First Grow: Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

plant is looking very hash worthy for the trim, do you have a kit?

I was thinking of getting the bags to make ice water bubble hash, tho I'm not sure with just these three little plants I'll have enough trim to make it worthwhile. I'll either save it for when I have more or just use the buds for smoking and find other ways to use the trim. Lotion would be the other option using the decarbed trim and the fans as well.
Saturday update y'all.
Blueberry 1 day 67

Slow to ripen this one is, which is okay because I'll be out of town the beginning of next week. So they won't be under the CFLs at night, just straight sun. Ill be watering all tomorrow morning before I go, dry or not. They won't wait until Wednesday late.

Whole plant:

Top cola:

Top cola closeup, lots of white pistils and still no amber:
And finally, "the bush"
Bluberry 2 day 56

I'm really anxious to compare the weights of the two blueberries to see what the LST did. Of course they're not clones and they're not even in the same type/size pots. Even so, the number of stems alone says a lot!

I'm not tall enough to get the whole plant in the pic without holding the phone over my head. Sorry for cutting off the top!

Side view:


I hope everyone has a great Saturday:thumb:
I wanted to show you some bud-culling I did today. On the AK and Blue 2 there are a number of tiny buds growing on the lower stems that really won't even be popcorn when they're done. When I trimmed Blue 1 I took off fan leaves, which I am decidedly not doing this time. I'm even leaving the small leaves just behind the bud and taking it off with my thumbnail. You can't even tell that I've done it when you look at the plant it's so subtle. But like a peach tree, each branch can only grow so many "productive" buds, so I'm doing the same type of thinning here.

Blueberry 2 underbuds:

AK-47 underbuds:

Into the freezer they went with the rest of what's been pruned so far!
Happy Sunday! As I mentioned, I'm headed out of town for a few days so this is a quick post to ask y'all to look after these babies while I'm gone. I fed them this morning so they shouldn't be too much trouble and I don't expect you to move them under the lights every night. Just keep an eye on them please. :thanks:

It's cola day so here are the tops:

Blueberry 1 (day 68) top is all cloudy and seeing a bit of amber through the loupe (can't tell in the pics). The wife doesn't want couchlock so I hope it's not too amber by Wednesday night which is the earliest I can take off the top.

Greetings all and a happy Thursday! I survived the trip and so did the plants. They probably would have been happier with the night lights as well as the sun but after watering them late yesterday with 1 tsp TigerBloom and 3/4 tsp Open Sesame everyone looked no worse for wear.

Here are the updated photos:

AK-47 on day 62:


And the top:

I'm hope this one runs longer than the Blueberry as it seems further behind in bud development, particularly the lower sites which are just little fluffy bits. I've continued to cull the buds on the lower branches that are closer to the main stem to help along the main buds on the ends.
Moving on to Blueberry 2 on day 61. Yellowing of the fan leaves picking up on this, which I've decided to attribute to the aging process rather than anything I'm doing wrong!

Top view:

Side view:

I'm doing bud-culling on this one as well as there is so much top growth that a lot of the undergrowth is under performing and gets very little direct light.
And for those craving bud pr0n, here is Blueberry 1 on day 72


Top cola:

Lower bud:

And I am finally seeing a bit of amber in a few of these shots. I was thinking that I was going to be harvesting the top of this when I got back yesterday but it's obviously slower than I had predicted. This is day 72 of a breeder-predicted 55-day grow!



Still some white pistils:

And the bit of amber:

When they say harvest at ~20% amber, do they mean 20% of all the trichomes or 20% of each trichome?
And another thing, just got back to work today and the Cal/Mag was waiting for me from Amazon. Going to do a light water with it tonight when I get home even tho they will still be wet from last night's nutes.

Also got my PPM meter so I can check that from now on. Since I always water to runoff (how else do you know that you're hitting every last piece of dirt?), what should the PPM be for my nute solution?

Gave everyone 2/3 gallon of Cal/Mag last night mixed 2.5ml/gallon. Then under the lights they all went and no worse for wear this morning. When they go in wet the RH is about 75% which I know isn't where it's supposed to be for flowering, but that's just 12 hours at night. The next 12 hours is spent outdoors in lower humidity and wind. If I water in the morning the RH is closer to 60% overnight. Still not 40% but this is obviously not the most controlled grow!

I'm looking at these pics and thinking that I'm going to take the top cola off Blueberry 1 this weekend. I don't want a lot of amber because, as this is a 15/85 indica dominant strain, I don't want too much couchlock on it.

Your thoughts? These are all different parts of the top cola...

Not much amber here:

I'd call this bit 20% amber:

White pistils and no amber:

White pistils and some amber:

Chime in!
A couple of extra thoughts:

First, those pics were taken with an old Agfa 8x loupe taped to the lens of my phone and then cropped on the computer. Easy peasy!

Second, if I take off the top, I'll be washing it in a H2O2 bath (to get the BT off), trimming it, and hanging it to dry next to the CFL area in the shed, shielded from the light by the wrap-around reflector wall. Think that will be dark enough at night? I will be making sure the RH stays around 60% now (no nighttime watering) so I don't get a mold problem.
I was standing next to the plants this morning and my neighbor went out to her car in the driveway on the other side of the wall. I heard her say to her son, "If you stand right here it really smells like skunk. There must have been a skunk here last night."

I can't believe they have no idea I'm growing dope right on the other side of the wall. It stinks to high heaven! BTW it's legal in CA now, Jeff Sessions notwithstanding (not that we know how long he'll be around!)
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