First Grow Journal

Lmao Remy good luck looking for the answer. I know my sun system 1000w pulls 1040 watts and my new HLG 550 pulls 500 watts less then half. 99% of people I have talked to about this say the LED will produce 10 to 15 % less yield but increase of terps and essential oils. If it holds true I can live with a cut to my yield to get that kind of hydro savings. Any less and I have a new 1500 hundred dollar veg light. I have talked to everyone and everyone’s grandma about this. I spent 6 months researching LEDs before I pulled the trigger on one. I hope it will do what they say because I have been on the fence here for along time looking for the same answers. Good luck with your findings. I have to wait a full cycle to c what lite will do what parked beside each other. Play safe

Lmao. Glad I'm not alone. All I can do is see how the buds turn out. It's my first grow tho so won't be easy to just blame one thing if it isn't decent.
Update pics. Some little spikeys popping out and a few white hairs. 20181223_204202.jpg20181223_204147.jpg20181223_204110.jpg20181223_204102.jpg20181223_204043.jpg20181223_204024.jpg
Lmao. Glad I'm not alone. All I can do is see how the buds turn out. It's my first grow tho so won't be easy to just blame one thing if it isn't decent.
I am going out on a limb here because I have no real world experience here flowering under LED.I think you should b fine with 3 of those lights. This is just based upon all the photos you have shown us your Plants look great /nice colour /full of vigour / no stress. This could b in part to their caregiver great job. Even if those lights pull 200 actual wall watts each for 600 total. I can say I have had great results from a 600 HID (huge nugs)in the past so you should get a good yield with them. Just my thoughts I may b COMPLETELY WRONG HERE. Nevertheless your plants look great and I hope this all works out well for you.
I am going out on a limb here because I have no real world experience here flowering under LED.I think you should b fine with 3 of those lights. This is just based upon all the photos you have shown us your Plants look great /nice colour /full of vigour / no stress. This could b in part to their caregiver great job. Even if those lights pull 200 actual wall watts each for 600 total. I can say I have had great results from a 600 HID (huge nugs)in the past so you should get a good yield with them. Just my thoughts I may b COMPLETELY WRONG HERE. Nevertheless your plants look great and I hope this all works out well for you.

Thanks a lot. You've made me feel better. Really anxious to see the end result. I'll have no problem switching to the other lights eventually if I feel the need. Since I'm sucking the same amount of juice anyway.

Gonna do a side by side. Led vs. Running wires directly to the plant medium lmao.
Thanks a lot. You've made me feel better. Really anxious to see the end result. I'll have no problem switching to the other lights eventually if I feel the need. Since I'm sucking the same amount of juice anyway.

Gonna do a side by side. Led vs. Running wires directly to the plant medium lmao.
Ha ha love it just make sure the circuit has ground fault protection Lmao. Just my observation but the way things r going the market will b LEDs soon enough. I have been growing along time and the fact that Gavita just put out a kick ass LED(with a heavy price tag) tells me the direction market is going. Gavita has been top of their game in HID for along time and now even they r getting into LEDS. Time will tell.
Got my 2in1 tent set up in my mothers storage room. got 3 blue rhino high cbd and 1 white widow sprouted.
Soaked rapid rooters in ro water for 6 hours. seeds soaked for 3 hours.
all 4 popped in 2days. planted plugs in precharged coco under 2x45w growneer leds.

So I have about 8 or 9 weeks left for flowering i'd imagine. so by that time the 4 i have at my mothers will be big and ready for the flower room. or i should say flower tent because i'm getting another one but bigger in a few weeks for sure. I LOVE this tent.

put a screen over the plants but i feel like it was probably too late. If it doesn't seem to be suiting it's purpose i'll remove it.20181219_104542.jpg20181219_104618.jpg20181224_235116.jpg20181224_235143.jpg20181225_000650.jpg20181225_000657.jpg20181225_000703.jpg20181225_000713.jpg
Not much happening. Just feeding and waiting for buds. Got a 5x5 tent dirt cheap so hopefully the helps. Found a general hydroponics feed schedule that is actually really good so I've been using that as a guide.

Crafted up a new cloner and it works very well. It's a little wonky but it's awesome lol.

The 4 plants at my mother's are doing so well I can't believe my eyes. 13 days in the light and they're just killing it under my little 45w leds. 24 hours light the entire time. Gonna see how far I can veg them under these lights.


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Hi remy,
Now it is time to just keep an eye out for possible probs and be patient :hug:
Theu look awesome :thumb:

Thank you. What kind of problems ? Lol
Been liking this sheet as a reference for temp and humidity levels. it's the only thing i've seen so far that says to start pH high and work down. I'm doing 5.5 for seedlings and clones, was doing 5.6 early on when i discovered a calmag issue, then stayed around 5.7 5.8 untill flowering. been feeding between 5.8 and 6.0 haven't fed higher than 6, probably won't.

Still just feeding and waiting. things are a lot better with a tent. humidity and temp are within range, plants are budding. feeding at about 750 ppm from the GH "expert" schedule.

trying a "mainline" with one of my seedlings, not sure what the difference is between that and just topping at the 2nd true node. i feel like just topping at the 2nd node would give 8 nice even tops without all the extra topping that mainlining would require. gonna find out either way.
Thank you! the seedlings are 17 days old in the pics. the big ones are about 12 weeks old.
Nice work... :goodjob:

Thanks, I really messed up the seedling stage my first grow so i really strained my brain to make sure these ones had a better start lol.
Happy day today. just picked up 2 new lights cheap. paid $400 canadian for 2x 480w mars hydro lights. some good savings on tax and shipping thats for sure, not to mention they're going for $280 on amazon. Probably couldn't afford it but the deal was too good, also been wanting to try a mars light for a while now.
I think the chicks BF got busted for something and she's selling off his shit now LMAO.
something weird i just realized. when i started my first grow no branches grew from the nodes until i topped the plants. with the seedlings i have now every node grew branches before i topped the plants. i wonder what's up with that.
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