First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

Don’t want anything out there wrecking your garden at night, I understand :Namaste:
Another cold wet day here.
Summer has run away on us. :rolleyes:
I was hoping for a warm dry fall period.
Might have to fire up the light today.
A little extra heat and little won’t hurt ;)
Everything is ok though thanks :thanks:
Find any rain barrels yet?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
No rain berrals yet I have a few old hottubs I want to convert into water storage.
humboldt dream
First grow 2024
North Atlantic Seed Co
The bigger babushkas look like they could use some nitrogen what do you all think it's week 4 of 10 for flower.
Just wondering has anyone ever given their plants molasses all year like I have? I'm wondering if it's worth doing again next year. It definitely didn't hurt, just attracted more ants and aphids than I would of liked haha.
Just wondering has anyone ever given their plants molasses all year like I have? I'm wondering if it's worth doing again next year. It definitely didn't hurt, just attracted more ants and aphids than I would have liked haha.
For me they get a little every 2 weeks from start to finish.
I'm doing it for healthy microbes though I wasn't sure if you could over do it.
Well even I’ve been accused at creating sugar junkie microbes so gonna try scaling back a little next round and see :)
WooHoo! ❤️

I am Hoping everything goes Perfectly with those Girls! I have Never seen such tall plants, and would ❤️ to be Witness to the BEST that they Can BE!

I am guessing you gonna use Grove bags, cause that would be alot of jar burping?
I would love to get some grove bags I heard they are very reliable and my plans right now is too use jars and brown bags. Definitely would like some grove bags.
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