First Grow Fluxing Test - THC Bomb Mars 400W II - Hydro DIY Flowtank

I'm no expert but it Looks like you a magnesium deficiency on your hands, I use Epsom salt to raise my magnesium levels in soil but I haven't grown hydro so I don't know what to use for your setup
I'm no expert but it Looks like you a magnesium deficiency on your hands, I use Epsom salt to raise my magnesium levels in soil but I haven't grown hydro so I don't know what to use for your setup

Hi Am, thx for the stop. i wait and see. i don't stress so much now as master growers explain me she's still growing and it's just few spots,

CalMag does not exists here so for the moment, i look at her and change water every two days. :ganjamon:
Nice grow...Subd

I was wondering...what is your water source? (Town, well, R.O., Distilled?)

Thanks a lot, had a look to your experience, and... another talented grower popping here,

So a little bit proud i am.

My water source is local :) here on my island, the quality is good, water is taken from the source in higher tropical river. All of this water is chemically treated and purified to potable water quality after.

With your THC Bomb previous experience, my start looks good ?

See u here with pleasure, still plunged in your(s) :ganjamon:
Thanks a lot, had a look to your experience, and... another talented grower popping here,

So a little bit proud i am.

My water source is local :) here on my island, the quality is good, water is taken from the source in higher tropical river. All of this water is chemically treated and purified to potable water quality after.

With your THC Bomb previous experience, my start looks good ?

See u here with pleasure, still plunged in your(s) :ganjamon:

Glad to be here Tad...Nice grow you have going

The reason why I asked about the water is... for a bit I was using well water...the water was very high in calcium this caused my plants to lock out the calcium and mag...not realizing this at first I made the problem much worse by adding calmag LOL...sounds like this is not your problem though...just trying to help you figure it out.
Glad to be here Tad...Nice grow you have going

The reason why I asked about the water is... for a bit I was using well water...the water was very high in calcium this caused my plants to lock out the calcium and mag...not realizing this at first I made the problem much worse by adding calmag LOL...sounds like this is not your problem though...just trying to help you figure it out.

Excellent point Jay...

Tad, did you get a digital meter for testing your water? If so test the water before adding nutrients and see what the reading is. Treated water DOES have higher concentrations of cal/mag among other things in there but nothing to be worried about just be aware that it's there. For example, I use tap water and my PPM out of the tap is normally around 100-200. Now, I have no idea what exactly is in there I just know something is. In contrass, just for giggles I tested distilled, and purified water when the meter arrived. Distilled had a PPM of 0.
Jay thanks a lot for water matter, i've got a meeting soon with the local water agency, i'll ask them directly for cal/mag and the rest

Excellent point Jay...

Tad, did you get a digital meter for testing your water? If so test the water before adding nutrients and see what the reading is. Treated water DOES have higher concentrations of cal/mag among other things in there but nothing to be worried about just be aware that it's there. For example, I use tap water and my PPM out of the tap is normally around 100-200. Now, I have no idea what exactly is in there I just know something is. In contrass, just for giggles I tested distilled, and purified water when the meter arrived. Distilled had a PPM of 0.

Yes of course dear friend, each mesure i do before adding nut is equal to 0.06 or 0.08 / so 42 to 56 ppm with eu conversion chart.

Have some good news :) Now Ive seen your plant side on I can state she looks ideal for fluxing. Good strong structure! Happy Daze!!

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i made this journal to meet people, keep the more cool of them, i didn't knew it was you all at this time, and ear this kind of news, so yes i will flux

What about the idea of waiting till she's 4/4.5' ? she's 1.6 at moment.

I've been trying to get him to top her...LOL.

Ideal plant....right....

Still love you guy :ganjamon:
Relaxed Update, thx to jamaican grower from here !

So what to say, i had big and persistents PH variations for one week from 5.8 to 7.3 each watering cycle. Yesterday night, blitz krieg in my tent, 5.8 water no nut, Ec 0.06 for 24h, and all tanks, pipes, pump cleaneddddddd.

So tonigh baby is greeeeen, leaves are greeeen and growed good, PH moved from 5.8 to 6.1 :) so yes inside tanks, something over the plastic played as a High PH buffer. Roots may played a little bit too but now it's clean and variation is just 0.3, i won't have an argument with roots !!

To break my journal rules i"ll start with an upskirt and continue with root check and a closer view of the grow, i need to find a new angle for comparison purpose. and now it's time to sleep, tomorrow bigggg day.

Upskirt :


Rootskirt :


new leaves :


Have a good night all ! thx again and again for all this support

Relaxed Update, thx to jamaican grower from here !



TOP HER, TOP HER, TOP HER....that's my chant...LOL.

You don't want her to get to tall and loose the chance to top and begin your flux.

She's ready.

But she is your gurl....jus my 2 cents...LOL.
Very nice...Looks great Tad

Lovely job, I hope you find a solution to your ph issues

Keep it green :)

Thanks a lot mates, job is hard and PH issues still "on air". So as this moment roots are bathing in a 5.8 adjusted water, and 'ill wash again everything in few minutes.

Is it possible that roots up the PH from 5.8 to 7.3 ?? still the same variation.

Using tap water, I'm using CANNA Ph - to lower from 7.3 to 5.8. and No nutz

TOP HER, TOP HER, TOP HER....that's my chant...LOL.

You don't want her to get to tall and loose the chance to top and begin your flux.

She's ready.

But she is your gurl....jus my 2 cents...LOL.

Yeah tonight i make special pics for Light Addict and a how to start question,

I'll flux, I'll flux, I'll flux :)
Thanks a lot mates, job is hard and PH issues still "on air". So as this moment roots are bathing in a 5.8 adjusted water, and 'ill wash again everything in few minutes.

Is it possible that roots up the PH from 5.8 to 7.3 ?? still the same variation.

Using tap water, I'm using CANNA Ph - to lower from 7.3 to 5.8. and No nutz

Yeah tonight i make special pics for Light Addict and a how to start question,

I'll flux, I'll flux, I'll flux :)

At you speed my brother.... You know I'm jus bustin on ya....LOL.
-->Special Light Addict

Hi Light Addict, if you come here, can i ask you for the first top and maybe defoil ?

Here the pics numbered (that's weird !!! reading your others replies to other growers, typically about this kind of numbered pics, i was enough confident to make same choices like you, now in front of mine, pffffff, don't know where to top, what to cut, what to eat tonight...)


Thanks a lot, will start and top very quicly

:) T.
Thx my friend, 2nd node has sense for me,

do you think i can make a clone with the topped litlle top ?
you should be able to clone it, ph issues will kill a clone super quick though

thx a lot AmG.

i won't use same rez for cloning but a separate box, a just tap water. PH issues are only in the aero system :)
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