First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

no worries teSmp, catch up wiv you later mate.

@miwa, the net method your doing is with only 1 plant, so your doing a scrog, screen of green, can be either metal screen or net or home made type net,
sog or sea of green, means having many single plants in a small space, such as 100 x 2ltr hempie, this would be sog, sog is basically a small yield per plant but many plants so the low yield dont matter, its about the amount of plants you can squeeze into a certain space,
i think thats what you mean anyway, maybe im wrong, my bad if i am
thats right DP a scrog is one except in my case in wich I have 2 different strains under one grate!
@myway(sorry miwa) I like that you are also doing a scrog. I do believe with a little practice (for me anyway) that its a great way to get the most out of your grow with one single plant. I have learned alot from tSemp and I'am happy with my grow so far. If you have it started I will go and check it out. maybe I could learn some more about what I'am doing wrong:peace: and good luck
sorry DP for snaging your site:)
as long as you are still in veg no worries. and if its further along then that like I was (a week into flower) no problem atleast for me. but I wished I had started it during veg LOL
Nahh don't worry about stressing from the training, thy love it.. If your seeing stress it's from something else this is no different then LST. Typically one top per hole but if you have larger squares you can put several.. 7" squares though you might have trouble training because that means you'll have to grow at least 8" vertically before you could reac the next square and have it stay put.. I have 2"x2"..
Nahh don't worry about stressing from the training, thy love it.. If your seeing stress it's from something else this is no different then LST. Typically one top per hole but if you have larger squares you can put several.. 7" squares though you might have trouble training because that means you'll have to grow at least 8" vertically before you could reac the next square and have it stay put.. I have 2"x2"..

yep...thats what i need...2x2...the one plant JH #1..already hermied...i reveged her...i hope she don't hermie again..
dont worry about snagging my site, ive said all along i dont mind people discussing things in my journal, it lets others learn from the info and i pick up loads from it as well, so i really dont mind, when i look for new growers in the journals section i go and check their journal and i always say to them that if they have any questions they are more than welcome to come and ask them on my journal as more experts will see the question and it will get them the help they need, plus like i said, all these questions help me, so its no problem what so ever.

with the scrogs i recon you could just about do any size you like, im really tempted to do a 3ft by 3ft scrog with cfls, i have a spare cupboard, 3ft by 3ft and floor to ceiling high, the same exact cupboard as my flower room, so i could use that, but i want to get my numbers down first, so ill flower off what i got, and then move the plants i got in the veg room into the bigger room, then remove any males and weak clones, then this will get my numbers down enough to consider a scrog, im thinking of filling a 3ft by 3ft scrog, so would mean a long veg, but by following teSmp and all the advice he has given and i have picked up from his journal i should be able to pull it off.
id like to mount it all on wheels though, so i could pull the scrog and pot out in one, so id make a board with wheels on it, then place the pot in the middle and secure the scrog to the base, this way i can pull it all out to water and will be easier to get in and out for some tlc, thats my plan anyways, ive got the scrog all ready, some wire netting they use round tennis courts, should be perfect for a scrog, its a metal net but the metal is covered with plastic so it wont rust, thats what i plan on using,
@Greenhouse250, thanks for the compliments friend, this is only my 2nd ever grow, so when i harvest the plants in flower they will be the 2nd proper harvest i have ever done, its only because of this site that i have managed to get the results im getting, the advice i got from all the growers on here has got me to where i am not, i know nothing when i started this site, i didnt even know about fem seeds and when i found out their was auto seeds i nearly fainted, couldnt believe how much their is now, so thanks for the comments, means a lot

the vid did have sound when i made it, i spent ages thinking what to say and started again a few times, i hate listening to my own voice, you would know why if you knew where i was from, but if i remember right their was a compliment i got from a certain growers girlfriend, she liked the way i spoke, maybe i should move to the usa, here everyone thinks we sound thick where i come from, put it this way, we dont get many call center jobs in the area i live, anyway, when i uploaded it to here the sound vanished, not really sure what happened, my crappy fone i guess, got a new 16.1 mp samsung camera coming, not sure why they say 16.1 mega pixel though, they never done that before, it was usually 5mp or 10mp, but this camera is hd as well so hoping i can take some good pics and some good vids
here is what I have learned about a scrog grow for a firstimer, #1! make sure that you can drain 3x the water of the size pot you are growing in. this was my biggest mistake of all. you cant just move them for flush, rotation or house work. Once they are there they are there.
#2start in veg stage as soon as you would with any Lst. I did not start mine till I got the screen and that was 3days after I started 12/12. this kind of hurt my full screen because all I had was the stretch of the grow to train with.
#3 do what ever tSemp says to do:)
fish cake has hit the nail on the head, once you start the scrog its hard to move, so if its fixed and cant be moved then this means trimming is a bitch, flushing is impossible, so you have said exactly what needs to be said, teSmp thought his scrog out and had a long veg time to get it to fill the scrog,

but fish cake, considering you started yours in flower your doing really well to get the results your getting, it looks good to me mate, well worth the effort, and the results your getting show why a scrog works so well, plus with a longer veg you could have a huge scrog from just 1 plant, then you end up with the yield of 5 or more plants, its a good grow method, but it takes up a lot of space and means you can only have 1 or 2 plants unless you have other rooms.

but follow teSmp and fish cake and you will see why it works so well
the only thing i can add is this, once you have trained the scrog and started to let it grow through the scrog, you need to realise from then on the scrog and the pot are all 1 unit, so you wont split it without damaging the plant, so if i do one ill have my pot on a board with wheels and a hole so i can flush and drain if needed, then the scrog will be mounted to the board also so it can be wheeled out if needed, apart from that i wouldnt change anything,

it means plant numbers are really low but you get the results of multiple plants, so the risk factor is a lot lower, i mean you could do a sog grow and have 30 or 40 plants, but you could do 1 scrog and get a bigger yield, the risk is clearly less,
Just want to add a little.. @Fish I would grow natural for two weeks, LST one week, screen one week, then flower.. Given that no problems or slow growth are happening and your not trying to fill a HUGE screen..

@dp, I only vegged a month and I followed what I just said to fish, and that's from seed.. I should have flowered 4-5 days earlier my screen is to full and I should have let it grow above the screen about 3 days earlier then I did, I wanted the tops a little longer but they aren't bad for my 400.
how long has it taken you to get to where you are now then, because that scrog looks pretty full to me, i know a bigger scrog would need a longer veg,

Well it's a 6 sq/ft screen.. One month from seed I flowered and now it's been flowering for 40 days tonight I think. Seriously though DP.. There is two things you need to try; SCROG, and hydro! I know how excited you get about these plants you'd love both of those things I gaurentee it.
Well it's a 6 sq/ft screen.. One month from seed I flowered and now it's been flowering for 40 days tonight I think. Seriously though DP.. There is two things you need to try; SCROG, and hydro! I know how excited you get about these plants you'd love both of those things I gaurentee it.

i hear ya mate, my problem is this, hydro would make me look like a pro grower and i dont really want that should the worse happen, at least with soil i can get away with not knowing nothing if you know what i mean, but with hydro it means ive spent the time and money to have a set and need to know enough about it to keep the plants alive, i would love to go hydro, the speed the plants grow using hydro is more than worth giving it a try, but i think id be risking to much by giving it a try, it is something i have been thinking about though,
for the scrog this is also something i have been looking into, i have seen the results and clearly a well grown scrog using just 1 plant can yield a decent return, it would also solve my high plant number issues, but for now i got 6 plants in flower and plenty in veg, so im a bit undecided on when to start a scrog, i could set up another room and use cfls and do a scrog that way, their is so much i want to try its just doing it without raising the risk factor,
i could see me giving a scrog a try as it would be only 1 plant so i think that would be something i can work on after these plants have finished, but hydro im not so sure about, the difference where i am with a basic coil grow and a hydro grow is loads when it comes to a loud bang at the door, i dont think a hydro set up would go down to well, but with soil i can play dumb and say i just stuck the seeds in some soil and added water and light, and it looks like a basic grow, but with hydro id need the equipment and have it all set up so i would need to have some understanding of what im doing and thats where the problem lies,

it might not make no difference when it comes down to it, but id feel happier answering questions about a basic soil grow than i would trying to talk my way out of a hydro set up, if the laws changed here id flip to hydro over night and take the soil grow out of it, hydro does grow quicker and cuts the grow time down, but with soil you end up with better tasting bud, and as im not growing for anyone other than myself then for now ill stick with soil, i have the aero garden that i wasnt impressed with but the lights on it are not up to much so removing the hood and having my own lights above it would help it grow better, plus its a basic water grow so id be happy doing that, but going totally hydro would raise the risk in my eyes.

i got some problems with my hempies, the problem is that they are getting way to big, i have had to raise my light loads, 2ltr hempies are still growing between 2 and 3 inches a day, they are starting to flower now so im hoping they slow down, but both are pretty much the same height and both are over 2ft tall, so im hoping i beat the 20g i got off the last 2ltr dwc hempie, the leaves are huge so its an indica strain but the height is just crazy, i would say it was the air pump but only 1 has the air pump so i know its not that causing the rapid growth in height, i just hope they slow down soon, cuz if not ill need to mount my light to the ceiling, i can raise the light about another ft if needed but this would cause less light on the other plants in flower, so if i raised it much more then id need to raise all the other plants as well.

these 2ltr hempies are growing like crazy this time round, the only thing i am doing different is the bpn nutes, as soon as the hempies showed sex i upped the bpn to the highest feed schedule, and as soon as i did this they started growing like crazy, the res is empty within 24 hours, so its drinking loads of nutes and water, this is every day, im mixing up a fresh batch of nutes every day and these plants are drinking all of it, its getting hard to keep on top of, if i go out i need to make sure the res in both is topped up so i can be sure they wont go dry while im out.

i also need to check on my outdoor plant, but the last weeks its been raining so cant get to the plant, but the heat wave is finally here and its going to be really hot for the rest of summer, well at least a week of hot weather, so ill get chance to check on it and ill find out for sure if its survived the crappy weather i put it out in,

im just making a list of what i got growing so will post it in my next post,
the thing about soil is exactly as you say DP, but the man isnt that stupid LOL. but you are right, atleast If it came down to it for all us dirt farmers and that situation came up (and I hope it never does) we can sit there and go I thought that was a tomato.
dang it I was going to buy some pop so I could try out that 2liter grow. now I got to go back out. I wished someone in my house drank pop.
hope the weather gets better for you. you never know you might go out there and the clouds will open up and angels will start singing at the glory of a JTG like tree. I hope so anyway
right, this is what i got in flower and veg.
in flower i have
2 x northern light cross big bud fem, one is monster cropped and the other is a 2 headed lst
1 x special kush
1 x chronic fruit juice
1 x 2ltr dwc afgan skunk
1 x 2ltr reserva privada sour kush also dwc hempie

now for the veg list
1 x kiwi seeds pick and mix regular
1 x low life auto blueberry regular
1 x royal queen seeds bluematic auto reg
1 x royal queen seeds northern lights auto femenised
2 x clones from nl x bb fem
2 x ak47 cross uk cherry cheese regular
1 x California skunk haze regular.

clones taken recently and rooting i hope
2 x reserva privada sour kush, clones taken from the 2ltr hempies
2 x afgan skunk, taken from 2ltr hempie,
i have also got 4 clones in water as i want to see if i can root in plain water, not managed to pull it off yet though.

as you can see i have a lot of regular plants in veg, i did this so i can get all the regular seeds i had out the way, this will then leave me with plenty of fem seeds, so i have ended up with more plants than i need as some will be males, so the strongest male will be kept and flowered so i can get some pollen, possibly for future seed production
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