First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

well herbies does the UK, which is an entire group of countries where it is totally illegal to have any from of weed except a seed for storage im gonna say yes ;)

Awesome! Ive always done bagseed because I loved the surprise and taking something so so and making it magical but om stoked about being able to grow a few of my fav strains :)
herbies is beased in uk and sells to any country, he has the best free offers and even if you buy just 1 seed you will always get 3 free, 2 regular seeds and 1 fem or fem auto, so its well worth checking out, when you place your order mention the site and drop my screen name in the msg and herbie will really look after you, you will get the odd bonus free gift such as extra free seeds, mints, stickers, writst bands, plant markers etc, i only buy from herbies and have had no problems what so ever, 100% success with all seeds, the free seeds are not cheap seeds either so he is not giving away any cheap seeds, so go and have a look and im sure you will be suprised with the service, i cant say nothing bad about them,

@JamesTheGreen, thanks for the kind words mate, not to sure about the vid problems, i dont have issues like that, the most likely cause would be down to the ram in the computer not been big enough but the only option for that is buying more ram, other options would be setting your computer to performance mode, usually its set so windows decideds whats best for your computer but it sets everything up so everything looks good on the screen, i have mine set to performance which makes everything look like windows 95 or 98, but it speeds everything up by loads, other causes could be things like the virus protection you use, or any torrent sites you have running.

with the breeding i will keep any males i have, im hoping if i do get a male that its one of the autos so i can then have a try of making some autos seeds, i have also been speaking with big irish dude and i am reading up on how to make that collidil silver stuff what ever its called, the stuff you buy is highly poisenous and cant be eaten or smoked after, but the stuff you can make yourself is safe to use, so im thinking about making some of that and spray a branch or 2 on one of the fems and collect the pollen from that then use that to try and make sum fem seeds, well thats my plat anyway, not with the plants ive got in flower now but possibly one of the next ones, but if i have high male ratio from the regulars i planted then ill use pollen off one of them and just have some regular seeds for now.

their is loads of stuff i want to try it just having the space to do it, plus i need to keep my numbers down so cant do anything till these have finished flowering,

my hempies are growing like crazy, at least 3 inches again over night, i raised the light up yesterday and the plant is as close to the light as it was before i raised it, the leaves are huge like indica but their growing really tall, im thinking if the clones root then ill try growing one of these in a normal pot and see what happens, if its growing like this in a hempie then it should grow as well in a bigger pot.

my plants are in plastic pots, i think clay would be to heavy for me to keep moving around,

@JimmyC, thanks mate im also concerned with my plant numbers, i never meant to have this many, i just got carried away and you know how it goes, plus the reason i got more plants growing is due to planting most of my regular seeds, so some will be male, but its not how it would sound if the worse happened, its still classed as a plant male or female, so its still more plants than im really happy with but i got 6 nearly finished so once they are out the way ill feel a whole lot better
Thanks DPP, for the Kind Words, and just being about the only Person on Here as Long Winded as I am!!! It is good to know at least some on e else really want to be understood, in less that 2 sentences, we must be Old School DPP!!! We really just want people to hear our complete thought on matters!!! Not that I cannot write a 2 liner Post, I have, they just feel so Incomplete, unless they are an addendum to something I already Wrote. Yes I have a Very Cranky Computer, it cost Me 95 Dollars, just to get them to out and have a look!!! A little bit Pricey, if You ask Me!!!:straightface: I am gonna try Herbies, but I am gonna wait till after Harvest, and around Christmas/Chanukah, so Y will have a Hard Time saying NO!!!:;): I know, I am being a sneaky Bastard, Right, but when You are around/married to someone for almost 18years, You learn the RIGHT TIMES TO DO THESE SORTS OF THINGS!!!:high-five: Do not get Me wrong, I could just be an Asshole, and order from Him anyways, but We need Peace in this House, for both our Sanity!!!:cheesygrinsmiley: Have You visited My Journal, and looked around??? Any Comment and Suggestions, even from a second time grower are appreciated!!! You might see something, that is staring ME straight in the Face, that could add, make things easier, ETC!!! So Your input is very much valued. teSmp said He had been by, but is not subbed because it get's to hard to answer so many Threads of other peoples. Tomorrow or Saturday, I am going to (FOR CERTAIN THIS TIME) have a Poser for the Plants, so All can see How much they have Grown!!! Would love it, if You stopped By and Dropped a Line or 10!!!:laughtwo: Just being an ASS. Take Care DPP and My Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Hey GiG and Jimmy C, it's all Rock Steady and the Working Class, as far as i am concerned these Days!!! I still will only wear Dr. Martens Boots(8 Holes) only, or for Shoes(3 Holes Gideons), I am way, way to old for any of that Political Crap any More, still wear My Hair Short(ALWAYS WILL), but it is a Marine Corps, High and Tight, basically no Hair(VERY LITTLE) on the sides, and a kind of ultra SHORT Flat Top, on top!!! You can see it on Me, in My Avatar. And GiG, I have never done a Scrog Either, I have My own little Training Method that I use, should I need to cut down on Height, and I do not have to harm the Plant in anyway, by Removing anything, to get it to Grow Like This, a Bamboo Pole, PVC Pipe, a straight Piece of pole sized wooden stick( A BROOM OR MOP HANDLE WOULD WORK WELL AS WELL), and that is all You need for My Method, Oh, and Ties, either Zip-Ties, and miwa found ones that I think sound even better, Pipe Cleaners. I talked all about it some wheres Today, I think on Jimmy Crickets Thread, Cannot Remember(SMOKING KUSH, SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS, SORRY GUYS!!!):high-five:!!! Or just go to miwas, and You can find it on Pages probably start at 55, and work Your way forward, it has Pictures and Everything!!! Problem is, He picked either a sickly Pl ant, or the Dirt in His Hole was No Good, Or Contaminated, with either Root Rot, or Stem Rot, but it works Grand, when it is done with a healthy Plant, and can be done Inoors as well, just scale Down what you are gonna Use, LIKE NO 10ft Bamboo Poles, and such!!! Gig, You remind Me of My Brother, and am old Mate i went to School with most of My Life. His Name was Scott, his Mother Had a problem with INHALANT(PAINT,GAS, LIQUID PAPER, ETC), and he was born without Many of the Pain Receptors in His Body Under Developed. You could Hit Him Over the head with a Bar or hammer, and to Him it just felt like someone had Pushed Him really Hard!!! Which whilst Fighting, made a Huge advantage for Him, He was a Punker Skin, I saw Him never lose a Fight because of this, and because he was like 5ft10inches Tall, but weighed a Good 260 pounds, of all Muscle, and He had the dexterity to be able to Skateboard and Do Awesome Tricks, like He only Weighed 140 pounds, He is one of the only people in My Life, that I have ever been afraid, to of had to Fight!!!! I am 6ft- 6ft1 depending on who is measuring me, and weigh a solid 225 pounds, and I would still never want to get into a Street Fight with Scott, EVER!!! Good thing He is a CLOSE Friend of Mine!!!:phew: Cause the only way I would Fight Him, is with a Firearm!!!:bitingnails: Not to sound Chicken Shit, I just do not think I could Hurt him, unless I did a Throat Strike, and that can Kill You!!! I am way to old to be getting into Fights at 43 years Old!!! ANYWAYS!!!:clap: I have to go and Water and fertilize My last 12 main Plants, and Bloom Them as well!!! Wont be back on for at least 3 hours I think, but I'll be Back ASAP. Take Care My Friend GiG, and nice to have met You Jimmy C. Come by my Journal Guys!!! You can really see How the Plants Have Grown!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb::cheer:
@jamesthegreen, the problem is mate you can search the net and find this info all over the place, taking leaves isnt all bad in moderation, but taking the leaves will and does stress a plant, and what you take away the plant tries to recover by growing new leaves or making other leaves bigger, i have removed leaves but not loads, i have got some monster cropped plants that are going crazy with growth and i have had to remove leaves to get the light in, but im not talking a load of leaves, just the odd one or 2 that was sitting exactly on top of buds, the plants will rot if the leaves are touching each other, you can see the leaves sweat and have moisture on them where they have been touching, but i think taking a load of leaves to try and improve the grow is just wrong,

i also trimmed my hempie the last time round and all it did was make the bud leaves bigger, the bud leaves where small leaves and casuing no problems, i then trimmed the leaves as i had read to do no later than day 21 of flower, but doing this got me knowhere fast, all it did was get the plant to focus its growth on leaf production to replace what it had lost,

the plants are used to growing with the leaves they have got, you start taking them and the plant thinks somethings wrong, so it panics and starts puttings its growth into new leaves, does this affect yield, who knows, but chances are it does, i think its not so much a problem taking them in veg, but once you flip the lights to 12-12 id leave the plants well alone and if the leaves are in the way just tuck them out the way, even in veg i dont think its the best thing to do, but sometimes the lights not getting in and removing a leaf gets the plant growing and new bud sites growing, this is why lst works, it makes the plant grow in a way that gets more light into the growth at the nodes, normally these nodes would be in the dark and produce very little, but by doing some lst you are letting the light get into all these places that light dont normally get to, and this then makes it grow quicker at the places that normally grow slow, so then the plant gives many top bud sites due to the light getting in and making the plant grow, but many tops dont mean more bud, 1 big main cola will produce 1 big bud, but if you had 10 tops then you wont get 10 times the amount you would if you just left it with 1 main stem, but it can increase yield but not 10 fold, it just gets the plant growing parts that would normally stay small.

now i only remove leaves that are yellow and nearly dead, these leaves are usually at the bottom of the plant and getting no light, so these would die off as normal, but due to natural selection if these plants where meant to have less leaf then they would be naturally growing with less leaves, but their not, im not totally against removing leaves, but id only take them in veg, when you flip to flower you want to focus the plants growth on bud production but if you remove leaves then the plant is going to slow down the bud production to make leaves bigger or force the growth of new leaves,

I spend way too much time trimming off yellow, dead, or sunburnt leaves to waste more time picking off perfectly good leaves lol.
thanks for all the comments and the link about the silver experiment i might be trying with the next round of plants.

@JamesTheGreen, im not even sure why i have not come over to your journal, im actually shocked i have not been over, im on my way over now mate, ill have a read and see what you got going on.

I HAVE HUGE PROBLEM, i thought if write it huge as well, these 2 hempies stink and i mean stink like crazy, my other plants in flower are not the bad, but these 2 hempies stink the whole place out, i have gone out and bought sprays and carpet powder, air freshener gel thingies, i got to get some ona and a bucket going to sort this smell out, i even moved the hempies out the flower room and placed them in a closed room just so i could make sure its them thats stinking, and i soon found out it is them, the worse part is that they are only just starting to flower, they also wont stop growing, they are over 3ft tall now and 12-12 from seed so they are both growing like crazy, both are bigger than all the plants i have got in flower that had several weeks of veg, my last hempie finished at half the size of these, what shocks me is that both the hempies are different strains yet both are growing like crazy and keep getting taller and taller, im getting around 3 inches of growth per day, the res in the 1 with the air pump is empty in 18 hours, so im glad i not put the air pump in the other one else that would be the same, the other lasts 30 hours or so, the one with the pump is about 4 inches taller than the other so its not like im losing much yet by not having an air pump in their,
they are both fem and starting to flower, but im thinking i wont get much off these because the nodes are so far apart, my last hempie had the nodes pretty close so it made 1 big bud, but i cant see the plant growing buds big enough to make each node join up, the stem is thicker than my thumb on both the plants, if id purchased the seeds at the same time then id say they was the same plant, but their now the seeds where purchased months apart, so im not actually sure why im getting this crazy growth this time round and i never last time.
how ever, these hempies have been getting bpn at the highest feed schedule even though they are no in full flower, so could this be causing the crazy growth im getting, even the leaves are huge, i said a week ago the leaves where the size of a dinner plate, well they have got bigger than that now, i broke 2 off by mistake just moving them, im shocked at the growth, i mean 12-12 from seed and they are 2 to 3 times the height of the plants i had vegged for over a month, so im not sure what to make of it, both are fem, i have taken clones from both and i cant wait to grow these in a normal pot, if im getting growth like this under 12-12 from seed then this can only mean good things to come if they was vegged,
the strains are afgan skunk and the other is reseva privada sour kush, both are growing like crazy and thats what i cant understand, i mean if 1 was growing like this and the other wasnt then id say it was the strain, but both are identical, both have got this crazy growth, i just cant work out why they are growing like this, could it be the bpn, i know i should of started off with a lower dose but i just mix up the dose i need which for my over plants in flower is the highest dose for the flower stage, the last one on the list, so i just gave them this, filled the res up and started by filling it half up with the nute mix then filled the other half up with water so i could check for nute burn or nute problems, i got neither, so i upped the nute mix and added less water and the plants just took it, their was no problems with nute burn at all, the leaves look totally perfect apart from when they get to close to the light.

my problem is this how ever, i have been raising the light about 4 inches a day to keep the tops of the hempie in the cooler temps, but the other plants are now getting less light, i dont want to start raising the other plants in case one falls over, i dont want that risk, im hoping these hempies will stop this crazy growth now and flower instead, it looks like they are starting to flower properly now though so im keeping my fingers crossed.

but if these plants grow this quick under 12-12 then surely this means im going to have some amazing plants if i let them veg a while, just got to hope my clones root and ill be growing some next time round, if i get growth like this then the other plants will struggle to keep up, but why am i getting this crazy growth, i could understand if 1 had this growth then i could say it was the strain, but how likely is it that i ordered 2 seeds at different times and the chose them exact 2 seeds for my hempies, how likely is it that its just the strains, i mean should i go out and buy a lottery ticket, whats the chances of picking 2 similar plants with totally different names that have the same growth rate, or what is the reason that they are growing so quick, i just dont under stand it, plus they stink and i mean really really stink and they have only just started to flower,

is it bpn, have i upped the dose to much, if so shouldnt i get nute burn or nute lock out, im getting neither, the plants are happy and growing to well, i wonder if other plants can take the highest flower feed of bpn, would it make other strains grow like this, i just cant figure it out, like i said if only 1 was growing like this then id say it was the strain, but to get 2 different strains growing exactly the same with the same huge leaves just makes me wonder what else is going on here.
That is crazy. Im kinda new to this, but I've never heard of anything like this from growers in my area. Seems like the cannabis gods have smiled on you. I'm jealous lol
im hoping it means a better yield from my 2ltr hempies, thats what im hoping anyway, if you look at the video i did a few days back, well when i compare that to the plants today id say their not far off twice the size, thats how much growth im getting, i could understand it if it was 1 plant then id say it was the strain, but to get 2 totally different strains purchased months apart and still get these results then their must be some reason to this.
the only logical reason i can see is the nutes im using, the hempies where and are getting the last feeding schedule on the bpn feed guide, now normally this schedule is only given to plants late in flower or agressive bloom, but as i was mixing up the bpn for my other plants in flower i just decided to use the same mixture, so i started by filling the res half way with this mix then filled the other half with plain water, so it watered it down by half, but this was when the plant had not shown sex or started flower, i then upped the nute mix and added less water, as i wasnt getting any nute issues i just gave it at full strength, this again was before the plant started to flower, and i had no problems what so ever, but now the plants are in flower so hoping the slow down soon.

if it is the nutes then i need to test this further, so once these plants are out the way and i move in my other plants and veg them, ill use 2 clones from the same plant, and feed one the schedule it should be on and ill feed the other the higher dose and see what happens, ill up it slowly and check for any nute issues, but if this is the nutes causing this crazy growth then i should be able to get the same results
DPP, Thanks For Coming Over!!!! As far as Nutes Go, I always give mine Extra!!! As they get bigger, they need more Nutes, IMHO, I even start out with giving them Extra Nutes. You just have to work out, how much extra is safe, because as it builds up in the soil, if you do not water well, that can burn them as well. Got Guests Coming, Gotta Go get them!!! Talk Later, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
always possible that something has caused both to go random polyploid? our jolly rojer guy claims that makes it super weed.

its a new thing for me, so i dont know enough, but ive planted the seed if you pardon the pun ;)

im just thinking that its quite common in nature for polyploid mutation to occour. maybe feeding them in the way that you have may have triggered it? /shrug

check it out, im sure you will debunk it just fine if its not the reason =)
I think that the growth you are seeing is 70-75% contributed to being in hydro and vegging a few weeks. The growth/stretch is totally different in hydro than it is in soil. The other 25-30% I would say is from you getting experienced and having your environment dialed in so it's growing as fast it can. You've always given your plants full strength nutes, I'm pretty sure it's the DWC with that little veg and getting the plant nice and healthy before flower. I agree with james on how he does his nutes.
thanks for the comments, @GiGa ill have a read up on what you suggested, it could be like teSmp said, i might have got everything right this time round, or it could be the nutes, im leaning towards the light making it stretch but my other hempie did not get half as big as both of these, its just strange that both of these are growling like this, ill find out if its the nutes cuz ill give one of my plants in veg the same mix of nutes as i have been giving these and see if their is any difference or the same results, even over night they have grown over 2 inches, so im hoping they slow down soon, im getting to the point where i will need to raise my other plants, it just seems strange that none of the other plants grew like this and only these 2 are, maybe its the nutes, maybe its the strain, ive taken clones so if they grow like this in normal pots then i know its the strain, if they dont grow like this in normal pots then it points to the res making them grow like this. theirs so many variables it could be so its going to be a case of finding out which 1 is causing this crazy growth.

one thing i have also noticed is that the hempies are drinking way more than the other plants, both the res's in the hempies hold 1.5 litre of nutrient rich solution and its drinking this in less than 24 hours, how ever the hempie without the air stone is not drinking it this quick but is still growing at the same rate, their is not much difference in the 2 hempies, the one with the air pump in is a couple of inches bigger but its not growing much quicker than the other, how ever the one with the air pump is further into flower, but this could be down to the strain and not the air pump, what i do find a bit strange is the leaves, the 2 hempies are totally different strains, yet the leaf growth looks the same and both have these huge leaves, some are bigger than a dinner plate, i need to find out whats causing this,

all my other plants are doing great, well into flower and getting closer to harvest, buds are getting really fat and covered in trichs.
the plants in veg are doing great as well, need to put some in bigger pots soon else ill have root issues, 2 out of 3 autos have broke out the soil, the 1 is 2inches high and the other is just 1cm high as it only came out the soil this morning, the other auto i can just see poking out the soil so by tomorrow it should have some more visable growth, cant wait till the plants in flower have finished and i can then move these in under the hps, i think starting them off under cfls is working well, the cfls tend to keep the plants small and bushy so by having them under the clfs from day 1 has stopped any stretch and lets them bush out more before they go under the hps, so ill stick with this method for now, plus it keeps costs down.
Right..right...cfls do keep node distance short...i still think its the nutes doing that to your plants..could have been a mistake in the mix..i mean the container..they don't mix that by hand and machines makes mistakes..or get programed wrong..i would save some of them nutes..maybe order some more and see if they do the'll figgue it out...fridge cuttings are still fresh...i will post pics when i upload again...:thumb:
Yep.. Still standing by having your environment dialed and the hydro. I'll bet if you clone it and stick it in soil you won't see the same results.. Growth at 2-3" a day isn't bad other then the fact that you don't want to raise your other plants up.. The one with the air stone still has more roots right? Larger root system will be able to take in more water.. Again that could be another reason why they're growing so much if your not getting good (as good) roots with your soil plants. The similarities your seeing is odd but could have been a mistake from the place you got your seeds from, they do sometimes put the same seed in even though they're supposed to be different strains. Have you been keeping the light close to the DWC-H the whole time?

and if you think it's your light (even if you don't) I think you should get a MH bulb for veg and an HPS for flower..
thanks for the comments, the hempies are getting the same nutes as the other plants, which is the last feeding in the bpn schedule, the seeds where purchased months apart, they came as free seeds with an order ages ago then the other free seed was from another time i ordered so they wasnt both ordered on the same day, i have taken cuttings from each so hoping they root then i can try them in pots next time round and see how the grow that way, the nodes seem very far apart so not sure how this is going to affect yield, but the nodes at the top of the plant are closer together so it should still give me one big bud.

the roots in the one with the air pump are like really fluffy and have loads of hairs coming of each root shoot, the other hempie without the air pump just seems to have a lot less roots but the roots seem longer and have less of them side hairs coming off them, so the one with the pump has at least twice as much root mass in like a pear shape with loads of hairs or shoots coming off each root strand, the other has got thicker root strands but has less of the little side shoots or hairs coming off each root strand, so the roots look totally different, but up top they look about the same, the one is a couple of inches taller than the other but they are both growing at exactly the same rate and both have got the big leaves,

now if it is hydro then my last hempie should of grown the same, but i never, my last 1 finished half the size of what these are now, it would be some sort of miracle if it is strain related and i just happened to plant them 2 seeds out of all the seeds i have got, all i can do is try the clones and see how they get on, if they dont grow like his in only soil and normal size pots then this would clearly say that its the hydro part thats giving it the boost, but with my normal pots i cant see how much its drinking so im never sure if it needs more, where as the hempies i can check when they are empty, plus the res dont hold as much liquid as a normal size pot, and the roots in the hempie are all together and not spread out in a pot so they are always in the nutrient rich solution,

with my next grow i want to play around with bpn a bit, im going to try upping the doses sooner than it states, these hempies are only just starting to flower yet i have been feeding them the highest bpn feed for over a week now, and clearly the plants are not stressed and not showing any signs of nute burn, so they could take more in theory but i dont want to push it to much so ill stay where i am,

i think teSmp might be right, it probably is the hydro part making the difference, that plus me boosting the nutes and getting the growing conditions right might all add up to the results i am getting, all i can do is wait and see what happens, i wont really know anything till the clones have rooted and are growing in normal pots, when these hempies first started growing i thought they was male due to the speed of upward growth, but they are fem seeds and both are fem and in flower, if i could get this results with normal soil grows then id be chuffed, but am i gaining anything with the nodes so far apart, clearly any buds sites lower down would only be popcorn buds due to the nodes been further apart, but im thinking under a normal grow they will have time to veg so wont stretch so much till they are flipped 12-12, theirs not much i can do to find out why they are growing so well until the clones have rooted and i can see how they grow,

thanks for the input, im sure ill find out sooner or later though, the only difference between this hempie and the last 1 i did is the amount of nutes im giving, i stuck to the schedule with the last hempie so it would not of got the last nute feed till it was well into flower, but these have been getting the last feeding schedule well before they started to flower properly, the other difference is the strain, but the strains im growing now are also different and both are growing at the same rate,

i know i got the hempie seeds at different times because its not a strain i chose, so herbie only gives away 1 fem or fem auto seed with every order and 2 regular seeds, so as they are both fem seeds this means i got them at different points and with different orders, so i dont think the seeds could of got mixed up unless 2 lots of seeds got mixed up at herbies and somehow they sent me the same seeds weeks apart, i usually place an order with herbie when he changes his free seeds offer, and this happens every couple of weeks,

ill find out what it is sooner or later, just wish the height would slow down a bit, if i raise my light much more ill need to mount it to the ceiling and that would mean me raising my 4 other plants in the normal pots,

just checked my plants in the small veg cupboard and the 3rd auto has not started growing out the soil, all these seeds where planted strait into the soil, 2 autos are fem i think ill check tomorrow and the other is regular auto, all the other seeds i planted are regular seeds just so i can get them out the way, once the plants in flower have finished ill move the plants i have got in veg into the hps room and have them under glr, then ill plant some seeds for the veg room, im hoping to get some sort of rotation going, but i wont be planting as many seeds next time round, i only planted a load this time as they are regular seeds so some will be male, and im hoping i can have a go at making my own seeds for future grows, when i can sample the plants in flower ill then know what i like and can get some seeds of that strain crossed with what ever male i thinks best, im hoping i have a male auto so i can cross it with the fem auto and regular non auto plants and hopefully that will give me some auto seeds also for future grows.
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