First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

Ok, I will leave the supercropping for now.

I think my pH is ok because I have been watering in the 6-6.5 pH range and my runoff is around 7.0 pH. I don’t have any specific calmag mix so I will increase my nutes mix amount in my next watering and hope that solves my leaf problem.

Thanks again Pennywise.

Wait until the flowers form a nice bud. I think you will be ready for supercropping in 10-14 days. At that time, plants will stop stretching so supercropping won't have any effect on equalizing the top heights. I am not using supercropping to equalize the height of the tops. I am just doing that to get more beefy buds. You should design your structure on veg. with proper training. Sidebranch tops won't have the same height with the main tops. I won't be using sidebranches for my next grow. I will be topping 3-4 times and then SCROG'ing. I think that is the key to have an equal level canopy.
Wait until the flowers form a nice bud. I think you will be ready for supercropping in 10-14 days. At that time, plants will stop stretching so supercropping won't have any effect on equalizing the top heights. I am not using supercropping to equalize the height of the tops. I am just doing that to get more beefy buds. You should design your structure on veg. with proper training. Sidebranch tops won't have the same height with the main tops. I won't be using sidebranches for my next grow. I will be topping 3-4 times and then SCROG'ing. I think that is the key to have an equal level canopy.

Ok, I will wait 10-14 days to supercrop and I did read it is to get more beefy buds but I thought I could kill two birds by using it to equalize my canopy too but I guess not. My canopy is actually somewhat flat still so maybe I will be ok. I only topped once so maybe I will also try topping 3-4 times also in my next grow and see if that helps. Anyway, thanks for the help, again.
Homer :hug: sry for missing out but I saw you were well taken care of..
Cal mag is necessary so good buy!!!

The last thing you need to be is sorry after all the great assistance you have given me Birdie.:Namaste::thanks::hug: And yes I was well taken care of. I forgot that Cal mag is also good for budding so I am really glad I bought it now.
Things seem to be filling out quite nicely. Most people in the forums here generally regard supercropping as mainly a method to increase bud yield but a lot of articles I have read say it is mostly a training method to give a flat canopy so I have been supercropping recently. I don’t mean to go against people’s advice it just makes a lot of sense to me to get the most efficiency I can out of my light. Maybe I am totally wrong or just misunderstand what people are telling me but so far it seems to be working pretty well.

No you have it right. A flat canopy means light is getting to all your best colas. Any branches that don't make it to the canopy can be cut to direct growth to the good colas. Awesome looking job! :thumb:

Thank you Sauga. Glad to read I am not breaking some cardinal rule by supercropping at this stage for a flat canopy. I read your reply to my post in your journal and will check out those quading recommendations in thanks for that. I think next grow I may use your quading method and not use a screen but keep my canopy level with just supercropping? Maybe I will learn more and change my mind before and did not do it but at this point it makes a lot of sense to me because the screen is a bit of a pain when it comes to watering. Be back soon to look at those posts you recommended but right now I have to clear some snow while we still have daylight.
Yes you're on the right path, that canopy looks amazing! Carry on!

Thank you Pennywise. I am pretty happy the way it looks and if I can keep them healthy I am hoping to have a pretty good yield. Thanks a lot to you for solving my nutrient deficiency problems and to Sauga for getting me to buy some better nutes she really seems to be thriving. Thanks again.
You can always call the Plow King to help...

I assume that costs money... I am still recovering from buying the Calmag. :rofl:
lol, well the Plow king was a big episode on the Simpson's..Barney had a big part in it...

D'oh... Sorry, didn't get the reference. Must have missed that episode. :rolleyes:
Regardless of supercropping, your garden looks great Homie. Just try it on few branches and see the result for yourself. You can only compare a bud to itself, to decide whether supercropping makes it beefier or not. Different buds have different branches in different girth so you can't compare them perfectly. I always find supercropping very helpful. Backbuilding, supercropping or tip spreading... These are not essential but very beneficial if you have time :goodjob:
Regardless of supercropping, your garden looks great Homie. Just try it on few branches and see the result for yourself. You can only compare a bud to itself, to decide whether supercropping makes it beefier or not. Different buds have different branches in different girth so you can't compare them perfectly. I always find supercropping very helpful. Backbuilding, supercropping or tip spreading... These are not essential but very beneficial if you have time :goodjob:

Thank you Trianglecheese, for taking the time to comment about my garden. As I keep saying I owe it all to the people like you who have been so generous with your help. And yes I will be definitely using supercropping backbuilding and tip spreading and I am convinced that they all are beneficial from the consensus out here so I am a believer. Again thanks a lot.:thumb:
When you super crop aim for the branch to be at canopy level once bent over.

Yes, that is what I have been doing Pennywise and so far it has been working pretty good to give me a level canopy. I appreciate the input that I am doing it right.
Day 60 Total: Day 21 of Flower

I guess things are going okay because my plants seem healthy and nice and green and my canopy still seems pretty flat and my stretching seems to have slowed down but after three weeks of flowering I was expecting some more developed buds from what I have seen of other people’s grows at this stage and none of my buds are stinky in the least. Maybe everything is fine and I am just expecting too much so I don’t really know?

I am open to any advice about whether I should be doing any defoling or anything like that or if anyone would like to throw their two cents in about anything pretty much positive or negative. So I guess things are going good but I don’t really know, LOL.:oops:

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