First Grow Journal

Little more reading leads me to this co2 thing when flowering time comes. I have big tanks of that stuff already for the fountain soda. probably dangerous but gonna to some more reading on it to see if i might be able to use one of those tanks to pump some into the grow room LMAO.
A bottle, half full with water, add some yeast flour and sugar.. Put lid on, shake.. Open away from your face... Voilà.. Co2.
I've read that black strap molasses is good just before harvest. Sweetens the buds.

I read it's not good for coco. i could probably read the opposite if i kept looking lmao.
A bottle, half full with water, add some yeast flour and sugar.. Put lid on, shake.. Open away from your face... Voilà.. Co2.

Im' just gonna start baking bread i guess lol.
fed at lights on from solution
3 micro
3 grow
1/2 cal mag
ppm 436

gonna try this 1/1/1 ratio i was reading about earlier. seems like a really good base to start getting my own mix down. next feed mix made 2 2 2 2 ml per gal ppm 485 forgot to empty my buckets before watering so i'll test the run off next feeding. but it looks really nice and clear about what it looks like going in. so i feel good about that.

Now. Hopefully someone can help me figure out once and for all what is what as far as my breeds go lol. i'm sure i know but i'm not sure at the same time o_O

This is for sure one of the Sativas. she's growing fast. Huge fan leaves bigger than my hand already and she's only about 12" tall. probably gonna clone her.

My random girl. I have no idea what she is. she's my oldest by a week and a half and i've done a lot of "trying stuff out" on her lol. hope she gives me lots of buds. probably about 16 tops buried away in there. have to start tying down some branches.

This one here, I can't tel if it's a sativa or a sour diesel, but it's also getting cloned. just shot up about 5 inches in a couple days.

This one is my favorite out of all of them.pretty sure she's a Sour Diesel. she's short as hell but so beautiful and stubby. and hasn't a spec from any nute abuse. she's tough. I think i'm in love... i think she's due to shoot up a bit soon. cloning her for sure.

The Blueberry. What a weakling. not a good breed for first time grow i have to say. she's been with these ugly blotches for a while now. think she needs more cal mag than the others. not sure tho. But would like to clone her before i give her to my friend., I wonder if the clone would be a mutant too lol.

Another one i can't tell if it's a sativa or sour diesel. going to my buddy.

Last one is also going to my buddy. was supposed to pick them up today but got drunk instead due to passing some certification training lol. good for him! Pretty sure this one is a Sativa.

So far SUPER happy with my first grow so far. Thanks to the helpful members of this forum again you guys and gals, can't be thanked enough.

Looking forward to flowering in a few weeks. OMG!!!!
turning out to be a great journal. I'm sure i'll be looking back at all of this during my second grow lol.
And if your fim don’t take you can top it on out, I’ve done that quite a few times cause seems like I miss a lot lol.✌️

That's good to know i can just top em like that if i have to . Thanks, Ghost!
So i got some epsom salts today. after doing a little reading i figure i'm gonna put the cal mag away for a bit and just use 1g / gallon of ES. not sure if my tester has fully dissolved yet but so far it's bumped up my tap water by 100 ppm.

gonna add it to the next solution of 1/1/1 ratio. probably between 500 - 550 ppm total. gonna bump it up a bit slowly to try see how much they can take.

The guy that my friend got the seeds from came today to check them out. Turns out the seeds were 16 years old LMAO. no wonder half didn't germinate.
Fed ratio 1/1/1 at 4ml / gal. no cal mag no ES. 533ppm. working it up. probably take it up slowly to about 600ppm. if they take that like a champ i'll slowly push to 650. should have my additives in the post today or tomorrow. will have to adjust the feed for the floralicious.

all 4 plants look pretty nice and happy.
also did some super crops on one of the plants. did 4 branches. squished them around a bit until the inside became soft then bent a nice crease in them. hopefully i get a few big knuckles.

did some tying down too but not sure if i'm really getting an understanding of the end goal. also keep thinking about the fact that i'll be up potting one more time and if i should have waited to do any ties until then. ordered 10 gal fabric pots for flowering. should be more than enough for a coco grow from what i've read.

Been reading through this thread by Cultivator. it's an old one but all about coco growing and has so much info. I can't believe the guy must have the patience of a saint as he's asked the same 4 questions over and over and over again. He just answers them as though they're the first person to ask it. what a nice person.
How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

Live and learn.
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