First Grow Journal

They just have better growing conditions and love to show off :)

That's all great but where are my extra tops gonna grow from now? lmao. i feel like all i did was chop them all in half :(
trying to decide if i should start another journal for the second grow or just keep all my grows in this one journal. I've already made this decision a dozen times. I hate being a flip flopper lol
Make this a perpetual grow journal... Same journal.

Just started looking at your food recipes. did i mention i own and live above a restaurant LMAO. I'm gonna be making some of that stuff for sure.

must have taken so much time to share all of that. Pretty awesome.
trying to decide if i should start another journal for the second grow or just keep all my grows in this one journal. I've already made this decision a dozen times. I hate being a flip flopper lol

Sup Rem, sorry im late. Was gettin caught up and had to skip forward! Plants look great too!

If you go for the new journsl post a link here and ur sig too.

Just keep growing!
Just some pics. have a little bit of budding happening. it's pretty exciting. wondering if i have to water every day with 10 gal bags. every other day would be nice lol.

Had to do a little bending on one. after some reading if decided it wouldn't halt the growth and it didn't seem to at all. Now i'm wondering why use a screen that gets in the way so bad lol, when you can just bend to even out the canopy...

10 gallons is a big container. Lotsa ways to water, depending on your plznt size. My girls healthy and prolly dur for a drink,. Eco pots are to get O2 in the roots and dry soil faster.

yeah 5 gal bags for next time. and i'm a stoner to the core because i realized i can water the plants in the back of the tent by opening up the MASSIVE side flaps. Jesus i'm dumb sometimes lol.
Buds growing pretty good. Happy there's a few weeks to go. Feeding at 1000 ppm.
Just wishing I did a better defol

Still feeding and waiting. Tempted to cut some twigs but resisting. It's too late. But with a few weeks to go I should be happy with what I get.
Nice job Rem, ur gonna have alotta buds. Some big ass plants!

Thanks man, the one plant she's really out of control, I'm learning the hard way here lol.
Still just watching RT and RH and feeding. Strong feeding today.
6 micro 12 bloom, 1.5 armor si, 2 calmag plus, 2.5 kool bloom, 1 floralicious plus in ml / gal. was about 1100 ppm.
I've figured an easy way to estimate the ppm of the GH Trio. 50ppm per ml / gal. it's pretty close.

probably wont do 4 kinds at once again lol. 2 of them look like they're gonna finish 2 weeks before the others. but I'm super happy with how they're looking and the one in particular is so nice i'm so happy i got clones of her. thinking about doing just that one after i finish up the blue rhino and white widow.

also my camera sucks.

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