First Grow Journal

Check out my setup once it gets going(around Xmas). You can be the judge between hps and led with your own eyes lol. Play safe

I absolutely will be watching for that. Thank you
did a rough defol today and set timer to 12/12. not sure if i did the defol properly or not, but i'll know better after stretch and flowering starts. seen a lot of videos of people chopping at about 2 weeks after flip so if i really feel like i have to take more i will at that time.

right now of course i'm more worried i took too much.
After the chop


Looking a little bare lol
Hopefully I can get some nice buds out a 3 Chinese lamps lmao. It hurts the eyes even with the green goggles on.

Your plants are looking good and seem to like the light so I’m sure your gonna pretty good, how many actual watts does all three of those put out?✌️

They say 280 for the 1500s and 305 for the 1200. By the sounds of it it doesn't matter what kind of light I get if all that matters is how much juice it pulls from the wall. What's the point of leds besides less heat? I should have just got 2 of the old school lamps because I don't think I'll be saving on electricity if I'm trying to match the output them either way? I really wonder if this tech means nothing lol.
Hey Remy, mind if I sit in for the last half of your grow? Girls are looking phenomenal, top notch work.
I just ordered the Phlizon 600w, how do you like the higher powered ones?

Have a good one yo

Hey, Thank you! by all means, learn with me. Hopefully it turns out well. either way i'm more excited for grow #2 after learning a few things. I Started with the 1200w only using the veg switch. it was nice and gentle on the young plants ( I wasn't lol ) I really noticed a change when i flipped both switches on. I guess they liked the added spectrum.

got the 1500w for flowering but soon learned on this forum that i'd make good use of it through veg and it helped my plants catch up a bit from my rough start. I can't help but think the plants would be bigger if i had the same know how 2 months ago as i do now.

Just added the 3rd light today. It's now insanely bright lol. really hoping to get some decent buds. don't want the lights to be a waste of money. But i feel like they're gonna do alright.

You'll probably end up wanting more light after a bit. I thought the 1200 was super bright and crazy at first, same with adding the 1500. now if i get used to how bright it is in there this time and end up wanting more light, I must just be blind haha..

We'll know for sure in 8 - 10 weeks lol.
Cheers man, will be a fun journey! I have full confidence in ya. Oh interesting, I've only used cfl/mh/hid before so led's are new to me. Did you get another 1200 or 1500 for the 3rd? Isn't too much light potentially harmful to the plant like with light burn/bleaching? Just curious how much is too much.

More light makes for a happy plant, you gotter down.

That's okay, I'm pretty blind without my glasses. Just follow the dank smells to success lol
Cloner seems to be working. Day 3 for them. One was flopped on its side after putting then in but she's standing now. Not sure if I'll plant these or just use them to make sure my diy cloner works.
After Chopping so much off of the plants i expected them to stop growing for a couple of days. but instead they seem to be busting out. there's a lot of new growth just from yesterday, i'm pretty surprised.
Hoping to see signs of flowers soon, that's when i'll switch to a bloom feed solution. expecting it to be a few more days before i see the little hairs.
Cheers man, will be a fun journey! I have full confidence in ya. Oh interesting, I've only used cfl/mh/hid before so led's are new to me. Did you get another 1200 or 1500 for the 3rd? Isn't too much light potentially harmful to the plant like with light burn/bleaching? Just curious how much is too much.

More light makes for a happy plant, you gotter down.

That's okay, I'm pretty blind without my glasses. Just follow the dank smells to success lol

I added a 1500. the 1200 is gonna go in the tent eventually. I figure they're still pulling less than 1000w from the wall so i'm not worried about it being too much light. been 2 cycles with them so far and they're just killing it. Keeping a close eye on the tops of the plants and making sure air flow is huge just in case it is too much. i know it hurts my eyes really bad lmao.
I added a 1500. the 1200 is gonna go in the tent eventually. I figure they're still pulling less than 1000w from the wall so i'm not worried about it being too much light. been 2 cycles with them so far and they're just killing it. Keeping a close eye on the tops of the plants and making sure air flow is huge just in case it is too much. i know it hurts my eyes really bad lmao.
You got this Remy and soon hopefully all your hard work will pay off with a big pile of nugs lol.
I added a 1500. the 1200 is gonna go in the tent eventually. I figure they're still pulling less than 1000w from the wall so i'm not worried about it being too much light. been 2 cycles with them so far and they're just killing it. Keeping a close eye on the tops of the plants and making sure air flow is huge just in case it is too much. i know it hurts my eyes really bad lmao.

Sick cloner bruh. Yeah it's crazy how resilient cannabis plants are, some pain helps them grow while some just sets them back. Kinda like people. Well that's good to know that much light intensity wont fry them lol. Good tips cheers. I hear P.A.R. is more important than intensity but could be wrong. Gotta get some fancy shades eh? I know I do.
Sick cloner bruh. Yeah it's crazy how resilient cannabis plants are, some pain helps them grow while some just sets them back. Kinda like people. Well that's good to know that much light intensity wont fry them lol. Good tips cheers. I hear P.A.R. is more important than intensity but could be wrong. Gotta get some fancy shades eh? I know I do.

I've had all 3 lights about 12" from the plants for the past 4 days. they're still looking good.
Started 12/12 a week ago. ppm has been a little over 800 the past week. yesterday was the first feeding at 1/1/1 ratio of base nutes at about 900 ppm no nute burn yet. will feed even ratio for another week then change to 1/2/3 ratio.

Been seeing that a lot of people have been treating coco like soil. and seeing piles of pH nute uptake charts. this is all very confusing and discouraging.

Are we treating coco like Hydro or Soil now? or does it even matter. There's a lot of strict advice online as to how to treat coco like hydro. so it would be lovely if someone could explain how people are treating it like soil and having excellent results.

Also the lighting thing is pissing me off lol. everyone asks " how much does it pull from the wall" like everything between the wall and the plants means nothing. Maybe I should just plug the plants into the wall at this logic. Not one person can explain why LED tech means nothing, it's all about the wall lmao.

So why get an LED if you need to use the same amount of power as an old school bulb to get the same results?

I'm a musician, there are a lot of overlapping things here when it comes to instruments. the first being you get what you pay for. I understand that. BUT... the other thing you get in musician circles are "Purists".
" Solid state amps suck you couldn't possibly get a good sound out of one, you NEED a tube amp or you're just a nub"

This is kind of the attitude I'm getting from LED haters. It seems to be nothing more than Purism just like in musicianship. and very biased opinions of them.

Again if anyone could explain any of this would be amazing. at this point i'm feeling like i wasted a pile of cash thinking i'd be saving on power costs when the whole time i apparently need to be pulling the same amount of juice from the wall as i would if i had a power hungry old school light anyway. None of this makes any sense.

Also the visible light from these LED's stomps those old ones, so that's a thing that should probably be explained by the purists as well. How are LED's not better?
Started 12/12 a week ago. ppm has been a little over 800 the past week. yesterday was the first feeding at 1/1/1 ratio of base nutes at about 900 ppm no nute burn yet. will feed even ratio for another week then change to 1/2/3 ratio.

Been seeing that a lot of people have been treating coco like soil. and seeing piles of pH nute uptake charts. this is all very confusing and discouraging.

Are we treating coco like Hydro or Soil now? or does it even matter. There's a lot of strict advice online as to how to treat coco like hydro. so it would be lovely if someone could explain how people are treating it like soil and having excellent results.

Also the lighting thing is pissing me off lol. everyone asks " how much does it pull from the wall" like everything between the wall and the plants means nothing. Maybe I should just plug the plants into the wall at this logic. Not one person can explain why LED tech means nothing, it's all about the wall lmao.

So why get an LED if you need to use the same amount of power as an old school bulb to get the same results?

I'm a musician, there are a lot of overlapping things here when it comes to instruments. the first being you get what you pay for. I understand that. BUT... the other thing you get in musician circles are "Purists".
" Solid state amps suck you couldn't possibly get a good sound out of one, you NEED a tube amp or you're just a nub"

This is kind of the attitude I'm getting from LED haters. It seems to be nothing more than Purism just like in musicianship. and very biased opinions of them.

Again if anyone could explain any of this would be amazing. at this point i'm feeling like i wasted a pile of cash thinking i'd be saving on power costs when the whole time i apparently need to be pulling the same amount of juice from the wall as i would if i had a power hungry old school light anyway. None of this makes any sense.

Also the visible light from these LED's stomps those old ones, so that's a thing that should probably be explained by the purists as well. How are LED's not better?
Lmao Remy good luck looking for the answer. I know my sun system 1000w pulls 1040 watts and my new HLG 550 pulls 500 watts less then half. 99% of people I have talked to about this say the LED will produce 10 to 15 % less yield but increase of terps and essential oils. If it holds true I can live with a cut to my yield to get that kind of hydro savings. Any less and I have a new 1500 hundred dollar veg light. I have talked to everyone and everyone’s grandma about this. I spent 6 months researching LEDs before I pulled the trigger on one. I hope it will do what they say because I have been on the fence here for along time looking for the same answers. Good luck with your findings. I have to wait a full cycle to c what lite will do what parked beside each other. Play safe
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