First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

glr, basically you use glr for vegging the plants, so use the lights you use to veg with, i use hps for both so it makes no difference for me, but basically it works like this
12 hours of constant light
5.5 hours of dark
1 hour of light
5.5 hours of dark.
then start again, i use an old analogue timer to do this and it works great, basically you give the plant the 12 hours of light, then normally to flower you would give it 12 hours of dark, but buy only giving it 11 hours of dark it keeps the plant in veg, so thats why we give it 1 hours of light during the 12 hour dark period, you could give them 1.5 hours of light during the dark period as well.
but i found using glr it showed me the sex of the plant in 2 weeks, and when i removed the 1 hour light during the dark period i noticed the plants stretched and flowered a whole lot quicker, if you have any questions about glr give me a shout back.
so to use glr you use it from day 1, as soon as the seeds have popped and have gone in pots you then start glr, it keeps costs down due to not having the light on all the time, as long as you give it 12 hours of light followed by 5.5 hours of dark, then 1 hour of light then the other 5.5 of dark, then start again with the 12 hours of light, digital timers are a bit harder to set up for glr but it can be done, instead i use a cheap analogue one with the switches that you push up and down to choose when the light should be on and off

@ kr0nic, i ended up with 1 out door plant, im not sure if it was the hail storm that killed the other, chances are it was the weeds and tall grass that stopped the light getting to it, the other is still alive and i weeded around it to remove grass and weeds so now its getting the best of the sun, ill check back tomorrow and take some pics, it looked a bit sorry for itself when i looked at it when i done some weeding so im hoping its looking a whole lot better.

@teSmp, thanks mate, i think im starting to notice a difference, but they are different strains so its not a good test really, but the one with the air stone has got bigger leaves and the growth at the nodes is more than the one without the air stone, ill know more over the next week or so

@greenfingers, the more the better mate, glad you want to follow my journal, feel free to ask any questions, im coming over to check your grow as well.

i got some amazing news, i just ordered some seeds from herbies, and with the order i sent a msg, saying that due to their low prices and discreet speedy delivery i have past on this info to people on this 420 site, i said i have sent many orders their way from new growers and they are also pleased with the service, so i then thanked them for the service they give me,
10 min later i checked my emails and i found i got a reply from herbie, check this out

Many thanks! We’re really grateful to you for finding the time to send us some positive feedback – thanks too for spreading the good word about Herbies, it’s much appreciated!

As a token of our appreciation, we’re going to include 2 additional fem freebies with your order #80772.

We’ll despatch tomorrow, when we’ll be in touch with your parcel tracking info

so how about that for a nice bonus from herbies, i have sent them loads of new custom though through this site, i never praised them to get free seeds, i just praised them for the service they give me, im so chuffed herbie as been that generous, it just shows if you stick with the same seed seller then it really does pay off, plus sending a company praise is always worth doing, how else do they know that their customers are happy with the service.
Great...nothing beats free..why didn't you order that auto pounder???that might be the one you've been looking for,,,i'll be satisfied with .5 lbs...if i order from herbie i'll be sure to mention your they know the name donpaul??? probably not..but they will remember the guy thats giving out references...well time for some plant mantenace...
herbie knows who i am, just drop them my screen name, herbie is great for his fast replies as well, i have not found anywhere that is as good as herbies for their offers and low prices,
so anyways i ordered some purple strains, some purple auto and some fem purple, both are fem so should be fem plants,
ill post the strains when i get them, cant remember what they was but they look and sound ok, ill be planting the auto as soon as i get it, the purple ill be holding onto for the next time round, plus it depends what bonus seeds i got.

miwa, you know this auto, did it say how long it takes to grow, does it require longer to grow than other autos or is it still a quick turn around, im very interested in this monster auto, i just replied to you in deege's journal,
post the link to the auto here as i and others would be interested in checking it out, wonder if herbies does it, let me know who the breeder is and ill drop herbie a msg and see if he has got it or is getting it, he covers all breeders so chances are if he hasnt got it then he will get it soon im sure, i got my seeds the day after tomorrow, herbie will post them out tomorrow and ill get them the very next day, hows that for service,
is that auto from herbies? drop us the link and ill have a look, may order that as well and give it a try along side the purple auto,
the auto i have ordered states that it grows best in wet ground, it says if you let the compost dry out then it badly stunts growth, wonder if thats the same with other autos, its just on this one it clearly says that the roots should not be in dry compost at all as the plant will slow down and reduce yield loads, so it looks like this plant likes the wet environment, wonder if other autos follow this trait, maybe ruderalis grow where its wet and difficult to grow, it would explain why we all get different results from the same autos, maybe we are not watering them often enough, ill post the write up on the strain when i get it and you can read it and make your own mind up, but if this is true then it may explain why we are getting small yields from these,
thanks mate, it dont sound to bad does it, i may give that a try as well, have you ordered from them before, ill drop herbie a msg see if he has come across it or is coming across it, i dont like ordering from places ive not heard of as i lost a load of cash before by using some scam site a while back, have you ordered and tried the seeds from them, with results like that it would be well worth doing,
it does take slightly longer than a normal auto but with the extra yield it really is worth it,
thanks for the link, ill reps you if i can, im sure others will be looking at that auto as well, maybe that strain is stable and gives great results,
can someone reps miwa for me, i got to spread some love first as iv been giving it out to much love to all these great growers
ok, i take it you have not received the beans yet, let me know how delivery goes and how discreet it is, its got to be discreet for me due to where i am, i dont need any return address on the envelope or stuff like that, if it goes ok mate then give me a shout and ill place an order next time i get some cash, i would like to give that auto a try and see how it turns out, it sounds to me like its the best auto i have come across so im very interested in giving it a try
yep...just ordered last order from dutch seeds...thats a sponsor...took me a month to get them...they had to re-send because of an intercept...really don't believe the lb part..if you noticed..they said if grown under optimal condition nearly 1 lb per sq meter..and they have seeds from herbies seed bank...maybe herbie has auto pounders...
ill have a look mate, ive been checking out the strains and estimated yield, its based on area covered, it dont say per plant does it, so it could mean 2 plants give them results, but even so, id be more than happy with .5 lb, that would be more than enough, would still beat most normal none auto strains, ill search on herbies and see what i can find, if its on their then ill let you know, it is something i am wanting to try so ill find out where else stocks it, let me know when you get the delivery and how discreet it is, then if i dont find it at herbies i can give the place you ordered from a try, but for now im more than happy with the service i get from herbies, ill let you know what i find out
the auto i ordered is some blueberry strain, ill post the details when i get the seeds cuz i cant remember what the strain was exactly, i was more looking at the pics and prices as i want to try these purples and check if they go purple on their own or do you need that big drop in night time temps to bring out the purple, im sure ill soon find out
thats what i have been reading, it needs a drop of 10deg at night to bring out the purple, but some growers on here have grown purple under normal temps so id like to see how this works, ill be growing these under normal temps, if the temps drop at night then it should help, but if they dont and they still turn purple then clearly they will grow at normal temps.
i have been reading though that most cannabis strains will turn purple given the right temps even none purple strains, so im going to look into this and see what happens, if it turns out that they dont turn purple then ill get my purps in winter and veg and flower them during the winter when i will be able to give them the cool night time temps, but been as the sun has finally got to us i dont think the temps will drop much now till end of sept ish, but it is raining tomorrow, im hoping to check on my outdoor grow before it rains, ill take some pics when i get their.

a month seems a long time to wait for beans, the longest i have waited was 3 days and that was with another seller and not herbies, my herbie order comes the next day as long as i order before 12, as i didnt order before 12 today then this means they will post them out 1st class and ill get them the day after tomorrow
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Hi all, im looking for any advice and tips on this grow, if they all turn out to be female then ill be taking cuttings, the nl x bb is suppose to be feminised seed but no guarantee, the others are not feminised, so the female ones ill be taking cuttings from, im looking for the quickest grow with the most yield, i was considering sog method after cuttings or scrog method, please tell me about any other methods i could try, i have read through many journals on this site and found this the best site by far so will keep reading and learning, any tips and advice is more than welcomed, stay tuned ill upload pics as soon as i figure out how to do it,

An up date to this journal would be nice????

Although the grower "p" has done a good job so far, in my opinion there is some room for improvements

1: Please remove all non MJ plants from the area, they got bugs, if they don't?'ll be surprised

2: Consider putting a small fan (pc) or similar there, so plants breather and heat is removed

3: Lay the bulbs horizontal, much debate on this exists, you loose 50% lumens at V, but gain 80+ lumens at H
once you place then to within 2'' on the plants

4: Lighting array is a mess, great for when plant are much larger, consider a pvc rack

5 Although you go the pots on media covers, ( I have been known for proper planning in the outset, a dedicated grow space
with venting and light control, makes growing far less hassle

Theses are my observations on you old post not as criticisms, only as I've been their myself

@vastok, not sure what pages of my journal your reading, im only growing mj and nothing else, my lighting rig is no more ive been using hps for over a month, my fans are 2 12v computer fans, i harvested my first lot of plants and some autos and now im on round to of flower, i got 4 plants in 3gallon pots, and 2 x 2ltr dwc hempie,
my grow cupboards are brick built 3 ft by 3ft and floor to ceiling high, they have a vent in the top venting outside, but im not risking using the vets as i live in a flat so might stink other flats out so for now im not venting, i have got a small carbon filter going on as well, not even sure if it makes a difference but my plants dont stink that much so im not to worried unless i get some stinky strain, then ill invest in some bigger carbon filter or that ona gel, but for now my plants are well into flower of round 2, so alls good really mate.
i dont really have any problems yet, did have some small bugs but they have now gone so ive not really got anything im concerned about, in fact everything seems to be going to well, touch wood.

when i first started this site i knew very little but with all the help and advice i have been given things are now much better and im able to give others advice, my 400watt dual spectrum hps works wonders with my plants, im using glr for the lighting and my plants and clones responded well to this, but now im in flower so not using glr in main room, im using glr in the clone room and seedling room,

using glr my seedlings show sex at week 2, they instantly start to flower when flipped 12-12, so from now on im sticking with glr, plus it keeps the temps down and also keeps the electric costs down.
so in flower ive got 6 plants, ive got 1 auto as well which im about to harvest for the 3rd time, it seems as soon as i harvest and leave the small buds and put it back under 24-0 it keeps growing buds and giving me more, so ive harvested it twice so far and left the smallest of buds on the plant, but these are not small any more and the auto is showing new nodal growth and new leaf growth, so ill see how far this auto will go.

someone has told me their is a journal on here where a growers is harvesting his plant then putting it back under flower and it gives him more to harvest, this is without a re-veg just put back under flower, so im trying to find that journal as this growers has been harvesting this plant for a while, ill try and find it and post the link, sounds a bit weird to me, but after watching what this auto does i have questions so need to find it in all the journals.

so thanks for the advice you gave me, ive gotten over my slow start and now everything seems fine, ive had loads of advice of lost of growers on here and now i can pass the advice on to others
hi everyone, a quick update for you, ill take pics later for a big update.

anyways my plants are doing amazing, my hempies are now as big as the normal plants, i think im going to get more off them this time round, all the plants are well in flower and look amazing, so ill take some pics and show you what i got going on.

anyways i got my delivery today from herbies, if you remember herbie was sending me 2 extra free seeds so below is what i got.

here is the seeds i actually paid for.
1 x blueberry auto, this has been planted today so im hoping for some nice purple buds, so its gone into soil instead of using paper towel method as i have found the seeds grow quicker when strait in soil so thats what i have done, this seed was £4
1x nirvana blue mystic, i chose this due to its blue colour when flowered, this will be planted in a couple of weeks, £3 i think.

now for the free seeds
2 x big bud#2
1x delicious fruity chroinic juice, im pleased this is still on the free offer as the 1 i got growing looks amazing so im glad i got another one of these, plus its a fem seed.
now these next 2 herbie sent me for sending them a compliment here is the bonus seeds i got
2 x seedism big red femenised, the right up on this seed looks amazing, like a strawberry cough, for 5 of these seeds its £50 and i got 2 for free, these will also be planted in a couple of weeks, cant wait to give them a try
thanks, i chose the auto and blue mystic due to their colour and the write up on it, i wanted to try a few purple strains so thats what i did, keep checking in and you will see them grow and hopefully turn purple and blue, i have planted the auto so that will be first, ive got a few plants in flower now so ill plant the other seeds in a week or 2 then they will be ready for next time round, cant wait to try them myself, been waiting for a nice purple strain so hopefully i have now got one.

ill update some pics of my grow later, my plants look so amazing now, so much better than last time round, guess the bpn is working its magic as i used it from day 1 this time so my plants are growing and flowering like crazy, even at full strength i am not getting any problems, even my 2ltr hempies are taking the bpn nutes at the same level and amounts as the bigger plants and its not stressing or over nuting them, they look so good, so the next update will be interesting to say the least, im so chuffed with what i have got this time round
i been thinking about that strawberry cough ever grow or smoke that ? back into flower ? i don't think thats possible...when a plant flowers thats the end of life..the only way i know of to extend that life re-veg..i may be wrong..don' t know everything..just learned re-veg this year...
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