First Grow Journal

Looking good! Subbing in to watch the Fimming and Super Cropping to hopefully learn a thing or two. It scares me.

Right on man. hopefully i can get some nice buds like you have going on right now.. your grow is looking amazing.
Too much light now?
Only 4 plants under 2 really bright LED'S. Moved the lights closer together so all 4 plants are well within the light radius according to the manufacturer.
Not sure how accurate these light meters are but mine is maxed out.
I think the fim worked. Some pic of my butchery and of the rearranged jam space. There's a small fan in between the plants blowing up. There's a fan hanging on the wall blowing down at the bottom of the lights. 2 and 1/2 humidifiers blowing hard.
This room has more air flow than Donald Trumps head.20181201_010939.jpg20181201_010859.jpg20181201_010827.jpg20181201_003832.jpg20181201_003703.jpg20181201_003649.jpg20181201_003629.jpg
They will grow like never before!!

gonna leave them alone for a while i really went crazy with the LST. i'm sure once they come out of the little bit of stress i put the in they'll get big fast. 10 gal fabric pots on the way. might veg them a little longer than i wanted, but was hoping to be finishing by the end of feb when it's still cold and turn the heat off up here lol.
Changed my light hours to day. not to flower but because the hours didn't work well for my schedule and they'd be even harder to work around when 12/12 started.
light was on at 12am off at 6pm.
now it's on at 6pm and off at 12pm.

I'm sure the growth has been slowed down a lot but i figured no better time than now since i just did a bit too much training and they're already a little pissed lol.

They'll be good in a couple days. just gonna feed and watch until it's time to flower. hoping to get a lot of growth out of them over the next 3 weeks. i want to start flowering soon.
Just what i bought so far. expensive learning curve buying things that you end up not needing or deciding after the fact you'd like something different like nutes lol.Screenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(9).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(10).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(11).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(12).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(13).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(14).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(15).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(16).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(17).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders.png
continued. lol.Screenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(1).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(2).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(3).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(4).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(5).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(6).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(7).pngScreenshot_2018-12-03 Your Orders(8).png
Stop shopping!!
Got my new light. Come check it out. Stuck my head in the box with it on and well.. I was seeing green for bout a minute.
Stop shopping!!

I stopped lol. just got my kool bloom and floralicious plus in the mail. oh and my 2 bails of coco. you get excited and nervous at the start. i've always wanted to grow but never could. now that it's legal i'm just loving life lmao... I live in the middle of the forest so i can't just go to the store to get most things so i ordered a lot of things for just in case, and some stuff not realizing that i'm just dumb for buying it :D:D:D
Just got the Floralicious Plus and Kool Bloom in the post. along with 2 blocks of Botanicar coco. excited to rinse some out and test the ppm to see if it's a clean as i've read.

lights on in a couple hours. loving not having to wait for midnight to feed.
going to start adding the Floralicious to the feedings today. from what i've read 1ml / gal is lots, so i might actually do half of that to start.

got some syringes for measuring today that should help. been using old plastic measuring spoons and I doubt their accuracy.

Waiting for the 10 gal bags, probably up pot in about a week.
Fed at lights on. added 1ml / gal Floralicious plus and 1ml / gal cal mag. looked like one of the plants was starting to ask for cal mag. 740ppm going in. last feed was 640 ppm. little bit of a jump but i feel like they can handle it.
Tested the run off also. 400ppm and pH of 6.5
I'm not totally sure but i think these numbers are pretty damn good.

any shock from training and light hours change seems to be gone. had some nice growth last night, will probably have to raise the lights in a day or 2. might wait to see a little light stress first tho.
You are doing great :bravo:
They all look beautiful.
I know it's easy to shop away, just be careful, some things might be waste of money..

Thanks, Bird!
i think the next thing i'll buy is more GH Trio when i get low. feeling like i have everything i need for this grow tho. probably get the gallon jugs next time, it's a pretty good deal.

But it is xmas and i don't do xmas, so i might get myself a small tent with the money i save by not participating lmao.
The 10 gal bags can't show up fast enough at this point the medium in the 3 gal bags is drying out pretty fast about 18 hours the pots are light. been giving 1 1/2 liters each at lights on. lots of run off so i'm not gonna bother giving more that that at once.

don't want to water more than once a day as i'm liking the pH rise in the 24 hour period. just gonna get my coco prepped up with some pH'd water and hope they bags arrive today or tomorrow.

But temps and humidity have been within perfect ranges for lights on. not too sure about lights off but i know RT and RH are both a bit lower at lights off.

been feeding at about 650 ppm. have some tip burn but they're growing so fast that i'm gonna let it ride. I think they can handle a bit of over nuting as they seem to be responding very well. Still keeping a close eye on them.

Last night i check the run off it was 450ppm and pH of 6.2.

Pretty Happy so far. Probably gonna switch to budding a day or 2 after transplant.
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