First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

We can only guide you... listening to the guidance is the key to success. That garden is all you bro!

Thank you Sauga but I consider my garden a team effort and you are an integral part of that team!! Thanks, buddy. :thumb::high-five:
there you go... I hope Brodie is not going to eat that right?!? :) you want snacks lol
Day 50 Total; Day 14 of Flower.

Things are looking pretty healthy and I am relieved to see all my plants have produced pistils so they are all female. I stopped training last Thursday and since then I seem to be getting a domed canopy with the middle right under the light being the highest.

To get even lighting the canopy really should be just the inverse or bowl shaped so the plants right under the light would be further away and the sides higher so I was thinking maybe I should start supercropping the middle to keep it lower??? Don’t know if that is recommended now or at all?



A few leaves closest to the light of just one plant seems to be kind of washed out and not a dark green and I was wondering if this would indicate that the light is too close to it? The leaves from other plants just as close seem fine so I am not sure?


Otherwise, I am pretty happy with things and feel lucky how they have turned out.
I would wait on super cropping just now, those leaves turning light green/yellow with darker veins are a classic sign of magnesium deficiency. Check ph to make sure it's in range and if it is then increase you calmag.
I would wait on super cropping just now, those leaves turning light green/yellow with darker veins are a classic sign of magnesium deficiency. Check ph to make sure it's in range and if it is then increase you calmag.

Ok, I will leave the supercropping for now.

I think my pH is ok because I have been watering in the 6-6.5 pH range and my runoff is around 7.0 pH. I don’t have any specific calmag mix so I will increase my nutes mix amount in my next watering and hope that solves my leaf problem.

Thanks again Pennywise.
Look for something with magnesium in it.

I really want to follow your advice because I know how knowledgeable and well respected you are but my problem is I recently retired and I am learning to live on about half my former income so I really don’t want to go out and spend more money.

You did tell me that my other plant was also suffering from a magnesium deficiency and I solved the problem by increasing my nutes I got from the growshop so hopefully if I do that again it will solve the problem. Plus on November 21st I ordered Megacrop that MrSauga recommended unfortunately with the Canadian postal strike, which was recently resolved through legislation, it is stuck in a mail twilight zone somewhere but hopefully, when it comes that will really solve the problem because I assume that has a good balance of magnesium.

I really appreciate your advice so I hope you don’t think I am disregarding it it’s just that I’m trying to do this on a budget and I do have better nutes on the way.
Glad you understand. Epson salts sounds right up my alley, lol... How much would you put in a gallon?

Update, I read for tomatoes use one or two tablespoons for a gallon and it is hard to overdose with it so great. Also, The Bulk Barn has it for $1.49 per pound so I am all set. Great idea Pennywise. You really know your stuff!!
Awesome job Homer! I spent the last ten minutes going over the beginning of your journal and how you got to this point. You should be proud of yourself.
Listen I'd like to help out if I could. If you are comfortable in sending me your address, the next time I order from the jungle store I'll send some Calmag your charge.
I completely understand if you don't want the help but as the Godfather once said.. it's an offer you can't refuse.

Again, nice job! :bravo:
Awesome job Homer! I spent the last ten minutes going over the beginning of your journal and how you got to this point. You should be proud of yourself.
Listen I'd like to help out if I could. If you are comfortable in sending me your address, the next time I order from the jungle store I'll send some Calmag your charge.
I completely understand if you don't want the help but as the Godfather once said.. it's an offer you can't refuse.

Again, nice job! :bravo:

That was just an unbelievably kind and generous message Sauga. I am pleasantly surprised at how many helpful and nice people there are on this site. I appreciate your complement about my garden but honestly I feel like a guy who was given a paint by numbers piece of art and am being complimented on its beauty just for staying within the lines, LOL. It’s all you people and your generous advice that has gotten me to where I am because without that I would have no idea what I was doing. Every time I have a problem and have no idea what the solution is someone is there for me with great advice and that really is the secret.

And I would have no problem giving you my address but I cannot in good conscience accept your generous offer because I am pretty secure financially it’s just that recently retiring I have to get used to not going out and buying things I want without thinking about it like I used to be able to when I was working so I am not poor I just have to be more careful and I may be overcompensating till I understand my new budget. So if I really need Calmag I can get some but I have kind of made it a personal challenge to grow with spending as little money as possible. Besides I have my natural fertilizer from the growshop plus I have the Megacrop in the mail that will eventually get here plus in the meantime I am going to try some Epson salts so I should be able to get things under control. Again thanks for your help and kind offer.
Well, as emotionally painful as it was I dusted the cobwebs off my wallet and splurged $15.00 and got a bottle of Calmag. :laugh: Peoples good advice prevailed over my cheapness which in the long run I think is a good thing.
Hey Homer,
awesome'll be glad you splurged. Ya now that I understand your situation a bit more the offers of luxurious gifts of cars, boats, gold and more will stop. Phew, glad you said something because my next offer was 25K cash.

Enjoy your evening good sir!
Hey Homer,
awesome'll be glad you splurged. Ya now that I understand your situation a bit more the offers of luxurious gifts of cars, boats, gold and more will stop. Phew, glad you said something because my next offer was 25K cash.

Enjoy your evening good sir!

Do'h... Me and my big mouth. With your 25K and all my savings, I would have had almost 26K in total. :rofl: Have a good evening too Sir!!
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