First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

They are looking well on the way homer I wouldn’t be worried about them at all!! Nice green and healthy growth all over and the Budsites have lots of time still to fatten up and pack on those trichomes!
They look great for 21 days from flip

Thanks for putting my mind at ease guys. That was a big relief.
It's still very early for them.

I did realize that it was still pretty early for them being only three weeks into flower as I have read people often go for 10 weeks but what got me spooked more than the bud development was a total lack of stinkiness. It’s been so long since I grew I seem to have misremembered when they start getting stinky hence the false alarm, LOL. Again thanks for the info.
It may take another week or 2 but they will smell!

Great; thanks for the heads up. I am looking forward to that to verify that I actually have a good strain.
Just don't get in a hurry and start doing experiments! Lol
Give them what they need and give them time.

I’m starting to suspect that people think I actually am as dimwitted as Homer Simpson because you are about the fourth person who has tried to cool my jets and get me to be more patient.:laugh:

I welcome your words though because criticism is a lot more useful than compliments but I am more patient than I seem and I have no intention of trying to rush things or starting to do experiments. I am going to continue to just adjust my pH and add my Calmag and Mega Crop and leave well enough alone. Thanks again.:thumb:
I grew under the same Viparspectra you have for my first grow. You will absolutely get potent, quality bud from that light. It excels in veg. It can give you quality in flower, but you have to set your expectations correctly - the light penetration has its limits relative to some of the new lights. You've done a good job of setting the canopy up for success so far with that light. The more tops at the ideal distance from the light, the better.

You say you're being cautioned about experimenting - I say take your lumps and learn by doing! Even if you mess things up your future grows will be better off. It's too late to do any big defoliation at this point, because the vegetative growth is basically all flipped to flower growth as of the 3 week mark. You should do some though, with the intent of getting light at the bud sites wherever possible. You should also look to trim some of the bottom growth that obviously isn't going to get much light. In both cases I'd start slow. Do less than you think you should - I did too much on my first grow, and too little on my second. You will have popcorn / larf with that light until you get the hang of the light penetration, but you're already way ahead of where I was on my first grow.
Yup, looks good, just hurry up and wait Homer...all is well!

Construction is such a cluster $%#& I must have heard that hurry up and wait saying a thousand times at work, lol... Thanks for the input!! :high-five:

Nice flat canopy. I think your doing great and will be well rewarded.

Thank you Killian; I appreciate your comments! :thumb:
I grew under the same Viparspectra you have for my first grow. You will absolutely get potent, quality bud from that light. It excels in veg. It can give you quality in flower, but you have to set your expectations correctly - the light penetration has its limits relative to some of the new lights. You've done a good job of setting the canopy up for success so far with that light. The more tops at the ideal distance from the light, the better.

You say you're being cautioned about experimenting - I say take your lumps and learn by doing! Even if you mess things up your future grows will be better off. It's too late to do any big defoliation at this point, because the vegetative growth is basically all flipped to flower growth as of the 3 week mark. You should do some though, with the intent of getting light at the bud sites wherever possible. You should also look to trim some of the bottom growth that obviously isn't going to get much light. In both cases I'd start slow. Do less than you think you should - I did too much on my first grow, and too little on my second. You will have popcorn / larf with that light until you get the hang of the light penetration, but you're already way ahead of where I was on my first grow.

Hey DobeWan, thanks for your post. Glad to hear that you think I will get some quality bud from the light I have.

I admire your cavalier attitude about experimenting but I really don’t want to mess things up because being my first grow I want something to show for it but I don’t see how doing a little defoliation can hurt. I have already done a bit of defoliation because AngyBird, who actually isn’t angry at all, suggested it a while ago so I have already removed a lot of lower growth that wouldn’t get much light and some big fan leaves as she suggested. So I will do a very limited defoliation to get more light on my bud sites. Just a bit!!!
You do look like you have done growing your whole life.
No real defoil/pruning is necessary, only if you see a bud that is covered by a leaf, either bend it away or cut it off.
You do look like you have done growing your whole life.
No real defoil/pruning is necessary, only if you see a bud that is covered by a leaf, either bend it away or cut it off.

Hi Birdie, hope you have been well. You are too kind with your growing all my life comment but I do have a few secret weapons with my growing. Firstly being retired I have been able to do a lifetime of reading on here the last few months and secondly you great people helping me keeps me on the right path despite myself.:rolleyes:
I will do exactly as you say and only remove or bend any leaves that are covering my buds. Thanks again.:thanks:
Today I had a very interesting day reading about using molasses as an additive to aid in flowering both on this site and other sites. After several hours what I learned is I really don’t know anymore than when I started because for every opinion there was just as many opposite opinions.

Many people claim it works wonders and many claim it does nothing, many claim it is only good in soil because the molasses doesn’t feed the plant instead it helps microbial growth and since there are no microbes apparently in coco it won’t help in that and many claim it does. A lot of people claim there is no magic in a bottle and all additives and boosters are a waste and others claim they doubled their bud size and more.

Who is right and who is wrong I have absolutely no idea but what I did learn today was that I think you really have to test everything yourself to really know. I also think you have to use clones so you have a legitimate comparison because I have two northern lights plants from the same company and the same batch and they look completely different so I’m going to finish this grow without using any boosters and in future grows use some clones to experiment with just because I think it will be fun. That’s how I spent my day today.:nomo: Oh, and I took the garbage out too.
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