First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

Day 42 total Day 6 of Flower

I am on my 6th day of flowering and things seem to be filling in nicely. I do have a couple questions if anybody would be so kind as to answer?

I have been still training my tops with super cropping and tucking them under my screen and I wonder how long I should do this into flower and when I should let them stretch upward?

Also, I was wondering if I should do some lollipopping at this stage? And I have some very large fan leaves taking up quite a bit of area and I wonder if I should remove some of those now to open up some space for tops? The one in the left foreground is taking up a lot of space.

I think you can safely start cutting of some fan leaves. They do feed from them, so be careful how many you cut of at this stage.
Lower ok, medium hight about half of them, top ones 2/3 not more.. Wait until they have budded up more
I think you can safely start cutting of some fan leaves. They do feed from them, so be careful how many you cut of at this stage.
Lower ok, medium hight about half of them, top ones 2/3 not more.. Wait until they have budded up more

Thank you again, Birdie. I will take your advice and do a little trimming tomorrow but won't get carried away. I am still not sure when I should stop training and let them stretch upwards. I read to stop training 2 weeks into budding so unless told otherwise I will do that. Thanks again.... :Namaste::hug:
Homer, I will write this now... Tomorrow is another day...
:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::theband::theband::theband::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::circle-of-love:happy birthday to yoouuuu u...

Thank you very much, Birdie... That is very thoughtful of you. :thanks::thumb::circle-of-love::high-five::hug:
I did nail the time difference correctly:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:You are welcome
I totally forgot about the time difference but yes, you nailed the timing perfectly! :bravo::thumb::welldone:
Day 45 Total; Day 9 of Flower

Things are looking good so far; a few days ago I trimmed some leaves as per Birdie’s recommendations and things have filled out nicely. I am still training with supercropping and tucking the branches under my screen.


I have my first sign of Pistils which is pretty encouraging. Thanks to everybody’s good advice and generosity I seem to be doing quite well so thanks all.:thumb:

Good job homer :bravo::yahoo::bravo:it looks awesome in there.
Now, time for the patience part....
Go colas go:cheer::cheer::cheer:

Thank you, Birdie but the only reason my garden looks so good is because of all the great help I have received here from everyone!! :Namaste::high-five: I am really excited to see what kind of colas I get!!!
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