First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

Let me rephrase my earlier comment, you are effing killing it so far! Congrats on the first run fortune thus far!
Humboldt dream has one of the sweetest smells I have ever smelled in my life it's like a sweet berry candy smell with a hint of pine. Absolutely in love with this new smell 😍 never have I smelled a strain that smells like sweet berries... it's worth growing at least once been smoking weed for 12 years and I'm not just saying this because I grew it. This smell is absolutely ridiculous.
Let me rephrase my earlier comment, you are effing killing it so far! Congrats on the first run fortune thus far!
1 month left! Should be peak harvest between 1st and the 10th of October I'll make sure to upload everyday and keep you posted 😀. The buds are just now smelling and it's the best thing I have ever smelled I can't wait too smell them in a month ❤️ now I just need the perfect cure @GroveBags 😉
1 month left! Should be peak harvest between 1st and the 10th of October I'll make sure to upload everyday and keep you posted 😀. The buds are just now smelling and it's the best thing I have ever smelled I can't wait too smell them in a month ❤️ now I just need the perfect cure @GroveBags 😉
Correction, you want simplest cure :) as do we all…
Question is, have you taken copious notes?!?!
Let me rephrase my earlier comment, you are effing killing it so far! Congrats on the first run fortune thus far!
Question is, have you taken copious notes?!?!

Notes for my plants yeah not about what I'm learning though that's sticking with me really well. What would you recommend I pay close attention too?
Notes for my plants yeah not about what I'm learning though that's sticking with me really well. What would you recommend I pay close attention too?
Not much, just everything :)
Not much, just everything :)
To that point, as I mentioned privately and in various posts. Nothing like knowing how to address a problem before it happens next time which is only possible when you track everything you can think of in notes or journals!
And a great side effect is that you’ll be able to help others along the way if they’re wise enough to listen :)
And a great side effect is that you’ll be able to help others along the way if they’re wise enough to listen :)
Lmao 🤣 it's my first grow I don't feel I'm ready to preach the good word of cannabis growing right now.... I have taken alot of notes just in case of questions. But most of my notes are for my grow specifically and every grow is different. I helped a few people out this year but I did alot or research this year on my own. Everything I know about growing I learned in the last few months. It's all very recent information to me so I'm sure over the years I'll have a massive catalog of notes from grows that went well and we're some grows went wrong. For now it's untreaded waters for me friend. After I cure my first harvest I'd love to share with others on how I obtained my success as for now I'm just too focused on this grow until harvest too help others the way I would like too. Any questions about this grow I will gladly answer in the fullest detail.
If people are wise they will watch me and see what happens if they are impressed and would like to know what I did they can ask I just don't want to tell anyone they are doing it wrong because they don't do it like me.
Lmao 🤣 it's my first grow I don't feel I'm ready to preach the good word of cannabis growing right now.... I have taken alot of notes just in case of questions. But most of my notes are for my grow specifically and every grow is different. I helped a few people out this year but I did alot or research this year on my own. Everything I know about growing I learned in the last few months. It's all very recent information to me so I'm sure over the years I'll have a massive catalog of notes from grows that went well and we're some grows went wrong. For now it's untreaded waters for me friend. After I cure my first harvest I'd love to share with others on how I obtained my success as for now I'm just too focused on this grow until harvest too help others the way I would like too. Any questions about this grow I will gladly answer in the fullest detail.
Don’t belittle your accomplishments friend. I’ve seen much more experienced growers struggle much more and much even less be just as successful. Your willingness to put in the research, ask questions, and use common sense are a great asset. I learn every day not just from the gurus, but folks like you. The key for people like me is to remain open minded and humble. You most assuredly have proven to be an inspiration so never sell yourself short, NEVER!
Don’t belittle your accomplishments friend. I’ve seen much more experienced growers struggle much more and much even less be just as successful. Your willingness to put in the research, ask questions, and use common sense are a great asset. I learn every day not just from the gurus, but folks like you. The key for people like me is to remain open minded and humble. You most assuredly have proven to be an inspiration so never sell yourself short, NEVER!
I'm not one to boast I'm more of the fuck around and find out kinda guy. I am confident in my own actions but I know better then to tell someone something wrong that I could be help accountable for. I'm still learning so until I'm sure I will keep my peace for now.
I'm not one to boast I'm more of the fuck around and find out kinda guy. I am confident in my own actions but I know better then to tell someone something wrong that I could be help accountable for. I'm still learning so until I'm sure I will keep my peace for now.
Always open with this was my experience, this is what worked in my case, no guarantees because I’m new too but these are the notes I kept and why I think it helped. It will not only help open minds and make us more willing to try, it will incite masters to chime in to correct us when we’re wrong and you and I and others will learn either way. Don’t hold back and assume we all know what you’ve learned. We all lose when we hold back info…
Always open with this was my experience, this is what worked in my case, no guarantees because I’m new too but these are the notes I kept and why I think it helped. It will not only help open minds and make us more willing to try, it will incite masters to chime in to correct us when we’re wrong and you and I and others will learn either way. Don’t hold back and assume we all know what you’ve learned. We all lose when we hold back info…
Bro I keep saying if anyone has anything to say about my plants speak up. haha the only two complaints I have gotten this year is over defoliating and my bags were placed to close together. And people suggest I make support which I'm still working on. I'm still waiting for the master advice..... please if anyone can help let me know 😆. My babushkas seem to be happy they are big and strong. Any tips on late flower stage? Only 5 weeks left before harvest. And in 3 weeks I'm doing an ice flush or plan to use cold water at the least to harden the buds and increase terpene production.
As far as master advise I will never claim I’m a master. I feel mostly lucky to get the results I have for myself. Learn more and more all the time and do my best to share it. That being said, for support I typically haven’t needed outdoors for whatever reason but happen to believe it’s the proper feeding and constant training Mother Nature provides. If I did have a problem I’d try to emulate what I do beyond the fans and LST including weighing tops down starting early on with lures and weights from tackle box and if too late for that, bamboo steaks, fence poles, rebar or what have you to even string tied from top tent poles to hold buds up and so on. Just use common sense and tools at hand like McGyver as much as possible. Please chime in with other thoughts friends
As far as master advise I will never claim I’m a master. I feel mostly lucky to get the results I have for myself. Learn more and more all the time and do my best to share it. That being said, for support I typically haven’t needed outdoors for whatever reason but happen to believe it’s the proper feeding and constant training Mother Nature provides. If I did have a problem I’d try to emulate what I do beyond the fans and LST including weighing tops down starting early on with lures and weights from tackle box and if too late for that, bamboo steaks, fence poles, rebar or what have you to even string tied from top tent poles to hold buds up and so on. Just use common sense and tools at hand like McGyver as much as possible. Please chime in with other thoughts friends
That's what I originally wanted to do was let nature train my plants with the weight of the buds. I just want to be prepared for a windy day or rainstorm for worse case scenarios. Also I would love trimming tips and drying/curing methods that have given you guys the best success.
And as far as harvest time, base it on your preference vs any estimated timeline. Get a jewelers loupe or a good modern magnifier. Start grabbing buds at mostly milky and label, then 10%, 20%, 30% amber trichomes then dry and cure each for testing smoke. I’d recommend dry till branch snaps vs still bending and curing at least one week for valid testing. Since it’s your first run you’ll end up beyond your preference inevitably so take more for each test than you normally would to have enough of your favorite on hand. Next grow of same or similar you’ll know exactly when you want to chop all or at least most :)
That's what I originally wanted to do was let nature train my plants with the weight of the buds. I just want to be prepared for a windy day or rainstorm for worse case scenarios. Also I would love trimming tips and drying/curing methods that have given you guys the best success.
I have a couple rather thorough posts recently on my thread about drying and curing but for brevity here, main thing I do is try to stay as close to 70f and 50% rh for dry, starting day 4 do the snap vs bend test until I get to snap, typically 1 to 1 1/2 weeks for me. Then start cure, first time getting grove bags for me so if you are too we should be able to avoid the burping stage but in jars you’d want to burp and agitate three times a day for week one ( gently shake and open lid for 10 min ea time in my case) then 2 times a day week 2, 1 time a day week 3, then periodically week 4 - 7. After 7 throw in a humidipak at 62 for normal, 58 for some a little less sticky and at that point you can leave lid on.
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