First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

I have a couple rather thorough posts recently on my thread about drying and curing but for brevity here, main thing I do is try to stay as close to 70f and 50% rh for dry, starting day 4 do the snap vs bend test until I get to snap, typically 1 to 1 1/2 weeks for me. Then start cure, first time getting grove bags for me so if you are too we should be able to avoid the burping stage but in jars you’d want to burp and agitate three times a day for week one ( gently shake and open lid for 10 min ea time in my case) then 2 times a day week 2, 1 time a day week 3, then periodically week 4 - 7. After 7 throw in a humidipak at 62 for normal, 58 for some a little less sticky and at that point you can leave lid on.
I'll be using jars most likely I'm not cool enough to get Grove bags. Nothing wrong with the classics though.
And as far as harvest time, base it on your preference vs any estimated timeline. Get a jewelers loupe or a good modern magnifier. Start grabbing buds at mostly milky and label, then 10%, 20%, 30% amber trichomes then dry and cure each for testing smoke. I’d recommend dry till branch snaps vs still bending and curing at least one week for valid testing. Since it’s your first run you’ll end up beyond your preference inevitably so take more for each test than you normally would to have enough of your favorite on hand. Next grow of same or similar you’ll know exactly when you want to chop all or at least most :)
My preference is higher cbd thc for the medical effect also looking for more of a couch lock high any tips on when to harvest I was thinking 25% amber and the rest milky white. I'm going to avoid harvesting any clear tricomes I want to harvest my plant in sections so the buds can match development stages.
My preference is higher cbd thc for the medical effect also looking for more of a couch lock high any tips on when to harvest I was thinking 25% amber and the rest milky white. I'm going to avoid harvesting any clear tricomes I want to harvest my plant in sections so the buds can match development stages.
My preference is 30% for sativa dominant daytime meds and closer to 50% indica dominant night time meds. Every time I take a dose in early stages to achieve about 1G concentrate per day for first 90 days I try to remember to have a glass of water every time I pee at least ( personally collect rain water in glass or steel containers for this purpose ) after 90 days I gradually reduced concentrate till I got down to 1gram per week for maintenance. Has nothing to do with keeping at least half of colas for special reserve smoke flower and 1/3 of plant smoke.
I gave up smoking thinking it was bad for me at a relatively young age - I started early at about age 12 and stopped at 17. Yeah, had a weird chidhood with alcoholic abusive step dad etc. fast forward to when dad gets diagnosed with prostate cancer and a sister that did a bunch of research and I learn to make RSO and reading MJ bible and emporer wearing no pants and then my own diagnosis. Eyes finally wide open and haven’t looked back or stopped since!
I should also mention that our friend @Bill284 recommends potassium silicate for strength to hold up buds in flower as well. To me that translates to a readily available form of K he adds using his nutrients. I could be wrong so hopefully he will elaborate. For me using organic compost I’m guessing it’s the addition of banana and similar high potassium inputs that helped me avoid needing support outdoors but again, I defer to the experts to confirm or deny my guesses as they are always happy to do so far :)
I should also mention that our friend @Bill284 recommends potassium silicate for strength to hold up buds in flower as well. To me that translates to a readily available form of K he adds using his nutrients. I could be wrong so hopefully he will elaborate. For me using organic compost I’m guessing it’s the addition of banana and similar high potassium inputs that helped me avoid needing support outdoors but again, I defer to the experts to confirm or deny my guesses as they are always happy to do so far :)
I will get a boost of potassium tomorrow my ladies should love it. Thank you.
Found this

Potassium silicate and K differ in several ways, including their composition, uses, and solubility:

  • Composition
    Potassium silicate is an inorganic compound with the most common formula K2SiO3, while K+ channels are categorized into three classes based on their structure and function.

  • Uses
    Potassium silicate is used as a fertilizer and to control fungal diseases in crops, while K is a mineral that functions as an electrolyte in the body.

  • Solubility
    Potassium silicate is completely soluble in water, producing potassium ions and silica. The solubility product constant (Ksp) describes the equilibrium between a solid and its constituent ions in a solution, and a higher Ksp indicates a more soluble compound.

  • Health effects
    Potassium silicate can be harmful if swallowed and can cau
Please elaborate, inquiring minds must know the difference :)
Potassium silicate is a liquid source of potassium and silica, which is and inorganic compound. It also shouldn't be mixed with other nutrients, it should be given with plain water only. If you truly have to mix, you should add it first and leave it for at least a couple hours to dissipate before adding anything else. Adding potassium silicate is like adding carbon fibre to your branches.
The potassium in fertiliser compounds is normally potassium sulfate, potassium chloride or potassium nitrate.
Potassium silicate is a liquid source of potassium and silica, which is and inorganic compound. It also shouldn't be mixed with other nutrients, it should be given with plain water only. If you truly have to mix, you should add it first and leave it for at least a couple hours to dissipate before adding anything else. Adding potassium silicate is like adding carbon fibre to your branches.
The potassium in fertiliser compounds is normally potassium sulfate, potassium chloride or potassium nitrate.
As a follow on question, is there anything you know of or suspect my organic methods are doing that could/would negate the need or provide same benefits via alternative resources with same or similar benefits? I’ve never had to stake or support an outdoor plant in many years, again pure luck as far as I’m aware…
As a follow on question, is there anything you know of or suspect my organic methods are doing that could/would negate the need or provide same benefits via alternative resources with same or similar benefits? I’ve never had to stake or support an outdoor plant in many years, again pure luck as far as I’m aware…
Well, there is some silica naturally in soil anyways, most of the time. Most commercial versions of any silicate will be inorganic, so if you want to be completely organic, you won't be able to use any of them. Wettable micronized diatomaceous earth works great as do rice hulls for natural sources of silicon. These work just as well as potassium silicate in my experience.
Now that you mention that, I had added azomite to my soils for quite a few years and it’s certainly still part of my compost piles. Could the silica content in that have anything to do with it?
Now that you mention that, I had added azomite to my soils for quite a few years and it’s certainly still part of my compost piles. Could the silica content in that have anything to do with it?
Yeah quite possibly, azomite is around 60% bio-available silicon dioxide!
Potassium silicate is a liquid source of potassium and silica, which is and inorganic compound. It also shouldn't be mixed with other nutrients, it should be given with plain water only. If you truly have to mix, you should add it first and leave it for at least a couple hours to dissipate before adding anything else. Adding potassium silicate is like adding carbon fibre to your branches.
The potassium in fertiliser compounds is normally potassium sulfate, potassium chloride or potassium nitrate.
Couldn't have said it better myself :thumb: TT.
Good morning :ciao:
Budnoob , you get a satisfactory answer re potassium silicate?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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