First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

That would be fantastic for me, the tenth. :thumb:
Girls are loving life buddy :high-five:
Looking good.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Today I added more support to the babushkas tied some string around the bamboo and back to the tree on the opposite side so now both big plants are sharing supports.
Do what ever it takes :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh Man! Scary! ❤️
I'm not worried I trained my babushkas very well young. They love the wind. The extra support will ensure they stay safe. I remember the first month I had them I was calling my plants little masochist because they loved being tied down and cut. Haha hopefully the training pays off.
Yeah I figured it was time to improvise got very windy today I saw the plants swinging in the wind like rockstars.
The weight of full buds covered in rain swinging in the wind can snap branches clean off.
It's heartbreaking. :Namaste:
Look at the big branches where the attache to the main.
That's the vulnerable spot.
Zip ties or what ever you have to help hold them up.:thumb:
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
How are you doing today?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The weight of full buds covered in rain swinging in the wind can snap branches clean off.
It's heartbreaking. :Namaste:
Look at the big branches where the attache to the main.
That's the vulnerable spot.
Zip ties or what ever you have to help hold them up.:thumb:
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
How are you doing today?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning Bill I could add some zip ties the plants just like 15 feet tall almost. Don't really know how I'm gonna support the top branches.
Good morning Bill I could add some zip ties the plants just like 15 feet tall almost. Don't really know how I'm gonna support the top branches.
I have a similar problem.
I need to spray today.
The last spray cost me over a quarter pound of future bud.
I added 20 - 6 foot tall steaks.
If you don’t get a bad rain storm you will probably be ok.
I’m just a worrier I guess. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Highya StarkRaven, Bill, guys,

I can attest to what Bill is saying about wind, rain, weighty nugs, etc. I've had a lot of experience breaking large branches, or losing the whole plant. I grow in the ground. One I had staked up, all the branches tied together, and blew the whole plant over, because I didn't tie the guy ropes high enough on the plant. It hurts, but I can grow 9 plants, and usually get at least 5 to harvest. And, I'm getting better at tying then up. You will too, if you keep at it. Our problem (on the coast of Maine) is we get hurricanes/remnants here and that's where the problem is. I hope you fare better than I do. Happy Smokin'
Highya StarkRaven, Bill, guys,

I can attest to what Bill is saying about wind, rain, weighty nugs, etc. I've had a lot of experience breaking large branches, or losing the whole plant. I grow in the ground. One I had staked up, all the branches tied together, and blew the whole plant over, because I didn't tie the guy ropes high enough on the plant. It hurts, but I can grow 9 plants, and usually get at least 5 to harvest. And, I'm getting better at tying then up. You will too, if you keep at it. Our problem (on the coast of Maine) is we get hurricanes/remnants here and that's where the problem is. I hope you fare better than I do. Happy Smokin'
That's a tough location :Namaste: dam hurricanes.
Hope everything goes well my friend :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have a similar problem.
I need to spray today.
The last spray cost me over a quarter pound of future bud.
I added 20 - 6 foot tall steaks.
If you don’t get a bad rain storm you will probably be ok.
I’m just a worrier I guess. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Prepare for the worst hope for the best as they say.
Honestly ready for whatever mother nature can throw at me I'm not afraid to go outside like tom Han from cast away and hold my babushas myself. Also have had to help friends in the past do emergency harvests before so I know what to expect. It's rare you have a grow with as little issues as mine. I'm gonna take the wins I already have and any loses I'm just gonna learn from and do better next year.
Prepare for the worst hope for the best as they say.
Exactly Buddy :thumb:
Don't be shy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's only going to rain one time before Halloween, I'm gonna make it. haha
Now the curing process is what I'm looking foward too. Haven't cured my own weed before. Most I have done for others plants is trimming🤔
Id be mighty sad if my ganja ended up tasting like hay or alfalfa.. also don't want it to be spongey or break into dust. I'm definitely more worried about the cure then any other stage of the plants life.
You using Grove Bags?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You using Grove Bags?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'm going to go old school my first grow it looks like that at least. Got some string to air dry the buds and some brown bags to absorbe moisture once it's trimmed then it goes in jars after I pass the joint test. If the joint smokes I'm gonna jar it. Not really scientific but the methods show good results.
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