First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

When they go cloudy you’re at max thc.

Yes, I did read that and also that when the trichomes start turning Amber that means the THC is turning into CBN which I understand is good for pain relief so I was thinking of letting my plants go a little past peak? I don’t know if that’s a good idea but that’s what I was contemplating because of my arthritic knees.
I would plan on harvest within the next 7 days! Cheers to that!

Great, thanks for the estimate.

I believe trichomes continue to change after harvest as well. Just seems logical to me. Maybe I am wrong. I know I am high! Cheers!

I was actually wondering that myself if they do change for a while after harvest. Cheers!!
Some dude on here named Ludacris from 2011 wrote this:


delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol & delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol - THC mimics the action of anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced naturally in the body, which binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce the ?high? associated with marijuana. THC possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties.


tetrahydrocannabivarin - prevalent in certain South African and Southeast Asian strains of cannabis. It is said to produce a ?clearer high? & seems to possess many of the therapeutic properties of THC.


cannabidiol - previously believed to be psychoactive, or to contribute to the high by interacting with other cannabinoids, conversely the most recent research indicates that CBD has negligible effect on the high, it is however a strong anti-inflammatory, and may take the edge off some THC effects, such as anxiety. CBD as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid appears to be helpful for many medical conditions. CBD biosynthesizes into cannabinol (CBN) & tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


cannabinol - a degradation product of THC, produces a depressant effect, ?fuzzy? forehead.


cannabichromene - non-psychoactive , a precursor to THC.


cannabigerol - non-psychoactive, hemp strains often posses elevated levels of CBG while possessing only trace amounts of THC.

Heavy trichome production is not necessarily an indication of a potent plant. Some hemp strains have moderate layers of trichomes yet pack only a strong headache. In a drug strain, a thick layer of trichomes is a symbol that it may well posses an elevated potency level, but it is certainly not a guarantee.
I don't know if the plant ripens after harvest (which would mean clear trichomes go cloudy) but the slow conversion from THC to CBN (couchlock) continues slowly with time.

That is interesting. I do want extra CBN for pain relief and to help me sleep but I don't want to lose all my THC either. :laugh: Thanks, I will bear that in mind when I harvest.
mmmmm... sexy trichs Homer! Good thing we live in the same Province. It wont cost you much to send me a sampler to verify it's weed.

Proud you approve of my trichs buddy. I know you are just joking but if you ever send me an address I will send you a sampler!! :ciao:
Ya you're right, I'm just kidding. I'll pick it up. it's faster :thumb:

That was not the reply I was expecting and was pretty funny. Again, I doubt you are serious but just in case I don't want to hurt your feelings either so let me know when you decided when you want to pick it up. :rolleyes:
Doh! Stop being so nice! I'm good... it's awesome to know you trust me that much but we're just having some fun.

I was about 99% sure you were just kidding but you have been so generous and helpful to me I was willing to take a 1% chance you were crazy, lol....
Homer, Sauga IS crazy :hug: :laugh::rofl:
But, he is one really sweet guy, that likes to tease.

I would meet him in a heartbeat!
(BUT only if Brodie tagged along )
:rofl: too funny! Did you see my cloning attempt Birdie in my Journal. I thought I did pretty good.
:rofl: too funny! Did you see my cloning attempt Birdie in my Journal. I thought I did pretty good.
You know I love you :hug:
Im sorry if I missed your cloning attempt these past days :(
But, I am sure you did marvellously :)
Homer, Sauga IS crazy :hug: :laugh::rofl:
But, he is one really sweet guy, that likes to tease.

I would meet him in a heartbeat!
(BUT only if Brodie tagged along )

I find there is good crazy and bad crazy and he does seem like the good kind.... but crazy none the less...:laugh:
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