos parasites are just waiting for the plants to call them in. and toxic salt build up is the #1 cause of all grow room related issues

Not sure I can follow all of his instructions but for my next grow I'll see how close what I've been doing gets to this recommendation.
First Grow - Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

Thanks! Then I'll consider ~750 PPM a reasonable-if-high number for late flower in soil. Just curious, once you start adding nutes, do the numbers go down as the plant uses the nutrients you add or do they just keep going up until/unless you flush?

Since I don't have too many subscribers on here, your help is greatly appreciated, most-educated or not!:thumb:

That I why it's nice to rest run off ppm from time to time as well .

No problem
Man I am trying to help. I know coco and soil are different for ph . Not sure about ppm I think it is trail and error start to push her start week 1 of flower once pistils are popping up. I feel like for an auto 450 is comfortable . Then when it's done any stretching I back off nutes grow/ trace elements so I can add more p and k less n ?

Again man I'm really still a noob myself bud.
Everything I've learned as been on here.

Second or third opinions are always best but your welcome to try to get this figured out for you bud.
Re: First Grow - Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

That I why it's nice to rest run off ppm from time to time as well .

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm not sure what to learn from testing the runoff. If I have ~600 PPM going in, what should I be looking for in the runoff? If it's higher it means _________? If it's lower it means ___________? What did the 788 PPM (meter minus fresh water) flush number indicate?

Looking for all the knowledge I can...
First Grow - Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

Okay so if higher then ph is probably to high I'm guessing as well when then can cause a lock out .

If it's low it means it's eating the nutes up and maybe up strength a bit ph will probably low I'm guessing in this case but again sir I truly ain't that sure . Where I get this info from is my learning and reading info on here and you tube .
But I'm
Down to 7% battery so you hit me for a few more bud.

Give me one sec...
Okay so if ppm get to high deficiencies showing flush. That should lower the ppm down from say your 778 ppm you said week 1 flower right ?
First Grow - Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil


Salt build up?
Just wanted to leave this here for my future reference (and anyone else who stumbles along here by accident bc they typed "pr0n" in search box...
med-man method - feeding chart ppm/ec | The AutoFlower Network - AFN
From Med-man on the autoflower site:
clones / seeds -
week 1 - 140ppm / 0.2 ec
week 2 - 210ppm / 0.3 ec

At this point go feed feed flush. Feed feed flush etc

week 1 - 350ppm / 0.5 ec
week 2 - 420ppm / 0.7 ec
week 3 - 550-650 ppm / 0.8-0.9ec

bloom - transition
week 1 - 700ppm / 1.0 ec
week 2 - 800ppm / 1.1 ec

full bloom
weeks 3 - 5 (or more) - 800-900ppm / 1.2-1.3 ec

ripening (shock flushing)
15 days before flushing - 400-500ppm / 0.6-0.7 ec

15 days before harvest - 0-200ppm / 0.0-0.3 ec

shock ripening
at least 72 hours of pitch black and ice water. dehus on constant

less is more guys. pounding plants with ppms will stunt growth, stunt yield, lower quality, resin production, and send signals out to pests like pythium, powdery mildew and bud rot plus all the bugs you can name to come and finish them off. its how nature works. thos parasites are just waiting for the plants to call them in. and toxic salt build up is the #1 cause of all grow room related issues

Not sure I can follow all of his instructions but for my next grow I'll see how close what I've been doing gets to this recommendation.

Like I said autos don't want full photos ppm they say half dose in flower 1/4 power . nice find shed.
Okay so if higher then ph is probably to high I'm guessing as well when then can cause a lock out .
If it's low it means it's eating the nutes up and maybe up strength a bit ph will probably low I'm guessing in this case but again sir I truly ain't that sure.

Water in is usually around 5.9-6.2 these days, and whenever I test the runoff pH it's the same as what's going in. I have never flushed before because they don't dry out often enough to skip a feeding (especially since I was expecting 55 day completion! duh!) so I never tested plain runoff before, nor have I just tested the soil itself (1 cup distilled water to 3 tbs soil, sit for a few hours?).

Just so I understand, if the plants are actually using the nutes, then a flush runoff will be lower PPM than what you put in. If they are the same, then either you're overfeeding or you have nute lockout due to incorrect soil pH. Yes?

Okay so if ppm get to high deficiencies showing flush. That should lower the ppm down from say your 778 ppm you said week 1 flower right ?

I'd say pistils started around day 38 so I'm close to day 40 in flower!
First Grow - Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

Going to say maybe a flush is needed man the. Just bring your ppm up to say 650 and slowly go up ?

No I think my brian is getting sore and i need to medicate now. You've made me learn more tonight about soil growing see I won't have to worry with an ph perfect. I never mess with ph and it is a blurry low salt build up nute . Organic. Apparently salt build is not common eithier.

I've heard like flora series fox farm etc those have high salt build ups but still good lines ..
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