First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

@fish cake, im keeping my fingers crossed, but it was still alive last time i checked, with the soil grow i can get away with saying i got some seed in sum bud i purchased and stuck it in a pot and added some water, but with hydro i cant get away with that because id need all the hydro set up and everything associated with it, it would be harder to play dumb if i had a 6 plant hydro set up,

a scrog i could get away with as i can do this in soil, plus it would mean only having 1 plant for the scrog so it would mean lower plant numbers, so i need to use what i got growing before i can try the scrog, when these have finished flowering i might use the other cupboard i have and have a go at growing a decent scrog, but i got a few weeks before i can get it set up and the plants in flower out the way
to save you some time covering the 2ltr pop bottle to stop light getting in go out and buy something with a black bottle, i was buying dandelion and burdock and them bottles are totally black so it saves time covering the bottles to keep the light out of the roots, but im a pepsi drinker so i been using my pepsi bottles this time round,

i got to admit these tomato plants do look strange, not got many tomato's yet, do the tomato's start to grow when the flowers have finished, i hope so, not got many tomato's left, might try strawberry next time cuz i think the bloke i bought these tomato seeds off ripped me off cuz i aint getting many tomato's, i think his name was herbie, lol
I am in the same boat. and since my bud hooked me up with those 4 clones I am past what I think is the fine line of a slap and something else. but how can you say no to free clones. so this is the roll of the dice:)
i hear you on that fish cake, i got to many plants but some will be male and some of the clones will be killed off, the problem is how do you argue it, its still classed as a plant at the end of the day. so 10 regular seedlings will still be classed as 10 plants even when some will be male and will be ending up in the bin,
thats a good question. as said before I hope it is one that we dont have to answer:)
I just can't agree with what you guys are saying.. But do what makes you feel comfortable..

I think you'll get in 10x more trouble with 10-15 soil plants then you would with 1-3 hydro plants.. The ONLY thing I care about is plant numbers and that's why I have 1. I don't care what I'm growing it in, and in my opinion it wouldn't make any difference.. There's nothing about your grow that shows that you don't know what your doing. You could try and talk your way out of anything but they've seen 100s-1000s of grows they'll know who knows what without you saying a word.

Like I said do what makes you feel comfortable but if you literally had 1-2 plants in hydro right now I can almost gaurentee for one you'd feel better then having 10-15 plants and two would be better off if something ever did happen.. Which I hope never does! Just my thoughts :)
DPP everything looks so GOOD!!! Only problem I had was with My Computer, it would let Me watch like Maybe 5 seconds, stop for 10, then start again, it took like 20 minutes or more to watch it all, then when I hit replay after it was over(WHICH USUALLY WILL ALLOW IT TO PLAY THROUGH), it started the stop start Crap, all over again, so I tried again after it played through over 20 Minutes of this, did the stop start thing again, I could not sit through another session of this, so I am typing My response NOW!!! You can Def see the difference the Air Pump is making, Your Plants in Bud look Marvelous, who came up with this Method??? Must be someone named Hempie, Right??? Loved Your Fat Kush, it must be a Highland Kush, as it is so short and Fat(THEY OBVIOUSLY GET TALLER OUTSIDE), I have some Highlands that are at around 9-11ft Tall ATM. The Video was Great, kinda drove me MAD though, but that is alright, I at least got to see where, how, and what You are doing!!!:high-five: I could kinda hear noise in the Video, it sounded like the leafs being moved, when You Moved Them. Are those actual CLAY Containers, cause that is what I would choose to Grow in if I could, Outdoors, the Clay Helps Hold the Moisture In. Down the road, My Friend is in the Ground, and up here it is all Clay Au Naturale, so he has like 200 gallon Holes Dug into the Hillside, and he only has to water like every 6-8 Days compared to my every 4 ATM. The clay holds in Moisture so darn well!!!:partyboy: That if I could , that is what I would use, 100 Gallon clay Pots, You can get them, but they are VERY expensive, and almost impossible to keep from Breaking, so it's Plastic 100 Gallon Squats For Me!!!:winkyface: Plus they are so heavy, I would need a Forklift to get them into Position, and once in Position, and filled with Soil, Forget It, You Could Not Move One With 5 strong Men!!!:blushsmile: I enjoyed seeing your Grow Setup, just wish I could REALLY watch it, uninterrupted. Got any Ideas on how to make it so my Computer would be able to do this??? I have watched other Videos with No Problem, but for some reason, others I have to watch in this maddening way, and I do not believe it is because of your Phone Video System, this happens on all different Kinds of News Sites and such. Well DPP, enjoyed it, just wish I could see it the way it was intended to be seen!!!:cheesygrinsmiley: So if anyone has any ideas as to why my Computer is doing this, the help would BE GREATLY appreciated!!!:laughtwo: Take Care Friends, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Thank You tesmp, it did really get my goat when I read about the advice You were first Given, I get like that sometimes!!!:thedoubletake: I probably Should Not, turn the other Cheek and all THAT!!!:cheesygrinsmiley: Thanks for visiting My Journal, although I would REALLY appreciate a response, even Negative Ones are Welcomed. But I understand about the being Subbed Part, and trying to answer with so little Time on Your hands, Do what You Think Best(AS YOU WILL), and at least i know You have been for a Visit, I have family coming this weekend(SUPPOSEDLY, THEY ALREADY CANCELLED TWICE, AND US ONCE BECAUSE OF MY WIFE'S ILLNESS), But Poser for the Pictures, or no Posers for the Pics, I'll be taking new ones Friday or Saturday, and Posting!!! I first grew Indoors under a 250 HPS, so be Happy There, You have almost double the Strength of Mine!!!:high-five: Thanks for replying tesmp, Mi Amigo!!! SUNCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
No one has as MANY PLANTS as YOU miwa!!!:high-five:miwa, like I said before, YOU ARE A PLANT NINJA MASTER!!! I believe You could Magically turn 1 Seed into 100, just with a flick of the wrist, and a few Magic Words!!!:bravo: And the LOVE BOAT, only in My Dreams, OH MASTER!!!:welldone: Take Care My Friend, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
DPP, JUST some unsolicited advice, from one friend to another!!! If you can get any Males from the Seeds You are getting, KEEP THEM!!! Put them under a 12-12 Light cycle, and if they are Autos, just grow as per Norm. When they start to show signs of Flowering, cut them WAY BACK, so small, they only have a few places left to grow out from, put them in a very safe Place(AWAY FROM THE FEMALES), put each Male on it's own Clean Sheet of Wax Paper, and let them Flower, You should be able to collect Quite a bit of Pollen this way, So YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN SEEDS, and not have to PAY for them any longer!!! If You are worried about cross contaminating, and seeding up Your Females, every time You Visit Your Males, after you leave the room, someplace safe, change your clothing, and wipe your self DOWN with Alcohol(70-99% Isoproply works Great, carefully bag the contaminated clothing(PLASTIC BAGS WORK BEST), and put them into the wash when you can, just be careful to not get contaminated again, before visiting the Females!!! Or You visit the Males Last Every Night, as long as the Males will Flower, keep collecting it, and if You do not have safe Place Indoors, you can put a couple outdoors,because they are Clipped so small, most People cannot tell they are Cannabis anyway. Anyways, Out Of Doors, wait until they start to Drop their Bananas, and before the bananas open up. and release the Pollen, Clip the Banana away, put onto a Paper Plate, or whatever works best For You, put them someplace where there is No Airflow, We use the oven(ON OFF OF COURSE), and let them sit and Dry in there, once they have dried, You can Pop open the Banana, and Voila, Pollen!!!:high-five: If you have Males that are large enough to clip arms or tops From, when they begin to pop out the Bananas, trim the arms, place in a vase or small cup, with water and a Tiny Bit of Nutes, place on top of Wax Paper, and it will open up(THE BANANAS), just like the unopened Buds on a Dozen Roses Does over time. Anyways, just a thought, on how to save a little(OR ALOT), of cash. Making seeds is NOT the big Problem, Mystery, Secret Ceremony way, a lot of SEED COMPANIES and CERTAIN OTHER MAGAZINES, make it out to be. I have been making my own seeds for 2 Decades now, and even in the beginning, I never ruined a Crop By Pollinating on My Own, nor got unwanted seeds, unless a Bee or other such thing Happened, to do an accidental Pollination, and were talking like One Or Two Seeds, that My trimmers always Catch anyways, and believe it or Not, these usually turn out to end up as Good Plants!!! I might have told You this before, and if so, I am Sorry, I just wish more people would see, it is not some Verbotten, thing to do. Nor is it soo HARD that You Might Ruin Your Entire Crop!!!:thedoubletake: Just is not true, is all, and I wish more people would learn that!!! Take Care Friend. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
MIWA, I JUST DO NOT GET THE WHOLE SCROG THING??? I thought you would want your Tops to come Through, how will they Bud Properly, if the Tops keep getting Pushed Back Under??? I am having troubles visualizing this, I need to really have a GOOD look at teSmp Grow again, or is that one a SOG, or a LST, hell I do not Know, It'll be just worth it to see all the work and Plants teSmp Has again!!! PS teSmp, I am gonna get subbed to Your site, I cannot really ask You to do so to Mine, If I do not even have the Genuineness to do so to YOURS!!! Take Care Friend. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
its a scrog..a training where you tuck the top towards another hole...not only may there be another top coming up with the top you tucked...but by tucking you allow lower tops to catch up...making a even're just suppose to do it in early veg...which i did not have...i had a re-veg...i'm still learning..i'll get there...DP if you do get into having males around...its a good idea to have a spray bottle when you visit your girls...water kills pollen ...just spray your girls down...just in case...
Well Friend, Rookies in the NFL are Considered Only So during they're first Season, a Second Year Man is Considered a Veteran, a Young Veteran, but one none the Less. He may not still Know all the Plays, but His Knowledge is Considerable Compared To A TRUE Rookie!!! Point being, You Know a Hell of a lot More, than You think You do. And if You do not know something, You are Honest and Smart enough to hand the Question over to One Who might Know the Answer. Or seeing the Conundrum, one of us Probably will answer it, ANYWAYS, I think were Kind Of Like That:high-five: But DPP, You have been a Great Poster, and You are good at Helping Others Out!!!! So Shuck the Only My Second Grow Stuff, and Keep on Keeping ON, CF(CLOSET FARMER FOR THOSE THAT DO NOT KNOW):cheer: Has as I believe in/as His Signature, "THE MORE YOU KNOW,THE MORE YOU GROW!!!!" A simple, But Oh So True Statement, You've Learned OODLES!!!:bravo:Do NOT feel You are a Novice, Some People Have the TALENT for it is ALL, and You SEEM to be doing and Showing That!!! Now enough Arse Kissing!!!:clap: Your Plants in The Video were Awesome, what I could SEE any ways, Pisses Me off About My Computer Uploading it that Way,Stop and Start, it was annoying, I usually can up-load something that does this, wait 20-25 Minutes for full up-load(BECAUSE OF THE STOP START), and it PLAYS the second Time perfectly, Weird. Talk To You Later DPP. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
miwa, I hear Your FEAR!!! About Pollen!!! Crazy Shit, I have had it Blow all over The Place, When Pollinating My Plant, from errant gusts of wind, and Thankfully(I WAS BEING VERY CAREFUL AS WELL,MURPHY'S LAW), it did Nothing to the Garden,ZERO, ZILCH, ZIP!!!:high-five: I was Happy/Blessed, and have also heard of Friends, being around Their Males, And from Brushing up against or Something, would Contaminate their Gardens!!!:hmmmm: So it is Tricky Stuff!!! They would not get Fully Inundated, But they would end up Seeding things they had NO intentions of Seeding!!! I always change My Clothes, and wash Myself Off, before going back to the Females!! I use alcohol as well, kinda rub it in My Hair,Arms, Legs, Shoes and Such. Take Care miwa and My Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
You Seem to be just doin Fine GiG!!! No Worries!!! I had My Wild Fighting days Too, back in the day!!! I went from a SKIN as well,before Boot Camp,into a Marine!!! I was a BAD KIND of Skinhead, thought Metzger was a Peach, till I opened My Eyes, and said WTF, I cannot be Friends with My Own Family Because of their Skin Color, and Jews are a Scourge, No Fucking Way, once I realized the Propaganda, and the Swastikas, I knew, NOT ME!!! So are/were You A SHARPS SKIN, or a Nationalist Socialist Skin, or just a Punker with a Shaved head(LIKE IAN McKAY), which is which I basically was, took the wrong turn for a Couple of Weeks In HS, then got the FUCK OUT!!! And stayed basically how and who I am Today, My Wife is Jewish, and a Third of My family Hispanic, I have 3 mixed race Nephews and Nieces, and their Mothers(NIECES IN LAW) are all African American(AND CAN THEY COOK!!!) just like the Southern Food, I grew Up Eating, when it got Cooked by My Mom or Other Family!!! My Nephew was only the Second White Kid, to receive a Scholarship to Play There!!! Southern University, In Louisiana!!! He went on to play 2 seasons with a Pro-Fooball Arena League team, THE LOS ANGELES AVENGERS. In college he was on TV twice a Year, No matter what, Televised Nationally, and i got to see him play on TV numerous Times as a Pro, on The ESPN sports Channels, On Direct TV, it was awesome!!! i only saw Him at One Game Live, in San Jose, which I believe they LOST, SAN JOSE has always had a Good Team. This is a probably GIBBER-JABBER TO YOU, So I'll STFU!!! Take Care Friend, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
You Seem to be just doin Fine GiG!!! No Worries!!! I had My Wild Fighting days Too, back in the day!!! I went from a SKIN as well,before Boot Camp,into a Marine!!! I was a BAD KIND of Skinhead, thought Metzger was a Peach, till I opened My Eyes, and said WTF, I cannot be Friends with My Own Family Because of their Skin Color, and Jews are a Scourge, No Fucking Way, once I realized the Propaganda, and the Swastikas, I knew, NOT ME!!! So are/were You A SHARPS SKIN, or a Nationalist Socialist Skin, or just a Punker with a Shaved head(LIKE IAN McKAY), which is which I basically was, took the wrong turn for a Couple of Weeks In HS, then got the FUCK OUT!!! And stayed basically how and who I am Today, My Wife is Jewish, and a Third of My family Hispanic, I have 3 mixed race Nephews and Nieces, and their Mothers(NIECES IN LAW) are all African American(AND CAN THEY COOK!!!) just like the Southern Food, I grew Up Eating, when it got Cooked by My Mom or Other Family!!! My Nephew was only the Second White Kid, to receive a Scholarship to Play There!!! Southern University, In Louisiana!!! He went on to play 2 seasons with a Pro-Fooball Arena League team, THE LOS ANGELES AVENGERS. In college he was on TV twice a Year, No matter what, Televised Nationally, and i got to see him play on TV numerous Times as a Pro, on The ESPN sports Channels, On Direct TV, it was awesome!!! i only saw Him at One Game Live, in San Jose, which I believe they LOST, SAN JOSE has always had a Good Team. This is a probably GIBBER-JABBER TO YOU, So I'll STFU!!! Take Care Friend, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

Haha! Way to political for me brother, If i had to choose a faction, i would sit well with sharps skins. I have absolutly no time for racism, we are all just 'ugly bags of mostly water'.

The whhole skinhead white supremeist attitude is a misnomer anyway, they are not skinheads, they are racists with a haircut.

A skinhead to me is just a public message saying 'beware, fighter walking here'. Not that i ever really went looking for trouble either, im just willing to win, even if it means making a mess, lol

im sure there is a propper term for it, but i was born with a minor malfunction.
Have you ever seen a child bite another in can see that they 'think' they are biting as hard as they can, some even display the classic twitch you get from overtensing a muscle. However, this is not true...there is a part of the human brain that restricts the amount of pressure, its one of the things that makes us human...I however am missing this restrictor, and without it, you tend to learn quite quckly just how weak the human body is against damage of any kind. It is much much easier to bite a chunk of meat from a human than it is to tear a chunk off a nice steak, but our brain tries to prevent us from doing so because of all the social and emotional rammifications. someone like me has to pre plan if the reason is worthy of the damage. with out this limiter that is such blessing to our race, it is litterally and unexageratedly easy to rip a mans jawbone from his face in a few seconds =(
Looking great Donpaul, I wish I could grow as much as you! but I don't think my parents would allow it lol and I am quite limited on space :/ and I'm not sure if you can get away with that many plants, that's a bit too much for persy lol looks lush though! :)

Haha! Way to political for me brother, If i had to choose a faction, i would sit well with sharps skins. I have absolutly no time for racism, we are all just 'ugly bags of mostly water'.

The whhole skinhead white supremeist attitude is a misnomer anyway, they are not skinheads, they are racists with a haircut.

A skinhead to me is just a public message saying 'beware, fighter walking here'. Not that i ever really went looking for trouble either, im just willing to win, even if it means making a mess, lol

im sure there is a propper term for it, but i was born with a minor malfunction.
Have you ever seen a child bite another in can see that they 'think' they are biting as hard as they can, some even display the classic twitch you get from overtensing a muscle. However, this is not true...there is a part of the human brain that restricts the amount of pressure, its one of the things that makes us human...I however am missing this restrictor, and without it, you tend to learn quite quckly just how weak the human body is against damage of any kind. It is much much easier to bite a chunk of meat from a human than it is to tear a chunk off a nice steak, but our brain tries to prevent us from doing so because of all the social and emotional rammifications. someone like me has to pre plan if the reason is worthy of the damage. with out this limiter that is such blessing to our race, it is litterally and unexageratedly easy to rip a mans jawbone from his face in a few seconds =(

I too used to be a Skinhead, I stopped being a skinhead at the turn of this year, but I was more into the Original Skinhead ways from back in the 60's so there was no racism from me and like you said I have no time for racism, it's just doesn't make sense to me, I don't understand it. and plus it was stupid of me being a Skin as I was the only one in my town - I did get funny looks off people but there was a bonus though strutting around the streets in my Dr. Martens and my rolled up levi's with a bold head, the Chavs backed right off from me lol ^_^
Hi there very nice journal! Quick question, does herbies ship to non mj friendly states such as idk illinois for example? Im a seasoned indoor soil grower

well herbies does the UK, which is an entire group of countries where it is totally illegal to have any from of weed except a seed for storage im gonna say yes ;)
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