First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

i just checked herbie out then i went to attitude and check their promotions...they are giving out free plants are really i guess i'll put a net over them..i hope them autos satisfy you...i've been checking out some videos on 12/12 from seed..i saw some big plants...i got some started that won't get but a month of veg...i also got some that were born on the 30.don't know if they are m or f but we going to grow them like they were f...until i see balls...
i here ya teSmp, the root mass is crazy in the plant with the air pump, ill pick up a new air stone for the other pump tomorrow and put it in the other hempie, the one has a res full of roots and the one without the air pump has a few roots hanging down, long but not bulky like that one with the pump, id say it has less than 1/4 the amount of roots as the other, could be even less than that.

@miwa, im just trying different autos mate, these are getting 24-0 from start to finish and all the autos i have purchased are purple strains, plus i only paid for 2 autos from herbies and he sent me the usual free seeds which dont include big bud this time but he also sent me another auto fem, but ill let the 2 i got grow before planting anymore, im just giving autos a try as their finished in less than 2 months, and if i can find one that is a big hitter yield wise then its all good, i want to order some of those big bang autos but wanted to give some purples a try this time round,

plus this auto i planted the other day the blueberry auto is growing more like a regular seed than an auto, my other autos grew slow and did not have a long stem in seedling stage, but this is growing quick and is growing tall as well, not as tall as my ak47 x uk cherry cheese seedlings but still tall enough to show a difference from the other auto i tried, so all been well i might get a decent yield, plus i think the size of pot i was using restricted me loads with this auto im about to harvest for the 3rd time, i only put the autos in a small pot due to growers saying they only get an 1/8th or 1/4tr per plant, so i put it in a small pot, i know it would of got bigger in a bigger pot, will be interesting to see the roots once its finished, so this time the autos will be grown under 24-0 and in 3gallon pots,
maybe this is why i have been able to harvest this auto more than once, it just continues to grow,

basically the auto bomb now looks like its sort of going back in veg, you know the funny shaped leaves you get, well its got loads of them growing yet its still flowering, the buds on it now have just got bigger each day, when i harvested it the 2nd time the trichs where cloudy and amber, now all the trichs on it are clear, not sure whats going on with it, its not ready to harvest a 3rd time yet, but i got to admit it stinks like crazy, now i got 6 plants well in flower and they dont smell, well they smell but i keep it under control, but this auto when i put it in my small veg room it stinks the whole room out, worse than it did when it was in full flower, ill harvest it when its ready and see what happens.

when i harvested it what i did was just remove the buds, i didnt cut the branches off i just cut the buds off the branches, this then left pretty much bare branches and all the leaves where still on the plant, it had a few small buds so i put it back under lights and it grew and let me harvest it the 2nd time, when i harvested it the 2nd time i left basically a few bud sites that was just like 2 pistils here and there, well now these are buds, not big buds by any means, but big enough to be smoked and not turned into hash,

ive been keping all the trim from the plants, well i say all the trim, i only keep the sweet leaf, anything that has no visible trichs i bin,
Hi Smokemup,
Nice plant mate! +Rep.
The reason you may be told not to trim in veg besides topping is because the plants needs all its energy at this point to get ready for flowering and be a strong big plant for then. Trimming now will only slow it down and stunt it. The reason its small and squatty is because you are vegging with blue light , which is good because squat plants produce FAT buds.

But dont worrry abouit it because it will all sort out when you flip to 12/12 and the plant goes into a stretch. After that if leaves are covering bud sites and your lights won't penitrate that. Then just bend them down out of the way. If your still not happy and want more airflow then take some off. Dont take off a shot load off pans that are needed . just remove the lower branches that get no light and some lower pans.

Its all up to you mate on trimming just remember plants stress and take time to recover and a plant that has beeen stunted/stressed too bad during veg will never have the same power of growth it could of had.

its a 2 sided coin. top to produce 2 heads but if you dont top they veg much faster are done quicker bud produce half the bud as only one top.

Find the way which suits you best and makes the most in your space :thumb:

Awsum info mate!:goodjob:
Yeah i realise that heavy trimming will stunt growth, and i am avoiding that. I know they need their fans, and thats why i only take one or two a week, but after this slightly heavier trim im leaving her go for a week least before i may have to trim a couple again. She is bit more bushy due to the MH, but my last grow under my 400 MH and HPS i left grow vert and after flower was just over 5ft with 8 oz dry buds.. This grow is more compact in part due to my attempt at LST ing her. As i was trying to train her into certain shape, well she s sent Auxins to the branches and now its an even canopy, She is getting alot taller daily and im fairly confidant she will hit 4ft during her veg.. MAybe not but i have confidance in her!!
THANKS FOR THE REPS:) Means alot, knowing someone else likes my girl...Be different if it was my mrs! LOL.
I normally grow plants as close to how they would naturally grow, i dont usually top or train em much, just big X-mas trees with buds on top;) I have my 600w Sontgro HPS for flower over my 400w last grow.. Hope this helps her build up phatter buds than some of my previous buds..
Like this but BIGGER!!:)
Later Smokem..
The different ways the autos act make me think they are not quite right genectic wise...i saw a plant grown 12/12 from seed...looking like a regular plant..topped and had 4 large colas..i got 4 sprouts about 2.5 inches high..just past the 3rd node..i topped them..lets see what they will do...i was going to post an update..but too too tired..been out in that hot sun...all day..i got a net over my whole garden...hopefully that will keep the height down..these sativas are really i get some experience in scrogging..:thumb:
Listen to what JBC420 says,M8!!! He is definitely on the right Track with that Info, That is why my Seedling grow so Squat and fat(BLUE SPECTRUM LIGHT,REGULAR SHOPLIGHT FLUOROS), they have a predominance to produce more Females under The Blue Spectrum, I usually get 70-80% Female to Male ratio!!!:high-five: That's a Secret, a lot of people Don't Know!!!:shhh:M8, if You keep showing Me that can of Beans, I swear I am gonna Have you Ship them to Me, so I can TRY Them:)!!! Take Care Mi Compadres!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Lol.. Yep Australias finest!! Greens n beans, a vegetarian s delight:)
Im hopin to have similar pics like that in few months, just bigger cans and hopin bigger buds! Might go for green pea soup cans nxt time:) lol
Lol.. Yep Australias finest!! Greens n beans, a vegetarian s delight:)
Im hopin to have similar pics like that in few months, just bigger cans and hopin bigger buds! Might go for green pea soup cans nxt time:) lol

its all in product placement you should see if you can get SPC to use your pic in a comercial"SPC baked beans, for after you bake your bean":)
its all in product placement you should see if you can get SPC to use your pic in a comercial"SPC baked beans, for after you bake your bean":)

lol.. True:) I could get em to sponsor me!! And the slogan can be ' Get your beans.. BAKED;)' HAHA
Good idea bro.. This harvest im goin there with a bud and seein if theyll pay me for it??:)
Later fish, thanks for makin me a millionaire!
lol.. True:) I could get em to sponsor me!! And the slogan can be ' Get your beans.. BAKED;)' HAHA
Good idea bro.. This harvest im goin there with a bud and seein if theyll pay me for it??:)
Later fish, thanks for makin me a millionaire!
dont forget your manager:)
FC is BRILLIANT, isn't HE!!!! Made You a Millionaire, Me Laugh and choke on My OJ, and did it all in Like 2 Sentences, talk about a Mans Man!!!:high-five: That's FC, Short,and To The Point!!! Unlike Me, it takes Me Thirty Sentences to say one thing, because I want to explain it in as much detail as I can!!! Not My Fault Though, having to teach People How to use Weapons Safely, I guess you just end Up like That!!! Kinda like this Post, LOL!!!:;): Take Care My Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
ask tesmp bout trimming, hope you dont mind me saying this teSmp, but basically on his last scrog he was told to trim the hell out of the plant as it would make the plant push its growth into the buds, so he followed advice from another grower, if you go back through mine and also teSmp's journal you will find all the conversations we had about trimming, anyway teSmp followed the advice and trimmed the hell out of his plant, only to find out it was the wrong thing to do, their is a cut off point on when to trim, im told its around day 21 of flower, after that you dont trim, also trimming a few leaves each day causes longer stress on the plant, it will stunt it longer, where as trimming it in one go will keep the stress time down, but i found that all trimming does is make the plant go mad with the leaves it has got left, it makes them bigger and the tiny bud leaves start growing and become fan leaves leaving you with a hard trim after harvest and gives you leafy bud,

@JamesTheGreen, dont worry about the long sentences mate, your a true gent, using proper english and we can all understand what your saying/writing so dont appologise, a few posts i read dont make sense, even some of my posts dont make sense, but ever post i read of yours makes total sense and is easy to understand, you use the right words as and when needed, so dont appologise, yours posts are the clearest to understand, would make a good teacher for English or even a writer writing books,
Listen to DPP tesmp, He is absolutely right on the noggin with this one!!! Of Course I remove NOTHING at all, unless the Plant tells Me it is Ready to Go, By Withering or Yellowing, all ways of doing it(GROWING) have their own unique Positives and Negatives. Which the LONGER I am Here I am Learning More, and More, but Always Do What Works The Best For You, PERIOD, and take all advice given with a grain of salt tesmp. Nobody but someone Very Evil, would ever try and get You to Do Something to hurt your Plants like they Did Yours, unless they were noobie growers, thinking they already knew what was up, which is ignorance, not evil, but(USUALLY)there are Pecker Heads Everywhere in Society, Thankfully though, There are More Good People than Bad, Thank Heavens For THAT!!!!:amen: And our Moderators Intend To keep it that Way!!!:hmmmm: So I hope that NEVER happens to You again tesmp!!!:high-five: tesmp, did you ever get the opportunity to ask this Person WHY they told You to do this???:thedoubletake: If so, I hope they told You the Truth, That One, They are Sorry, but F..KING EVIL, and the Jokes on You, or Two, the Noobie admitted that He/She really didn't Know, and must have misheard Something, or just made it Up to sound COOL!!! I doubt You got this Satisfaction though!!! Another thing that SUCKS about it, is that You got really Leafy Buds for Your Trim, NO ONE LIKES TO TRIM OR SMOKE LEAFY BUD, as I am sure You now Know. Sorry DPP's story about what Happened to You Raised My Hackles, WOOF, WOOF!!!:winkyface: Take care Friends, I am Stoned Again!!! Heirloom Kush, Awesome Smoke, Always!!!:;): SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb::yahoo:
@JamesTheGreen, the problem is mate you can search the net and find this info all over the place, taking leaves isnt all bad in moderation, but taking the leaves will and does stress a plant, and what you take away the plant tries to recover by growing new leaves or making other leaves bigger, i have removed leaves but not loads, i have got some monster cropped plants that are going crazy with growth and i have had to remove leaves to get the light in, but im not talking a load of leaves, just the odd one or 2 that was sitting exactly on top of buds, the plants will rot if the leaves are touching each other, you can see the leaves sweat and have moisture on them where they have been touching, but i think taking a load of leaves to try and improve the grow is just wrong,

i also trimmed my hempie the last time round and all it did was make the bud leaves bigger, the bud leaves where small leaves and casuing no problems, i then trimmed the leaves as i had read to do no later than day 21 of flower, but doing this got me knowhere fast, all it did was get the plant to focus its growth on leaf production to replace what it had lost,

the plants are used to growing with the leaves they have got, you start taking them and the plant thinks somethings wrong, so it panics and starts puttings its growth into new leaves, does this affect yield, who knows, but chances are it does, i think its not so much a problem taking them in veg, but once you flip the lights to 12-12 id leave the plants well alone and if the leaves are in the way just tuck them out the way, even in veg i dont think its the best thing to do, but sometimes the lights not getting in and removing a leaf gets the plant growing and new bud sites growing, this is why lst works, it makes the plant grow in a way that gets more light into the growth at the nodes, normally these nodes would be in the dark and produce very little, but by doing some lst you are letting the light get into all these places that light dont normally get to, and this then makes it grow quicker at the places that normally grow slow, so then the plant gives many top bud sites due to the light getting in and making the plant grow, but many tops dont mean more bud, 1 big main cola will produce 1 big bud, but if you had 10 tops then you wont get 10 times the amount you would if you just left it with 1 main stem, but it can increase yield but not 10 fold, it just gets the plant growing parts that would normally stay small.

now i only remove leaves that are yellow and nearly dead, these leaves are usually at the bottom of the plant and getting no light, so these would die off as normal, but due to natural selection if these plants where meant to have less leaf then they would be naturally growing with less leaves, but their not, im not totally against removing leaves, but id only take them in veg, when you flip to flower you want to focus the plants growth on bud production but if you remove leaves then the plant is going to slow down the bud production to make leaves bigger or force the growth of new leaves,
dont forget your manager:)

I wont, got ya back bro!! If i get the hook up, ill split ya a 30% chop managers fee:) Now im hoping i get a $2,000,000
payout for such genius, stoners everywhere will get into em! Can also make Greens Beans- instead of the sauce, soak em in hash oil! LOl.. Mite taste like shit but youll get ripped ( and do ripper farts!lol)
Thanks bro.. Yeah well any leafs im takin will be no more than 3 at a time, from spots where the branch shoots are well grown out, and i tuck away what i can and over next week or two, i wont have to trim much as i secure her final points..
I have read those, and yeah i got told the same to trim it and itll be fine, but i know better, they need their fans, And im only in Veg atm, when she flowers, if i have to trim for light to buds i will.. I dont want to shock my girls, so i am not Edward scissor hands with her, only take whats going to benefit her. As she is now, she should grow up well considering her slow start she is established, havent had any nute burn issues or probs since i first messed up and sprayed Pyrethrum spray on her too early, other than thats she has been great..Hope she will keep progressing well from now..
Thanks and plz drop by again for a check up Dr. Greenthumb:) Later, SMOKEMUP..
Don! *hugs* I have missed you so much!! I'm back, I'll PM you with the details, but I'm baaaaaack!! *hugs*. I have everything back up and running, but ivenhad to start from scratch which is a bummer, but at least this way I can make adjustments to my set up that I wasn't able to before. Like I'll have a veg or mother (haven't decided) area, and then pretty much the same as before, except I'm considering putting a shelf about 4 ft high, and possibly setting up a second area on top of the first. The closet had an organizer in it, so it's cut in half, and the left side is wide open where I had the plants before, and the right side has room at the bottom for my swamp cooler, then shelf for the veg area, then a shelf, and right now I just have my nutes and misc stuff on the top shelf. It'll be nice and organized.

Looks like your doing well, keeping a journal gets kind of complicated the further along you get, as you clone and harvest all at different times, it's never ending. Seems like the only completed journals, are ones like mine, or outdoor grows. But I've been following you along for the long run, so I haven't missed much. :)

Do you have ALL your plants in 2l hempies? I need to see pictures!!

As for the trimming debate, I usually trim any damaged leaves, and tuck others, I'm a big fan of LST, spreading the branches out. But I have definitely experienced being 'trim happy' which has stunted growth, so IMO less is more.
@jamesthegreen, the problem is mate you can search the net and find this info all over the place, taking leaves isnt all bad in moderation, but taking the leaves will and does stress a plant, and what you take away the plant tries to recover by growing new leaves or making other leaves bigger, i have removed leaves but not loads, i have got some monster cropped plants that are going crazy with growth and i have had to remove leaves to get the light in, but im not talking a load of leaves, just the odd one or 2 that was sitting exactly on top of buds, the plants will rot if the leaves are touching each other, you can see the leaves sweat and have moisture on them where they have been touching, but i think taking a load of leaves to try and improve the grow is just wrong,

i also trimmed my hempie the last time round and all it did was make the bud leaves bigger, the bud leaves where small leaves and casuing no problems, i then trimmed the leaves as i had read to do no later than day 21 of flower, but doing this got me knowhere fast, all it did was get the plant to focus its growth on leaf production to replace what it had lost,

the plants are used to growing with the leaves they have got, you start taking them and the plant thinks somethings wrong, so it panics and starts puttings its growth into new leaves, does this affect yield, who knows, but chances are it does, i think its not so much a problem taking them in veg, but once you flip the lights to 12-12 id leave the plants well alone and if the leaves are in the way just tuck them out the way, even in veg i dont think its the best thing to do, but sometimes the lights not getting in and removing a leaf gets the plant growing and new bud sites growing, this is why lst works, it makes the plant grow in a way that gets more light into the growth at the nodes, normally these nodes would be in the dark and produce very little, but by doing some lst you are letting the light get into all these places that light dont normally get to, and this then makes it grow quicker at the places that normally grow slow, so then the plant gives many top bud sites due to the light getting in and making the plant grow, but many tops dont mean more bud, 1 big main cola will produce 1 big bud, but if you had 10 tops then you wont get 10 times the amount you would if you just left it with 1 main stem, but it can increase yield but not 10 fold, it just gets the plant growing parts that would normally stay small.

now i only remove leaves that are yellow and nearly dead, these leaves are usually at the bottom of the plant and getting no light, so these would die off as normal, but due to natural selection if these plants where meant to have less leaf then they would be naturally growing with less leaves, but their not, im not totally against removing leaves, but id only take them in veg, when you flip to flower you want to focus the plants growth on bud production but if you remove leaves then the plant is going to slow down the bud production to make leaves bigger or force the growth of new leaves,

Hey DonPaul:) Yeah im kinda with you on removing leaves.. Tho as you said, if your plant is going crazy from LST, or SCROG sometimes for neccessity you have to take a couple here and there.
I only like to take a few over the week if i have to, no more than whats needed.. I tuck and tether branches but when ya have a Phat bush like mine and urs atm, for proper growth you need to take a couple.
During flower they change nute requirements etc; and the leaves act as that buffer so kepping em on and healthy as long as possible is the goal IMO.. When my last was near her end she mostly yellowed, really only a few sugar leaves among the buds stayed nice and green.. So if too many are taken in flower i think it will hinder growth to some point anyway.. Goodluck to all anyways and KEEP IT GREEN:) Smokem..
I hear YOU DPP,and You are right, whatever way of growing works best For you, Do It, I just felt Bad for tesmp is All, and was Just trying to say, you Hit The Nail On The Head with Your advice about it all. Outdoors, I have an advantage of there actually being so Much, it really does Not matter if they stay or Go. I pick leafs as well, and Arms Too,when they are withering or yellowing up, not Arms if they are just turning yellow, the leaf's on them that is. And DPP, thank You so MUCH for giving me Respect for My long winded Statements, You really made Me feel GREAT, by saying that, THANK YOU DPP!!!:thanks: So, it is the end of Winter in Australia now, Right Guys??? And a Question, who is this Herbies, I keep hearing MANY PEOPLE mention, I know it is a Seed Co. But they Ship to the States as Well??? I think I remember miwa saying he had ordered seeds from them, so they are on the level, they Do Not Do any Highjinks anyone has heard Of??? Cause if so, I might check them out, they are online obviously, RIGHT??? I just wonder what American Dollars into Pounds is??? They must be from the UK right? I only say this because they use Pound instead of Dollar Prices in the Posts I read about them in, I believe. Australia uses The Dollar System, Not American of Course, but Australian, Right??? I thought I heard or read that somewhere, I know in Canada it is Dollars. Happily have been to Canada Before, Only Vancouver B.C., but it was awesome!!! Well all, I'll let You GO!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
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