First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

Thanks :hug: we all do our best to help out.
I love reading and learning, since I can't grow at the moment. It is like I am in the gardens with you :green_heart:

I also enjoy reading and learning. It is like you are part of my adventure.:Namaste:
Good stuff can check the jungle store online for some good nutes...have to look around as pricing varies, but most deliver the next day if you have Prime or within 3 days if you don't. Shipping is typically free depending on which vendor you purchase from.
The megacrop you'll enjoy. I'll help if you need it but you wont.
Good stuff can check the jungle store online for some good nutes...have to look around as pricing varies, but most deliver the next day if you have Prime or within 3 days if you don't. Shipping is typically free depending on which vendor you purchase from.
The megacrop you'll enjoy. I'll help if you need it but you wont.

Thanks Sauga… I gave them a good dose of my natural nutes when I watered 2 days ago and I will keep doing that every time I water and hopefully that will keep them in good health until my MegaCrop arrives. I got an email that it has shipped today but unfortunately it is coming from California.:oops:

They are in their dark period since I am flipping them to 12/12 so I had a look at them with a flashlight today and they didn’t look any worse but I will have a better look once the lights are back on tomorrow. And thanks for the offer to help once I get my MegaCrop.:thumb:
Hi homer all well I hope. :hug:
Hi MrSauga :hug: flying by shortly.. Hope Brodie is awake :)

Hi Birdie... all is well here and hope you are doing well too. :high-five:
I was using a turkey baster to remove the runoff from the trays beneath my pots after watering and it took forever so I made this contraption to suck the water out by attaching my small portable vacuum and it works great. In a test it sucked up about a cup of water in less than five seconds so this should save a lot of time and effort.

I was using a turkey baster to remove the runoff from the trays beneath my pots after watering and it took forever so I made this contraption to suck the water out by attaching my small portable vacuum and it works great. In a test it sucked up about a cup of water in less than five seconds so this should save a lot of time and effort.


Way ta go Red...where's the duct tape? Awesome idea and sounds like it's a success. Good job!
I was using a turkey baster to remove the runoff from the trays beneath my pots after watering and it took forever so I made this contraption to suck the water out by attaching my small portable vacuum and it works great. In a test it sucked up about a cup of water in less than five seconds so this should save a lot of time and effort.

Handy and cleaver :bravo::thumb::bravo:
Way ta go Red...where's the duct tape? Awesome idea and sounds like it's a success. Good job!

Thank you Sauga; it is very humbling to be referred to as the handyman icon Red Green, LOL. And yes one of my few projects that didn’t include duct tape. And Red would have been proud because all the parts I used in my contraption were laying around the garage so it didn’t cost me anything. Next time someone asks me why I have a bag of old hoses I will have an answer.
Handy and cleaver :bravo::thumb::bravo:

Awwww shucks….. Thank you Bertie that is very kind but this kind of stuff is really in my wheelhouse because I was a construction millwright and spent my career installing and repairing industrial equipment.

Here is a photo from today of my contraption in use sucking water out of my overflow tray. I used about 2 gallons to water my 5 gallon pot and got about a liter and a bit so I figure that is pretty good drainage to avoid salt buildup. It sucked out a full liter in about 10 seconds and I can’t imagine how long that would have taken with my turkey baster so it was well worth the effort of making it.

DAY 39

After I removed the runoff I tested the pH and surprisingly it was a little over 7 pH even though I water between 6 to 6.5 pH. I have been reading contradictory advice about whether it’s more important what pH you add or what pH your drainage is so I am not sure should if I should lower it.

But it occurred to me that Pennywise thought that I was getting leaf browning because my magnesium was too low and after looking at the chart Sauga sent me in the post where he mentioned Full Figured Fashion Week I noticed that magnesium doesn’t get absorbed until below 6.5 pH so I was thinking that’s why my plants weren’t getting magnesium because of my high pH not a lack of it in the soil so that makes me think maybe I should drop my pH to try to get my drainage pH down to below 6.5 so I get better magnesium absorption?


Anyway here are the plants today after two days in flower mode.

Anything to reduce the workload is well worth the time spent.

I agree; I am trying to make my system as maintenance free as possible so subsequent grows take less effort. Not that I really mind making an effort but I like organizing and streamlining processes. :thumb:

Well done homer! Looking good

Thank you Dutchman... :high-five:
In coco with Dynagro nutes I shoot for 6.0-6.5 going in. Tonight's feed was 5.7 I don't sweat it because I let it vary a little from day to day and the plant gets everything it needs.
In coco with Dynagro nutes I shoot for 6.0-6.5 going in. Tonight's feed was 5.7 I don't sweat it because I let it vary a little from day to day and the plant gets everything it needs.

Okay, I will just continue on the way I have been then watering in the 6 to 6.5 pH range. You were right about my plants needing more nutes because since I gave them a good feeding during my last waterings my leafs browning problem has gone away. Thanks for bailing me out!
Glad it worked out, they will tell you what they want.

They do try and tell me what they want but unfortunately, I don't speak cannabis very well so I have no idea what they are trying to say so I appreciate you being my interpreter. :thumb:
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