First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

This really a first grow? Great job!
This really a first grow? Great job!
Yeah, this is the first time I have grown anything actually 😄 just got sucked into it made the decision to just try my best with the little recourses I had. Been doing tons of research sense may 1st which is when I got the clones. I had nothing ready and no idea what I was doing but with a little help from my friends and family I got started and every day I spend a few hours daily to try and better understand why people do the methods they do and incorporate certain things into my grow. My bags were given to me from a friend same with some alpaca poop and perlite I dug up top soil myself to add to the mix. I had to fix the fence around my property and build a smaller fence within that fence all in 2 weeks before I transplanted. It was pretty overwhelming. I never thought in a million years I'd do this well growing let alone my first grow.
Keep it up friend, happy days ahead for sure :green_heart:
Most scales are pretty accurate bud, a decent jewellers scales is what I used to use.
Thank you wasn't sure but yeah it is 2024 we should have scales down. Duh stoner moment
Thank you wasn't sure but yeah it is 2024 we should have scales down. Duh stoner moment
Lol all good stark, we all have our moments. Just a good cheap electronic one that goes to 0.0g would be good. Most of them now days weight up to at least 3 kilo minimum, so I'm sure you'll be fine 🙂
It's currently 6:42pm my friend, gees you're up late!
Yeah was cleaning jars and doing an inventory check I still have alot to get before harvest. I'll be up early too friend. Anyways hope you have a goodnight I'm gonna get some zs while I can.
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