First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

Good morning amigo :ciao:
How are you doing today?
Had a rough day yesterday.
Was supposed to go out but held down my heating pad instead. :rolleyes:
Jury hasn't decided this morning, could go either way. :rofl:
I'll have a coffee then decide.
How are you doing Amigo?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Had a rough day yesterday.
Was supposed to go out but held down my heating pad instead. :rolleyes:
Jury hasn't decided this morning, could go either way. :rofl:
I'll have a coffee then decide.
How are you doing Amigo?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Well, that's no good then brother!
Yeah I'm going okay, had a pretty nice day today actually ☺️
Good morning everyone dang I was gonna buy some potassium today I'm trying to keep it 100% organic this year so I might stick with what I'm using already I don't want to use any heavy chemicals or non organic pesticides
Good morning everyone dang I was gonna buy some potassium today I'm trying to keep it 100% organic this year so I might stick with what I'm using already I don't want to use any heavy chemicals or non organic pesticides
If you have ability, soak banana peels in alcohol for a few days a foliar spray.
Free K
You can boil bananas and zucchini’s down into a mash and top dress/water in too for organic K
If you have ability, soak banana peels in alcohol for a few days a foliar spray.
Free K
You can boil bananas and zucchini’s down into a mash and top dress/water in too for organic K
going to the farmers market this weekend. Thank you bro 🙏
If you have ability, soak banana peels in alcohol for a few days a foliar spray.
Free K
You can boil bananas and zucchini’s down into a mash and top dress/water in too for organic K
Definitely will be doing more of this type of feeding next year. I'm keen on trying organic top dressing techniques
Anyone the hasn't checked out @Mycelium Farmer please go give his journal a read. He is the whole reason I'm even on this page. Very hard worker doesn't say much but you can see his results speak for themselves. Anyways thanks for all the info everyone hope your doing good @Bill284
Anyone the hasn't checked out @Mycelium Farmer please go give his journal a read. He is the whole reason I'm even on this page. Very hard worker doesn't say much but you can see his results speak for themselves. Anyways thanks for all the info everyone hope your doing good @Bill284
Good morning buddy :ciao:
Just heading to town.
Girls are fed and trying to stay warm.
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
thanks for the good words friend 💚
A farmers market is a great chance to talk to other farmers, maybe they have a bag of bad or extra produce they can toss your way to make some ferments oil boil down and make mashes.
fully developed squashes are high in the phos and K and low in Nitrogen great for finishing out a garden.
thanks for the good words friend 💚
A farmers market is a great chance to talk to other farmers, maybe they have a bag of bad or extra produce they can toss your way to make some ferments oil boil down and make mashes.
fully developed squashes are high in the phos and K and low in Nitrogen great for finishing out a garden.
That's the idea. I'm done supporting corporations. Trying to help the smaller guys from here on.
It's a touch early to be drawing nitrogen like that :Namaste:
Your giving teas?
Organic amendments?
How are you doing?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'm doing good 👍 is it to early? they only have until the 10th of October before harvest.

I'm feeding every 2 days giving the plants 1 tablespoon of the potash/bat guano/worm castings and 1 tablespoon of unsulphered black strap molasses. Per 2 gallons and they get 6 gallons.

Do you think I should give them a boost of cal mag? It has some nitrogen in it.
I'm doing good 👍 is it to early? they only have until the 10th of October before harvest.

I'm feeding every 2 days giving the plants 1 tablespoon of the potash/bat guano/worm castings and 1 tablespoon of unsulphered black strap molasses. Per 2 gallons and they get 6 gallons.

Do you think I should give them a boost of cal mag? It has some nitrogen in it.
Glad you are well. :high-five:
Add calmag to your water before you add anything else the next couple times you feed and you will know :Namaste:
I use it religiously.
Are you sure about the harvest date?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Glad you are well. :high-five:
Add calmag to your water before you add anything else the next couple times you feed and you will know :Namaste:
I use it religiously.
Are you sure about the harvest date?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes I'm sure I live very close to humboldt county and everyone who has grown blue dream says the same it will be ready between the 1st and the 10th I will check daily and update you all before I harvest.
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