First Grow - 400W HID

Hi New: i don't think it's a good idea to pull on the plant. use some sharp sterile sisors and cut them clean. I hope that can help you out.
Peace Out! There's a lot of people on here that are willing to help and they are straight shooters!
Hi New: i don't think it's a good idea to pull on the plant. use some sharp sterile sisors and cut them clean. I hope that can help you out.
Peace Out! There's a lot of people on here that are willing to help and they are straight shooters!

I've actually never found a need for scissors. My leaves have always just snapped off cleanly at the base, nice and easy. Do other people use scissors? Am I doing it wrong?

It doesn't really matter. What matters is not to injure the branch. Cutting or pulling what ever you like just with caution. Pulling branches to make light go deeper is something you can do but it contains the risk of stress that could lead to a lot of problems like turning herm.

It happened to me in this grow. If you decide to pull them do it really really gently. Good luck

Day 18 of flower they seem pretty healthy and the only wrong I've noticed is the bottom leaves are turning yellow and falling off, is this normal? Also would now be a good time to feed full strength bloom nutes?





Woowee the stretch is on! Just over 2 weeks in seems a bit early for yellowing but I can't see in the pictures how much exactly. If it's just a little I wouldn't worry. They're probably not getting enough light at the very bottom to matter anyway (which could also be why they're yellowing). However, if you feel the amount of yellowing is excessive this early in then just increase the amount of nitrogen feed slightly. Be careful though, you don't want to use too much in flowering.

According to your nutrient manufacturer, the bloom should be used full strength at week 1 of flower. Not being familiar with those nutes though, I'm afraid that's all I can say. Hopefully someone else can offer an opinion here.

A little update on the White Island; I think I'm done with the lst now and just gonna let her grow free for the rest of the way, I've noticed the leaves have a weird coloration where it's darker and lighter in specific spots, not sure what this could mean.





And here's a picture of the family in the second closet in order from left to right we have dark night, sour diesel, Crimea blue, and various clones in the dome that have been taken from all plants/ toppings.

Here is what I mean


I see you're using a grow and bloom nute but are you using calmag as well? My guess is you have a magnesium deficiency (I'm not an expert though!). 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water should help resolve that.

I tried taking a picture with my phone through the microscope thing and I have question for anyone who has the answer will this be a close up enough view to see the trichomes turn Amber when the time comes?


Under a really bright white light I think you might make out amber trichomes with that. The light in the picture looks sort of yellow/orange-ish and it could be more difficult to tell with that though.
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