First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

one thing that I have noticed is no matter how good the stuff is it seems that I get a tollerence to it. so for me as I just want to grow to smoke, I cant get locked into one strain.but that maybe just me.I have 3 different ones now to smoke and find if I alternate the buzz from each is better. does anyone else find this to be true?

Yeah tolerance is pretty common! I've heard great things about the sensi star and that it gives you the same knockout high nearly every time even after ounces of it so maybe we'll be lucky!
Yeah tolerance is pretty common! I've heard great things about the sensi star and that it gives you the same knockout high nearly every time even after ounces of it so maybe we'll be lucky!
man I'am hopping you is right:)
@teSmp, thanks for the tip mate, never thought about doing it with a monster clone/cropped, i think its a bit late to try now, i could possibly do it with the one, it would be one huge bud, the one stem must have 10 nodes on it, so it would be on huge bud, you always give me something to think about mate, full of ideas, ill have a look when i get back, if its not to late ill try it, i just find it hard removing bud sites, but it works with the 2ltrs so it should work with anything else, hmmm ill see, i hate cutting off the side shoots on the 2ltr hempie but after the results i got lost time i lose no sleep doing it now, plus it makes good clones,
man I'am hopping you is right:)

My friend harvested his 4 months ago I believe and it still gives him that feeling! And he smokes 1000x more then me lol.. He probably has smoked 6 or 7 zips of it over that time period and he is still getting it.. I smoke like a few hits before bed and some of my stuff is losing it's magic unless I hit it more..

@teSmp, thanks for the tip mate, never thought about doing it with a monster clone/cropped, i think its a bit late to try now, i could possibly do it with the one, it would be one huge bud, the one stem must have 10 nodes on it, so it would be on huge bud, you always give me something to think about mate, full of ideas, ill have a look when i get back, if its not to late ill try it, i just find it hard removing bud sites, but it works with the 2ltrs so it should work with anything else, hmmm ill see, i hate cutting off the side shoots on the 2ltr hempie but after the results i got lost time i lose no sleep doing it now, plus it makes good clones,

Ohh no no! Don't cut off all the arms... I mean strip the lower shit off of each arm... like this:


I can tell you it's not to late by looking at the flowers... It's less then 21 days into flowering right? Just a suggestion :) But if it were mine I would strip the lower stuff up so I would end up with big buds on the end of each of those arms instead of smaller buds all the way up them. It's funny you still have a hard time removing the bud sites after already seeing that it works first hand. I just chop it like I'm mowing the lawn lol.

edit: just curious how long are the arms about from that red line up?

double edit: +rep
I've heard great things about the sensi star and that it gives you the same knockout high nearly every time even after ounces of it so maybe we'll be lucky!

True. No matter what i smoked before let it be 'qualty' commercial hydro stuff or whatever my underfed poor sensi mom always hit me properly and tasted much better. Even though it was my first grow (top cola weighed 10-15g i believe :) ).
Wonder what she does when kept in good health..?

But definitely not a midday smoke, nice to have a haze or something next to it :)
True. No matter what i smoked before let it be 'qualty' commercial hydro stuff or whatever my underfed poor sensi mom always hit me properly and tasted much better. Even though it was my first grow (top cola weighed 10-15g i believe :) ).
Wonder what she does when kept in good health..?

But definitely not a midday smoke, nice to have a haze or something next to it :)

Yep, I've heard nothing but good stuff about Sensi, never a single bad comment! I would have to agree though, definitely want to hit it at night or nap time lol.. Luckily for me I only smoke for insomnia!
Before I go,NO leave all of those leaves below the line, they are solar receptors, filters for nutes, emergency water and it will stress the plant to cut off leaves that just do not need to be cut, IMHO. If you let it, the Plant will get rid of it's leaves as it drains their energy and they are no longer needed. I have said this about 100 times, but we all grow the way we want. The reason buds look bigger when you remove the leaves is because, as the leaves are gone,of course the buds will look bigger, almost like an optical illusion!!! Just because a leave is blocking light, does not mean said leaves are not providing energy to the Buds in Question!!! We will have to have a good talk about this when I get back, meeting my ride at 5:30, so I have very little time to argue My Point. I will fully explain My point of View, when I get back, If I can keep from getting to Drunk, I WILL PUFF TONIGHT(GOD I HOPE NO ONE WANTS ME TO DRINK WHISKEY OR SCOTCH, HATE THE TASTE OF BOTH!!!), but leave the leaves on I say, have you ever heard of Nature making the leaves fall off of a tree, before they are not needed anymore??? No, RIGHT!!! Same with MMJ. Will defend My Point when I get back!!! JTG.
Before I go,NO leave all of those leaves below the line, they are solar receptors, filters for nutes, emergency water and it will stress the plant to cut off leaves that just do not need to be cut, IMHO. If you let it, the Plant will get rid of it's leaves as it drains their energy and they are no longer needed. I have said this about 100 times, but we all grow the way we want. The reason buds look bigger when you remove the leaves is because, as the leaves are gone,of course the buds will look bigger, almost like an optical illusion!!! Just because a leave is blocking light, does not mean said leaves are not providing energy to the Buds in Question!!! We will have to have a good talk about this when I get back, meeting my ride at 5:30, so I have very little time to argue My Point. I will fully explain My point of View, when I get back, If I can keep from getting to Drunk, I WILL PUFF TONIGHT(GOD I HOPE NO ONE WANTS ME TO DRINK WHISKEY OR SCOTCH, HATE THE TASTE OF BOTH!!!), but leave the leaves on I say, have you ever heard of Nature making the leaves fall off of a tree, before they are not needed anymore??? No, RIGHT!!! Same with MMJ. Will defend My Point when I get back!!! JTG.

I'll have to completely disagree with everything your saying.. Because those lower leaves are gone does not make the top buds look any larger.. I've done it both ways.. One bud will be a little bigger then wrapping my hand around it and the lollipoped one will be 3x bigger.. And I spared myself from having tiny popcorn crap.. I'm not going to stick around to argue though because, well... Just not point in arguing it. DP has seen it first hand, I've seen it first hand, and many others...

I would be right there with you if you were talking about defoliating (removing leaves all over the plant) but your saying removing scraggly garbage is a bad thing. He can even do a test for us, they are different strains and size unfortunately. But still you can remove the stuff on one of them and leave it on the other.. We'll see how that turns out.

I posted this anothers thread yesterday.. But this is a friends that has LST'd and lollipop'd his plants.. This is only 35 days into flowering and the buds right in front of the camera are 24" long.. So now he has solid buds from tip to where he lollipop'd and no popcorn b/s..


Again this is only 35 days into flowering! Halfway, most of ours don't even look like developed buds at this point. This is the method he's done forever.

edit: unless your talking about outdoor.. Some of us aren't graced with the power of the sun so we have to do other methods to keep the yield up or buds large.
Thats the think about outdoor growing, the sun moves so the plants with full leaves still recieve sun throughout the whole plant.

Trimming to let light in works and so does leaving the leaves on. It all depends on plants size, light size, the ammount you trim . Its a big debate whether to trim or not and everyone thinks their way works best so keep doing it your way and dont say someone else's way is wrong because you think you know it all. You will know it all when you listen to others more than yourself.

And to be fair to JamesTheGreen he lives in the emerald triangle and produces pound plants, I think he knows what he's doing. PLus Jorge Cervantes will tell you to NEVER trim. Keep up the monsters JTG amazing plants and Congrats +Rep on POTM
I love the civilized debate about defolating. I must say that I have been defolating throughout veg and a few time during flower during my last few grows and I have been pleased with the results. I have read that in nature plants need the leaves for stored nutes because of the natural stress that nature has. And when indoors the plants are given the perfect amount of nutes because they are in optimum growing conditions so they don't need the leaves. For me, I like to keep the leaves that are not blocking any budsites.

Since I have defolated. In my small grow area. I get more harvestable buds on the bottom areas on the branches. If I grew outside I would not defolate period. I agree with JBC420, outdoor plants get more sun coverage on the entire plant.
I think removing some leaves under a single fixed light source can help a LOT (maybe fixed is more important than single).
Must admit im really unexperienced (just about to finish my firt real grow).
I tried leaving all leaves with my first flowered girls and some buds ended up crippled under bigger leaves. Now with the second batch i remove some and it really seems to help - the strong buds grow just as good without those leaves and the ones that got direct light start to speed up. I know those big fan leaves were pretty effective, but this enables branches under the once covered side buds to grow even more effectve leaves.
I would not take off more then 1-3 healthy leaves from any plant per day.

Am i missing something..?
Well I'm with James if he's saying don't defoliate.. I don't remove a single leaf above the point where I lollipop. If it covers a bud I'll move it out of the way or I'll leave it where it is, I bought an HPS for penetration power I think it can go through a leaf. What I don't agree with him about is lollipop'ing or removing stuff below a certain point that will barely ever amount to smokable bud. Like I said if I were lucky enough to grow outdoors I wouldn't remove anything. Just as other have said you get the sun that moves perfectly all across the sky, not to mention the intensity, wind, ability to let the roots/plants get enormous..

Lollipop'ing works it's as simple as that, tons of people have had success with it. I also told donpaul it was a suggestion, and I've given him many, some of which has helped him advance and some of which he does his OWN research and decides its not for him or maybe later. And btw James I love your plants and I'm jealous because I would die if I had the chance to grow anything outdoor, especially some monsters.
AGREED, Outdoors and Indoors are two different ways of Growing, when I grew indoors, I would remove the Kolas one section at a time, then lower My Lights, and let the Bottom Ones Beef up, since they now got ALL the energy. I guess I should have gone deeper in My explanation on My reasoning. Not a know it all, Or God Either, for that matter. I come to this site to learn and chat, like I believe most of us do. If I sounded ARROGANT, it was not meant to sound that way:scratchinghead:. I have an opinion, and You have yours. Neither of us is Right or Wrong!!! If it works for you, then do it, I say that a lot as well. You are SO right JBC420, if we listen more, we automatically learn more. That is why EVERYONE'S wisdom has relevancy:high-five:. And tesMp, not arguing, but those bottom Buds can beef up a lot if given the time. But if You are rotating Crops, I can see why You would not want to take the time on Popcorn Buds, even if You are not rotating Crops I can understand why!!! I was just taught to never harm the Plant is all, have not learned this from Jorge(GENIUS), but from My old Mentor PB(PEANUT BUTTER, A NICKNAME OBVIOUSLY, HOW HE GOT IT IS ANOTHER STORY?!?):cheesygrinsmiley: And I just try to express what I was taught/learned, so we are BOTH RIGHT, whether we agree, or disagree with one another is irrelevant, it comes down to what works for us!!! Thank You for the Reps, and I feel Nervous declaring Victory with so much time left!!!:bitingnails: Great Discussion!!! Take care Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
thanks for all the comments, ive not defoliated any of the plants, im still undecided, i have been chopping off side branches on the hempies and i turn them into clones, i still cringe when i cut them off, i want to leave them on but know ill get bigger bud if i take the side branches off, so for now im doing it with the hempies, i think this time round ill leave the others as they are, its to late i think to do anyway as buds are well formed on all branches,

i have placed my order with herbies again. the blueberry auto i ordered a few days ago has sprouted, i didnt plant the blue mystic yet cuz i got way to many plants.

i got a message off herbie today telling me he has changed his free offers, so i went and had a look, and he is giving some amazing seeds away with every order, so i went ahead and ordered another 2 auto fems, cant wait till they get here, ill be planting autos as soon as i get them as they dont need to be under 12-12 so can grow them anywhere, so i ordered the 2 fem autos and here is what i got for free
: 1 X Royal Queen Fruit Spirit Feminised Seed, 2 X Seedsman Sleestack x Skunk#1 Regular Seeds.
so as you can see his free offers have changed and you get them seeds with every order so even if you only buy 1 seed for £1.25 then you get them free, but i spent £15 on 2 auto fem seeds, both purple strains, i am now placing another order for the big hitting auto miwa mentioned, so ill be getting another 3 free seeds with that auto.

@teSmp, i not pruned the plants mate, they are to far in flower and dont want to stress them, ill try it next time round with 1 of the clones i have now got growing in veg

@crashnfool, thanks mate, its been hard work and its all starting to pay off, the yield this time is going to be a lot better than last time, so cant wait, plus i got an purple auto growing but its only just starting, i got another 2 autos purples on their way so will be planting them as soon as they come, but i wont be planting any more fem or reg seeds as i have to many plants now, once i have flowered off the plants in flower then ill start planting some new seeds cuz i can move what i got in veg into the hps room so then ill plant some more in the veg room, but got a few weeks before i do that, but my auto ill be planting as soon as i get them as i dont have to worry about the lighting schedule.

the only thing i can add to pruning is when i did this with one of my plants last time it made the bud leaves get bigger and made the bud harder to trim and more leafy, so would this do the same if i did it with the plants in flower, or is it best to do the pruning say around week 1 or 2 of flower, i think if its done early enough then it should be ok and not cause no problems, but when i did it in flower it just made all the smaller bud leaves get bigger.

so im still undecided, it something i want to try when i have got 2 plants of the same age and same strain, so the clones i have taken from the hempies will be used for that experiment, the 1 ill leave as it is and let it grow without any pruning, the other will be pruned and any small branches removed, so that experiment will be after these have flowered, at least then i can compare the grow side by side and compare the yield as the plants are both the same age, the clones where taken from the same part of the plant just opposite sides of the branch so they shoulds develop the same, but their still rooting for now, so as soon as these have finished flowering ill put all the plants i have in veg under the hps, ill have to cut a few and throw them away as i have to many, but at least i can pick the strongest clones this time, then ill either bin the rest or try and find someone that wants a few free clones,

i cant believe how much my plants have changed since the pictures on the last page, they are well into flower now, so any pruning would cause problems with leafy bud, i think it needs to be done early enough to prevent this from happening, when i did it with the 2ltr hempie it worked as i done it early enough, the only question i really have is, do i get more yield having just 1 bud with the 2ltr hempies or would i get more leaving the side branches on, the plant should only really get as wide as the roots so it would not spread out much, but didnt know if id get more yield leaving the branches on or not, so far i have been removing them as they are perfect for clones, just wondered if anyone has tried this and not removed the branches
the auto that i harvested twice is still growing, i have not harvested it the first time as it has got loads of new growth and new buds growing, so its still producing more buds for me to harvest, the buds on it are growing as well, they was little short buds but now they are still flowering and getting bigger so not really sure whats going on with it, the pistils are white and still growing, none have turned oange, when i harvested the last 2 times the pistils had turned orange and the trichs some turned orange, but now some of the trichs are orange but none of the pistils are changing colour, the buds just get fuller and fuller and keep growing, so im not harvesting it just yet i want to see how far it will go, as soon as i see the buds are ready ill harvest it, but for now the leaves are perfect and green the buds are perfect and still flowering,

has anyone come across this before, ive harvested it twice and it continues to flower, ill see how far it can go, im amazed its got this far, it is an auto and should flower due to age, but it has flowered twice all ready and getting ready for the 3rd harvest, it has new leaves growing and new branches growing so ill leave it as it is, when i harvested it what i did was not remove any branches, i got my knife and sciscors and carefully removed only the buds from the branches, this left bare branches, well these bare branches are no longer bare, it started growing leaves and buds again along these branches, so for now it s still in flower and it smells nicer and nicer each day, cant wait to sample these buds, the 2nd harvest buds are the best so far, and out of all the strains i have grown the only bud i have been smoking is from this auto.

if anyone else has come across this before then give me a shout, their is a journal on here where another grower keeps harvesting his plant and it keeps growing the same as this, i just need to find the journal as i have some questions and ideas to put past the grower, i mean how many times will a plant flower, its meant to die after flowering, but if you removed all the flowers and left the lower leaves, does this then make the plant flower again, usually you cut the branches off to get the buds, but if your careful you can remove the buds without taking the branches off, has doing this kept the plant in flower mode, i need to find that journal and see what the other grower has done to keep harvesting it time after time, i was told he has been harvesting the same plant for ages with no re-veg, just harvest then back under flower, so does removing all the buds from the plant and leaving the branches somehow make it grow again to replace what it has lost, its like pruning, when you take a leaf the plant produces more of makes what it has got bigger, is the same thing happening here.

is this something we can improve on, is this something that could be done and would mean we could harvest the same plant over say 12months, im doing this with an auto and the plant looks as good as it did the 1st time i harvested it, no leaves are dying, but they was dying before i harvested it the 1st time, some had turned yellow, but after removing the buds and leaving the branches and leaves it made the leaves go green again, is this something we can implement in out grows to get a constant harvest from the same plant with no re-veg time, or is this just a freak of nature,
SOS, can someone go and have a look at this growers plants, he has got a huge problem, everything was ok till he changed the res and added new nutes, im thinking its an over nute problem but im no hydro grower so not the best to give advice,
so reps to anyone who can give some advice, new grower and he is in trouble, here is the link below
Oatbakes' Aerogarden White Dwarf + Lowryder First Time Indoor Grow
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